Signature Images

  • Thread starter Acid X
United States
I believe im not the only one that wouldnt like images available in the signatures.

I recently finished working on a php script that lets people view what im listening to through an image, and its a small graphic that i would like to be able to use in my signature.

Its 300x40, which is a good size for a sig. Only 21kb in size (eh, i went for high-quality, so sue me) Its not any bigger than the regulated size on avatars..

Maybe if you would let us have them, you could enforce some sort of file size/dimension restrictions, so if anybody had anything bigger than what was allowed you could just take it out and notify the person.

Besides, all the images would have to be remotely hosted, so it wouldnt put a strain on the GTP servers. I think this would be a nifty idea.. Anybody else?

(BTW, here is the image i want to use as a sig: )
I dont think itd slow it down all that much, because itd be coming from a different site. It would load GTP before attempting to load the other site. (I think..)
Maybe an option to not show signatures that contain images for 56K users. Or maybe that could be done in GTP lite.

Otherwise, it would be cool to have them. Maybe its a server space issue with Jordan.
Like i said, the images would have to be remotely hosted. Such as my sig, im hosting it off of my own machine..
It wouldn't be bad to have banners and the option for users not to show sig images in sigs. Sounds good to me. :D
No, this has been discussed numerous times before, but to put it simply, I really do not like browsing forums with images in signatures and I don't have any plans on enabling that option.
Aww, alright then. Atleast we gave it a shot, and i can understand why you dont want them. Thanks for atleast responding, though!

Oh, is it okay if i put the image at the end of each of my posts, or do you not want me to do that?
Originally posted by gt2_gs
Oh, is it okay if i put the image at the end of each of my posts, or do you not want me to do that?
Sure, it's OK to do that if you want. :)
Originally posted by Acid X
im not the only one that wouldnt like images available in the signatures.

You're not?

Who else wouldn't like images available in signatures? :P

Was that quote intentional?
I venture a lot of boards and there are plenty of forums with pictures in their sigs.
I for one have a vast array of sigs I use on other boards and to hear ppl complain about 56k puzzles me.
I too have 56k and have no problem loading pages with lots of sigs. That usually has to do with the forums themselves that make your page download slow, not your browser.
Coming onto the Planet is almost as fast as my dsl at work.
If your connection speed is slower than 48k, then I can see some slowdown of the page downloads but at 49 and up to my 52k speed, its fast enough for me.
Im a member of at least 15 forums including this one and never complained about pages uploading and some have many pics in their sigs to slow things down.
Oh, is it okay if i put the image at the end of each of my posts, or do you not want me to do that?
This would defeat the purpose of not having pictures in the sigs. Whats to say the size of the pasted sig is too large?
This has been tried at a few of the forums I go to and failed big time.
The moderators finally had to get on ppl before it got out of hand.
Just my opinions. ;)
Originally posted by Jordan
No, this has been discussed numerous times before, but to put it simply, I really do not like browsing forums with images in signatures and I don't have any plans on enabling that option.
👍 It's been difficult enough getting members to truncate sigs; luckily, peer pressure seems to have done the trick.
Originally posted by M5Power
You're not?

Who else wouldn't like images available in signatures? :P

Was that quote intentional?

Im another one.
If youve seen the pages with all the sigs on them by some of the other boards, you would vote a no too. :lol: :rolleyes:

Check out the attachment and youll see what Im talking about.
I hope it works.


  • untitled.bmp
    58.7 KB · Views: 14
Originally posted by misnblu
Im another one.
If youve seen the pages with all the sigs on them by some of the other boards, you would vote a no too. :lol: :rolleyes:

Check out the attachment and youll see what Im talking about.
I hope it works.

I was kidding with him because he made a type-o.

Frankly, I'm a 56K user and I rather like boards with images in sigs, but we get along fine without them, so I'm indifferent.
That attachment is by far the most sig per post I have ever seen.
As you can see, it takes up bigtime space and bandwidth.
Im glad that there are none here on the Planet.
Seeing some of the other boards, this is a nice change of pace.
That attachment is by far the most sig per post I have ever seen.
As you can see, it takes up bigtime space and bandwidth.
Im glad that there are none here on the Planet.
Seeing some of the other boards, this is a nice change of pace.

but i would like to use a very small image, i understand if you don't want peoples Wallpapers for sig but couldn't you make a limit of height and width? or is that impossible with images you don't host yourself?

my example:


it's 296x66 (maybe too wide) but a limit of 200x100 should be ok if it's possible to set that limit...

Edit: hehe just realized that it's over 2 years ago the post before mine was entered :P
To quote Jordan from maybe 4 posts up:
No, this has been discussed numerous times before, but to put it simply, I really do not like browsing forums with images in signatures and I don't have any plans on enabling that option.
And that post is still relevant to my feelings today. :)
And that post is still relevant to my feelings today. :)

hmm, well... if you're not sure the lion is tame you probably shouldn't open the cage...

i guess that's about your point... makes sense... i'll just party on @ GT Planet as before then :)

nice Infiniti btw