Shuffle afternoon TODAY 400-460 PP. (4 PM (GMT))

(not sure if i can do this on this part of the forum)

Race Type: shuffle random races
Races Time: 4 PM (GMT)
PP: 400 - 460
Circuits: Choosen by voting
Room: + info if drivers avaiable

Just created this event because i know there's a lot of people that like shuffle races, but dont like crazy ramming races...
if you want to join please let me know.
All drivers are suposed to play like a gentleman.
Room information will be avaiable 1 hour before the event and if there are at least 8 drivers avaiable

If you have any suggestion feel free to do so.

Cheers mates!

EDIT: racing hour may change if drivers wich for it, this is a very flexible little event :)
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