SNAIL - Cat & Mouse - Next Event TBA

  • Thread starter SAMHAIN85




c&m LOGO.jpg


Cat & Mouse is a team format event and the rules are simple:

  • A team consists of 1 Mouse and at least 1 Cat (depending on how many people we have)
  • The Mouse is generally a low powered car while the Cat *usually* has much more power.
  • The object is to get the Mouse on your team to finish the race 1st!

Thats it? Sounds boring. Why should I join this?
Because its EXTREMELY fun. This is an event where anything goes (to a degree) Crashing, blocking, cutting turns, driving defensively, better yet...driving like a complete d*ck. This is all possible because damage will be set to OFF. Its all part of the game. But there is a method to the madness and teamwork is required to win.

What are the teams going to be?
This will be decided once everyone has joined the lobby. We want everyone to have a fun night where the skill levels are balanced evenly. There are no points being kept. Teams will constantly change throughout the night. Our player pool will also be changing with different people leaving/joining as the night goes on.

Can I drive dirty even if I'm the Mouse?
Yes! If you're the Mouse its up to you to win for your team. Bob and weave your way to victory. The Cats on your team will try and help you win. And the opposing Cats will try and help you NOT win.

What do I do if I'm the Cat? I just wreck other Mice?
It depends. If the Mouse on your team is in last place, you're going to want to help him catch back up while also slowing down the other Mice ahead of you. Thats where teamwork comes into play. 1 Cat should go help your Mouse by bumping/pushing him, while the other Cat(s) on your team go up front and wreck the other Mice to slow them down.

This sounds confusing. Multiple Cats and 1 Mouse make up a team? How am I supposed to know whos who?
In the spirit of SNAIL all of the Mice will be in the same low hp car. The Cats will all be in the same mid-high hp car. Tuning prohibited. Each team will all be painted the same color - there will be no need to memorize who's on what team. Any car on track that isnt your team's color is your enemy. But more importantly, its the enemy Mice you're after.

What happens if a Cat wins the race?
It means you're doing it wrong. The cats are merely protectors/helpers for their Mice. The Mouse is who wins or loses for your team, not the Cats.

And what are the rules? Anything goes?
Yes - except: NO DRIVING BACKWARDS FOR A FULL LAP. You may go in reverse to help your mouse whos fallen behind, or to wreck havoc on opposing teams. But do this sparingly, you shouldnt need to go more than a turn or two in the wrong direction.

Do I have to stay for the whole night? How long is this supposed to last?
Absolutely not, stay for as long as you'd like. Depending on our turn out I'd guess we'll be on for at least 2 hours.

Anything else I need to know about?
If you wish to participate you must buy MULTIPLE Cats and Mice of the current "combo" and paint them BEFORE you join the Lobby. This means you'll have a total 3-5 Cats all painted appropriate colors, and 3-5 Mice all painted the appropriate colors.
This way different teams can be organized on the fly - and you will be able to swap between your role of Cat and your role as Mouse while changing teams. No need for people to leave the lobby to go paint their cars and come back. We have wasted way too much time in the past doing that.
So please take 5 minutes before you join and make sure you have everything bought and painted correctly. Please no custom liveries, only paint the car which is offered in Brand Central.

Do I have to be an active member in SNAIL to participate?

What if the Lobby is full and I cant get in?
Be patient someone will eventually drop out. I will make sure to boot anyone that hasn't RSVP'd in this thread. And this is why its important to have all cars bought and painted. If you leave the lobby to go paint - someone else may take your spot and you wont be able to get back in.

Do you have a demo of what this looks like?
This is from our last C&M event in January. I am a Cat on the Yellow team:

And here is @zer05ive showing how its done as the Mouse

How do I join?
Post a message in here saying you're interested. I will try to get a confirmation list going the day before to get an idea how many people are showing up.

What cars and tracks are we running?
See below
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Next Event:

Friday July 17

Lobby opens @ 9PM EST


The Mice:
Fiat 500 F 1968

The Cats:


Fiat 500 F 1968's

Step 1. Buy a Red Fiat

View attachment 751859

2. Buy a White Fiat

View attachment 751860

Step 3. Buy a Blue Fiat

View attachment 751861

4. Buy a Grey Fiat

View attachment 751862

Step 5. Go to Livery Editor > Create New Livery and select the Blue Fiat

View attachment 751863

Step 6. Paint > Paint All

View attachment 751864

Step 7. Select this shade of Blue

View attachment 751865

Step 8. Hit Save

View attachment 751866

Step 9. Hit the box under 'Custom Color Chip'

View attachment 751867

Step 10. Select Single Color Type

View attachment 751868

Step 11. Select Color 1 Box

View attachment 751869

Step 12. Select the same shade of Blue (its at the bottom in Color History)

View attachment 751870

Step 13. Save

View attachment 751871

Step 14. Make sure to hit Yes to finish saving

View attachment 751872

Do the same thing for your Gray Fiat. But instead of painting it Blue, paint it Black.

View attachment 751873

Make sure to also Paint the Custom Color Chip Black. Then save.


Buy a Red, White, Blue, Black Lancer

View attachment 751876 View attachment 751877 View attachment 751875 View attachment 751874


Tokyo Eastern Outer Loop
Kyoto Driving Park - Myabi
Dragon Trail Gardens I & II

Autodrome Lago Maggiore - East II

Lobby Settings:

TIRES: Sport Softs



The first race on each track will feature a 1-2 lap "anything goes" dirty shootout race to decide what the first C&M teams will be. Everyone will be using the Cat cars for this race.
Once the race is completed - everyone that finished in an Odd position (1st, 3rd, 5th etc) will be assigned to one team (ex. Black). Everyone that finished Even (2nd, 4th, 6th etc) will be assigned to another team (ex. White) 1st place can be the Mouse on the Black team, 2nd place can be the Mouse on the White team.

So the 1st C&M Race on a new track will be one with (2) 8 Man teams battling against each other. Same C&M rules apply. Only 1 Mouse per team - the rest are Cats.

The mice will manually set to the front of the grid for every race.

After that race we can start forming smaller teams and utilize all 4 team Colors (ex. White, Red, Blue, Black)
Teams can be decided via in-game chat. Lets try and make sure multiple divisions are being represented on each team (We dont want 4 D1 drivers all on the same team)

Make sure to create a Party chat and get your teammates to join it. Communication is important!

In between races we can shuffle up the teams.

Once everyone is ready to try a different track we will change it and start the procedure above all over again.​
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Thanks to Jam and gang for helping with testing earlier. This wont be run that often unless theres a lot of people interested. So sign up and enjoy it while you can. Almk and Stelephant are already hooked and that was just from a 6 man test lobby :mischievous:
View attachment 735050

Cat & Mouse is a team format event and the rules are simple:

A team consists of 1 Mouse and at least 1 Cat (depending on how many people we have)
The Mouse is generally a low powered car while the Cat *usually* has much more power.
The object is to get the Mouse on your team to finish the race 1st!

Thats it? Sounds boring. Why should I join this?
Because its EXTREMELY fun. This is an event where anything goes (to a degree) Crashing, blocking, cutting turns, driving defensively, better yet...driving like a complete d*ck. Its all part of the game. But there is a method to the madness and teamwork is required to win.

What are the teams going to be?
This will be decided once everyone has joined the lobby. We want everyone to have a fun night where the skill levels are balanced evenly. There are no points being kept. Teams will constantly change throughout the night. Our player pool will also be changing with different people leaving/joining as the night goes on.

Can I drive dirty even if I'm the Mouse?
Yes! If you're the Mouse its up to you to win for your team. Bob and weave your way to victory. The Cats on your team will try and help you win. And the opposing Cats will try and help you NOT win.

What do I do if I'm the Cat? I just wreck other Mice?
It depends. If the Mouse on your team is in last place, you're going to want to help him catch back up while also slowing down the other Mice ahead of you. Thats where teamwork comes into play. 1 Cat should go help your Mouse by bumping/pushing him, while the other Cat(s) on your team go up front and wreck the other Mice to slow them down.

This sounds confusing. Multiple Cats and 1 Mouse make up a team? How am I supposed to know whos who?
In the spirit of SNAIL all of the Mice will be in the same low hp car. The Cats will all be in the same mid-high hp car. Tuning prohibited. Each team will all be painted the same color - there will be no need to memorize who's on what team. Any car on track that isnt your team's color is your enemy. But more importantly, its the enemy Mice you're after.

What happens if a Cat wins the race?
It means you're doing it wrong. The cats are merely protectors/helpers for their Mice. The Mouse is who wins or loses for your team, not the Cats.

And what are the rules? Anything goes?
Yes - except: NO DRIVING BACKWARDS. You can use Reverse gear all you want - just drive in the correct direction

Do I have to stay for the whole night? How long is this supposed to last?
Absolutely not, stay for as long as you'd like. Depending on our turn out I'd guess we'll be on for at least 2 hours.

Anything else I need to know about?
If you wish to participate you must buy MULTIPLE Cats and Mice of the current "combo" and paint them BEFORE you join the Lobby. This means you'll have a total 3-5 Cats all painted appropriate colors, and 3-5 Mice all painted the appropriate colors.
This way different teams can be organized on the fly - and you will be able to swap between your role of Cat and your role as Mouse while changing teams. No need for people to leave the lobby to go paint their cars and come back. We have wasted way too much time in the past doing that.
So please take 5 minutes before you join and make sure you have everything bought and painted correctly. Please no custom liveries, only paint the car which is offered in Brand Central.

Do I have to be an active member in SNAIL to participate?

What if the Lobby is full and I cant get in?
Be patient someone will eventually drop out. I will make sure to boot anyone that hasn't RSVP'd in this thread. And this is why its important to have all cars bought and painted. If you leave the lobby to go paint - someone else may take your spot and you wont be able to get back in.

Do you have a demo of what this looks like?
This is from our last C&M event in January. I am a Cat on the Yellow team:

And here is @zer05ive showing how its done as the Mouse

How do I join?
Post a message in here saying you're interested. I will try to get a confirmation list going the day before to get an idea how many people are showing up.

What cars and tracks are we running?
See below

Oh this works like the sport races. Lol im down to join in.
I’m not interested. If I wanted to play Cat & Mouse in a game, I’d play The Vespucci Job in GTA5. You’ll have fun with the others, but I’m not going to be one of them.
Here are some tips for any C&M newbies:

  1. If you normally use roof cam you should probably use bumper cam. Since hood cam doesnt offer a rear view camera (why PD refuses to give us one is silly) its a lot easier to see whats coming up behind you in your peripheral vision rather than having to use your 'rear view' button
  2. If you have any experience using the DS4 I suggest you use that. You're going to be spinning all over the place and its a lot easier to maneuver the car and keep it pointed in the right direction with a controller imo. You're going to be doing a lot of sawwing on the wheel otherwise. Also being able to reverse instantly rather than having to down gear over and over with the wheel helps a lot.
  3. Party chat! You need to talk to your team. Even if you dont have a mic its still good to hear your teammates.
  4. You need to find a balance of helping your mouse, but also concentrating on slowing down the opposing lead mice. The cats on the same team should distinguish whos going to be a "pusher" and whos going to be an "enforcer" blocking/wrecking opposing mice. These roles can change over the course of the race which is why you need to be able to communicate with your teammates.
  5. Have fun! Grab a beer and let off some steam. Nows your chance to drive dirty with no repercussions. We drive weekly clean and safely under the strict SNAIL OLR, now we can let loose and drive like absolute maniacs. You might even learn a thing or two about car control and defensive driving which could potentally carry over to our normal format in clean driving conditions.
For cat and mouse, I prefer to use chase cam as you can see your whole car. I use to use bumper cam and some very good players suggested I switch to 3rd person view to better see what is going on around you. It helps. Be sure and map buttons for look left/right and rear view
I could see the benefits of chase cam but I feel like I wouldnt be able to drive to my potential. I have absolutely no feel in that view. And how guys like Lloydz can be as fast as they are in that view is crazy to me.
Been thinking about the car colors knowing there is always someone who fails to follow directions or perhaps doesn't buy the cars in the given colors because they already have five black 'gift' cars, There should be a method for standardized colors in place. Here is an idea using the colored dot color section screen:

Left to right assign a letter = A - L and Top to bottom assign a number = 1 - 12
So WHITE is A-1, BLACK is L-1, RED is A-7, etc

The main color should be for the main body and the 'other' part too. Players should be allowed to replace/customize/paint the wheels and rear wing. But the body/other needs to be the same color on all cars of the team.
That's a good idea Jam I see what you're saying. I can also snapshot the color grid and have the appropriate color highlighted as another guideline.

For this upcoming event lets just keep it simple and only use the Brand central colors. In the future when we use cars that only have 1 or 2 stock colors to choose from then we'll use the guideline you're talking about to paint the same multiple colors.

Jam brought up a good point which I didnt know about until we did our testing. If you buy a car from Brand central and choose it in Black, but then go to the livery editor and paint it Red, if you dont save it correctly the thumbnail color next to your name in a lobby will still appear Black (even though your car is Red) That can cause all kinds of confusion for us when were trying to put together teams in the Lobby. This is why in the OP I explicitly said no custom liveries. Use the paint offered in Brand Central.

So how do you get around it Jam? You mentioned how but I dont remember. We will have to use that method in the future.

Another benefit to being able to paint our own cars is we can have more teams. 5 teams of 3 people (odd man can be bulldog/wild cat if he knows what hes doing, or just have him be a 4th person on a team) White, Black, Red, Yellow, Blue
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