Skype Has Just Gone Down Worldwide

  • Thread starter Robin


United Kingdom
United Kingdom
In the last 15 minutes Twitter has flooded with posts about Skype being down and crashing on their computers. It appears to be across all platforms and all countries and the website is also down. Maintenance was not scheduled so is it another massive attack?

Maybe some are not happy with MS's takeover, actually there have been jokes already that it borked just when MS get involved!

Unlike another outages this one is having a weird effect, it actually crashes or hangs the program on your PC and you get the 'Skype has stopped working' notification. I have never seen a program act like this just because it cannot establish a connection. At first restarted my PC and that didn't work, then uninstalled and that didn't help. Only then I find that Skype is dead!

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If you have a crash with Skype today, go to C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Skype and remove the file shared.xml, then restart Skype, it should work!
Wow, so Skype has just had another major outage which is ridiculous seeing as as the last one was only a few weeks ago, now the program won't connect at all. I think Skype should maybe start thinking about giving out some compensation like they did on previous occasions, I'm looking at you pascal20 ;)

These events are clearly not scheduled maintenance and having such an unreliable service will just drive people away. Microsoft take the reigns and within a month there are two worldwide outages, classic.
Skype has had a massive worldwide outage today, it's been 5 hours now and they still can't solve it.

It really has been buggy for the past few years. Users always show as Online (Away) when they aren't, Avatars upload blurry whatever you do, missed calls and messages don't always turn up on time.... and you can get huge unexpected outages like this!

After MSN Messenger had the opportunity to be WhatsApp way back in 2009 but they stuffed it up. I wish as many people used Skype as WhatsApp / FB Messenger.
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Mine came back a couple of hours ago but now it won't connect again. The UK and Europe apparently had the most issues but as of now it's still not working :ouch: