Smoke issue, but not the usual

  • Thread starter sinbad
Yes we all know that there's this blocky outline issue, but this is not about that.

My problem is with the volume of smoke, and how incredibly easily it is generated.

I was driving my mk1 Impreza wagon, similar to one I used to own, on comfort soft tyres, with just ABS at 1. Did a couple of reasonable laps at Autumn ring reverse and decided to watch the replay.

Whenever I went into a corner deep and on the brakes hard (ABS remember) in a non-too-dramatic fashion, I was getting silly amounts of smoke from the outside front tyre! The car was still steering fine, so clearly it was not locked (ABS too remember), nor was it steered way past the slip angle. It was simply under massive load, and for some reason GT5 thinks that means it should belch out huge amounts of thick white smoke.

What feel, and would normally look like, small 4 wheel drifts were also putting up smoke screens from every tyre. We're talking about a car with no more than 280bhp going to 4 fat tyres which are capable of making this car corner at well over 1G, smoking all 4 tyres big time, in 3rd gear. Not going to happen.

It looks bizarre!

Cars slide and spin tyres all the time, it takes effort or intent to generate large amounts of smoke, or massive horse-power.

In GT5 you could be in a 120bhp MX5/Miata/Roadster and leave huge amounts of smoke off both rear wheels out of any corner.

No doubt people will say I'm wrong, but I urge you to go to youtube where you will see all kinds of videos with people driving cars very hard indeed, without huge amounts of smoke being left behind them at every turn.

I really hope this is sorted.
You'll also find videos with large amounts of smoke :)
The tyres probably heat up too quickly in GT5, the smoke in GT5 is due to heat

Smoke isn't generated by sliding tyres, its just when a tyre over heats (goes red) then smoke comes from it. That's why tyres still smoke after a doughnut even when you are not moving.
You'll also find videos with large amounts of smoke :)
The tyres probably heat up too quickly in GT5, the smoke in GT5 is due to heat

lol thanks, that's a great video to support my point actually :)

Those drivers are trying really hard, the one in the blue car at 0:36 ish just leaves a very faint blue haze though :) unrealistic.
Yes we all know that there's this blocky outline issue, but this is not about that.

Kinda off-topic, but the distance between the car and the jagged edges of the smoke seems to be reduced after the update. It looks nicer now :)
I like exaggerated smoke effects. Makes thing's look more fun

Does it, though?

I mean, I enjoy a smoking tyre as much as the next person, but it has to be merited. If tyres always smoke, there's no joy from smoking a tyre any more, is there? Just as if a car is smashed into an unrecognisable twisted piece of junk by a crash it would be impressive and entertaining to an extent, but if it did it at the slightest tap on a wall, it would be rubbish :)

I don't like the way you can go around a corner in a perfectly normal "fast" way, and be leaving thick white smoke in your wake.

Tyres in GT5 make smoke too quickly.
They make thick smoke far, far too quickly.

@Midian - yes I did notice that, it's a bit better. Less smoke would help further still, though.

slightly o/t myself: If anyone in the UK (the world too?) has seen the GT5 advert (short version) with the 2 Audi R8s drifting, the smoke from their tyres is very different to what we have, much more like previous GT games. It's curious, it still says "Actual Game Footage", though. Here it is
I like the smoke effects too. Much better than the nearly non-existent ones in "the other game".

Frankly I want to see all that smoke. If someone happens to to in front of me and they start generating a lot of smoke I'll take that as a sign that something is wrong. I don't see it as a neat special effect just for show. Sure it's over the top, but that's better than hardly there at all.
I like the smoke effects too. Much better than the nearly non-existent ones in "the other game".

Frankly I want to see all that smoke. If someone happens to to in front of me and they start generating a lot of smoke I'll take that as a sign that something is wrong. I don't see it as a neat special effect just for show. Sure it's over the top, but that's better than hardly there at all.

I completely agree with you. I love that GT5 has such a "powerful" smoke effect, specially after seeing both GT5P and "the other game" and being really disappointed with that. It was a nice surprise :)
I agree that at times, it is far too eager to throw smoke out at you. Other times, though, it doesn't smoke when you might expect it to!

I guess it's just balanced funnily. The 25th Anniversary Countach, for example, doesn't like to smoke when it takes off, despite the fact the wheels are spinning all the way through first gear. Many cars won't smoke at all in four-wheel drifts. It also depends on the tyre (since each one has different heating characteristics.)

What is an issue is the sheer volume that does appear at the very onset, so as soon as a smoke "particle" is formed, it can bellow into quite a monster, when perhaps the quantity that would have been produced might have just fizzled into a bit of a haze.
This is the problem with having to quantize a continuous phenomenon! :P

Oh well, it's a lot better than in the past, still.
I agree that at times, it is far too eager to throw smoke out at you. Other times, though, it doesn't smoke when you might expect it to!

I guess it's just balanced funnily. The 25th Anniversary Countach, for example, doesn't like to smoke when it takes off, despite the fact the wheels are spinning all the way through first gear. Many cars won't smoke at all in four-wheel drifts. It also depends on the tyre (since each one has different heating characteristics.)

What is an issue is the sheer volume that does appear at the very onset, so as soon as a smoke "particle" is formed, it can bellow into quite a monster, when perhaps the quantity that would have been produced might have just fizzled into a bit of a haze.
This is the problem with having to quantize a continuous phenomenon! :P

Oh well, it's a lot better than in the past, still.

I think the smoke itself looks great, as long as the car is behind it, and there's no other obstruction (a bit better now, though).

The volume, as you say, is an issue.

I'm sure there's an element of wanting to show off how good the smoke is, here. I've seen it in several titles on various platforms. Developers exaggerating their new feature so it's noticed and applauded.

They just need to make it more progressive. Drifters will still get their huge clouds, but normal fast driving will look much more like normal fast driving.