First, move more brake balance to the rear, like 3 or 4 front and 8, 9 or 10 rear.
Next try adjusting your LSD settings. High LSD settings can cause understeer. If fronts turning red in first part of corner, prior to apex, lower LSD decel. I tend to run under 10 except for really fast, squirly cars. If they turn red from apex to track out, lower initial torque or accel.
Third, adjust front toe to toe out and rear tow to zero or toe out.
Fourth, change your camber settings. You are either too high or too low. Can't tell you which without seeing your whole tune. Most cars have a sweet spot of like 5 digits (like between 1.9 and 2.4, for example), depending upon the car and the rest of your tune.
Fifth, you can change sway bar settings. I am finding that above 4 on fronts seems to reduce grip more and more from there up.
Sixth, springs and dampers. Lower front springs and dampers.
Seventh, you could max out front downforce and reduce rear downforce, if equipped on the car.
I'm not recommeding which order you do these in. I tend to work down this list mostly in this order, but not always. Just supplying seven options for you to get your front/rear balance in order. I didn't mention balast becasue I don't use it often. Don't think it's needed except for a few MR cars.