SLS AMG Driving Academy Tune?

The tuned SLS in the AMG Driving Academy drives great!
Is there a similar tune for me to apply, or better, the exact tune.

You're right, it's a great car to drive. I've tried to figure out the tune but it's very strange.
The gearbox for sure is stock.
The sound is the sport exhaust

If you take a stock SLS , you put the aero kit , sport exhaust and custom suspension, it's close but still not close enough. The car from driving academy seems to be lighter with less power .
I'll try to add weight reduction 1 tomorrow and try some others combo.

Sports Suspension perhaps?

I think that the suspension must still be tuned with the fully custom kit to have the same feeling. Really special.
Strange is the power or the torque of this driving academy.
The gears are stock, they shift exactly at same speed for same RPM.
I did a test on the straight of the ring
If you put a sport exhaust with no oil change on a brand new SLS you will burn tires at the start (more torque) but you reach only 294 kmh end of straight under bridge. (less power)
When you do the same with the driving academy tune same gearbox, the car lose speed at the start, don't burn tires (less torque) but reach 300 kmh under the bridge en of straight. (more power or less weight???!!)
I will try to check other combo later when back from the beach.