SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge 2024, "PS5 Users Only", GS/GT4 Monthly Series on Friday Nights 9pm EST, **Recruiting New Drivers**Open 

  • Thread starter llNovall
Had a great time with the first race of the season while I didn’t do so great in the second race overall I was pleased with my performance. This was my 1 ever pole and race win in this league so it was a huge achievement for me. I felt I had the pace to win this event however that’s the beauty of racing.. you just never know the outcome, So taking second overall is ok. Congrats to @Worst_Driver for the solid performance in both races! I took some pictures and I have replay on track for the 1st lap. Thanks for the great event @llNovall!


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Had a great time with the first race of the season while I didn’t do so great in the second race overall I was pleased with my performance. This was my 1 ever pole and race win in this league so it was a huge achievement for me. I felt I had the pace to win this event however that’s the beauty of racing.. you just never know the outcome, So taking second overall is ok. Congrats to @Worst_Driver for the solid performance in both races! I took some pictures and I have replay on track for the 1st lap. Thanks for the great event @llNovall!

That video clip with the trackside VR view is awesome. Reminded me so much of the last time I was at a Grand Prix at VIR. MORE PLEASE!!
Hey brand new, was looking for more than the daily sport races. How would one join the room to practice and I have not heard of SNAIL I’ll go through the forum page after posting this as well
Good evening Fades_AC,
Please see the link in my signature that will take you to the 1st post of this series thread. Everything you need to answer your questions and instructions on how to sign up, Time trial, etc is noted in the first post. Once your entry is recieved, you can work on the time trial and livery as instructed in the first post. If there are any further questions you have that might kot have been answered, please do not hesitate to reach out.
As for practice, see the second post of the thread and send out psn invites to those on the roster. From there, feel free to join any practice rooms once your driver specific regulations are set from your tt data. Thanks for your interest, and I am looking forward to racing with you soon.

Event #2 Race Details
December 13th, 2024, 9pm est
Watkins Glen Long Course
Late Morning,
S11, Sunny with Alpine Mist

17 Laps per Race

Below are the details for Event #2 at Watkins Glen on Friday, December 13th, 2024.
Drivers are encouraged and reminded to confirm their attendance status as soon as possible to secure their spot on the grid for race night or Reserve Priority. Be reminded, this series runs on a "first to confirm" priority. First 16 drivers to confirm are guaranteed a grid spot. All additional drivers that confirm thereafter will be marked as Reserve drivers with priority based on order confirmed. Be sure to confirm your attendance as early as possible. We are currently sitting at 18 drivers confirmed for Event #2. All additional drivers to confirm will be on Reserve status for this event.

I will be hosting practice sessions in the afternoons periodically over the next few weeks, and am sure there will be other rooms open during the evening prime-time. Get those laps in and be ready.

Date: December 13th, 2024 at 9pm est
Track: Watkins Glen Long Course
Conditions: Late Morning, Sunny with Alpine Mist
Laps: 17
Target Lap Times: 1:52-1:53's
(See Section 1, Tab 1.3 for Lobby Settings)

Track Map and Boundaries
View attachment 1313244

Keep 2 wheels on or within the white line where curbing is not present, or on the curbs where they are present at all times, except where it is specifically noted otherwise. The white line and curbing is considered legal track surface. Failure to comply to track boundaries could result in penalties if infractions are witnessed and reported.

Exceptions and Specified areas:
1.) At Turn 1 (The 90), Turn 8 (Heel), and Turn 10: These corners have paved run off areas. ALL drivers are to make their best efforts to keep at least 2 wheels on the curbing at all times. Infractions should be reported if it appears obvious that a driver is deliberately and/or repeatedly running excessively wide out of bounds in these corners. An occasional off or slight OOB's will not garner a penalty. Please use your best judgement.

For any drivers that care to participate in displaying their Driver Standing for next event, please see the spoiler tab below for details. Please verify your current driver standing on the driver profile page (3rd Post in this thread) or quick reference it in the Spotters Guide above. Please be sure to update your livery prior to each event. If in doubt, simply remove the numbers before the event. See the Spoiler tab below:

Driver Standings Recognition
Drivers will be encouraged, not required, to display their current driver standing going into each event after Event #1, though there will be a few rules and requirements.
Drivers who are interested in diplaying their current standing, should collect the following green digital numbers 0-9.

After scoring is finalized and Post Race report issued, drivers will be cleared to edit their driver standing on their number board along with any award tags. Drivers should apply their Standing on both side's boards and be sure their number is in line with their actual standing in the Championship.
Should look like this:

Rules and requirements:
To maintain accuracy and integrity to this recognition, drivers who choose to add their standing to their car will be required to submit an updated profile picture before each event with their scrutineering tuning sheet. Submissions will be reviewed post event just as I do for the driver regulations.
Drivers can submit this to me at my PSN - NOVA-0479 anytime leading up to the next event.
If a driver forgets to submit the car picture with a standing displayed or has the wrong standing placement displayed , it will result in a 5 point penalty against the overall event score. This has to be in place to ensure that those who want to display their standing, maintains the attention and accuracy for it to be credible.
If choosing to display, be sure your edited livery is correct, accurate, and saved prior to each event. If unsure or not interested in displaying your standing, simply leave it blank or just apply double zeros.
The profile pictures will not be used for the Driver profile page, only for scrutineering to maintain the integrity of this recognition.
Again, this is optional, but if done correctly, it will be a great way to know who is where in the standings as the season unfolds.

Roster/Drivers Confirmed
as of 11/22/23, 9:26am est

1.) NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2.) JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
3.) kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
4.) DRD_Niagara / @Buffalo_DRD (#78)
5.) Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
6.) DUB-L-DEE / @DublDee (#33)
7.) Cdn_Sweet_Tee / @CdnSweetTee (#22)
8.) DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
9.) Fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
10.) Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
11.) cesarr64 / @cesarr64 (#64)
12.) GTP_WorstDriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
13.) gkgamer / @gkgamer (#27)
14.) clutch_n_load6 / @PeekabooRacin (#24)
15.) Wetroadracer / @Wetroadracer (#187)
16.) Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
17.) MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#46)
18.) radliffpower / @radliffracing (#85)
19.) mac1032763 / @Mac1032763 (#420)
20.) R1600Turbo / @CodeRedR51 (#62)
22.) Crispy_Racing / @Crispy Racing (#26)
23.) Thumpleton (THMP) / @THMP (#003)
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Michelin Pilot Challenge 2024 presented by SNAIL

Season Opener - Event #1 - Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
Friday, November 15th, 2024



Sorry for the delay in getting my recap for Race #2 out. This week got away from me a little bit.

There was a little more contact in this race. Nothing with bad intentions but it seemed we had more door rubbing in T1 and at the chicane. When going through the reply to put this recap together, I noticed, in lap 2 or 3 of T1, with several cars bunch together, I made contact with @cesarr64 and we went into the grass. Apologies for that @cesarr64 .

Event #1 / Race #2:
Lights Out:
It's light's out at Road Atlanta and with the reverse grid procedure in effect, it's already three wide at the front between between @radliffracing , @cesarr64 and @Kgffy.

Lap 1:
For the most part, the first time through the eses went alright. @Fudman420 would go off slightly and drop from 7th to 16th but this wouldn't be too much of a setback for him. He'd be back at mid-grid in short order. At the front, @Kgffy has similar thoughts that @JDMKING13 had in the 1st race.

Lap 2:
Groups of cars are already forming. The top 3 broke away slightly. Then there's a group of 5 being led by @radliffracing that also features @socalnatv , @CdnSweetTee , @DublDee and @llNovall .

Still on lap 2 and a couple seconds back is another group led by @Bologna_Duc , currently in 9th, followed by @Worst_Driver , @Mac1032763 , myself, @JDMKING13 and @Fudman420 .

Lap 3:
On T7 of Lap 3, @socalnatv 's Corvette lost its grip and he would again go for a spin. Unfortunately, he decided to retire the car at this point.

He parked himself in a safe spot and showed great restraint in not jamming this photographer's camera down his throat.

Lap 4:
On the straight after the eses, @CdnSweetTee is running in 6th spot followed by @DublDee and @Noob01_lmdead and we can see the other Corvette of @Bologna_Duc also go for a spin. @Bologna_Duc would drop from 9th to 15th.

Lap 4:
Approaching the last chicane on Lap 4, we had the season's 1st caution. @radliffracing thought he had a run on @llNovall and got on his brakes far too late. He would hit @Kgffy as he was entering the chicane.

Unfortunately, some of the trailing cars would also be impacted as they hit the brakes and some were accidentally rear ended. @CdnSweetTee would also end up in the sand. Ultimately, caution would be called for about a lap and the action was able to resume.

Lap 6:
@Mac1032763 must have liked @DublDee 's line coming out of T1 on Lap 6. In the background, @Fudman420 and I are engaged and would spend a few laps together.

Lap 6:
At the front of the grid, there isn't much separating the top 5. @Wetroadracer leads @CodeRedR51 , @llNovall , @Noob01_lmdead and @Worst_Driver .

Lap 9:
The top 5 are still battling but their order changed slightly. @JDMKING13 is running 6th with myself and @Fudman420 chasing him.

On the downhill after the chicane, @Wetroadracer touches grass and goes off. Our new leader, @CodeRedR51 takes the lead and @Worst_Driver moves into 3rd place.

Lap 14:
@CodeRedR51 is still our leader but his hands are getting sweaty and @Worst_Driver is hardly letting him take a breath.

Pressure is mounting. Every time @CodeRedR51 looks in his mirror, all he sees is the Rothmans Racing logo that is on @Worst_Driver hood. I've found myself in this position many times during our Sunday Spec League races and I think my fellow Sunday D1 drivers (looking at you @socalnatv and @DublDee ) would agree with me and tell @CodeRedR51 "Sorry buddy, but @Worst_Driver ain't going nowhere".

Lap 16:
@CodeRedR51 is still doing a fine job at the front. Meanwhile, @llNovall and I have been going toe-to-toe for multiple laps by now. Our battle would go on until the very end and we exchanged positions several times. I'd get him on the straight, but him being a better technical driver would mean I couldn't create space for myself in the first 2 sectors. In fact, the grid currently contains multiple 2-man battles. Not shown here is @Noob01_lmdead & @Bologna_Duc in a fight. @Fudman420 & @Wetroadracer in a fight and @JDMKING13 & @Mac1032763 in a fight.

Lap #18:
@CodeRedR51 , coming out of T7 just touches the grass which slows him up slightly. That's all @Worst_Driver needed. He would get his man and move into 1st place with 3 laps to go. A valiant effort @CodeRedR51 !

Lap 21:
@llNovall and I aren't giving anything away for free. Positions are still being exchanged but I also touch grass exiting the chicane. @llNovall goes through into 3rd place and would hang onto that spot on the podium. Upon reflection, maybe with a little more experience I'd managed to hang on. But the fact is that I raced these last 10 laps with a huge smile on my face.


Lap 22:
A sight I've seen on many Sundays. @Worst_Driver is a pro and takes the checkered flag. But as this picture shows, @CodeRedR51 always stay close and had himself in a position to take the spot of @Worst_Driver had slipped up.

Race #2 Final Results:


Race #2 Broadcast:

In Conclusion:
The vibe in the chat afterwards is that it seemed that everybody had a blast. It's a great start to the season. @Worst_Driver leads the championship with 62 points. @JDMKING13 and @Mac1032763 (making his debut in a @llNovall series) are tied in 2nd with 52 points. @llNovall in 4th place with 47 points. And I tie between myself and @CodeRedR51 for 5th place with 46 points.

Lastly, @llNovall you showed appreciation for the efforts I put into my Race #1 recap but all of us appreciate the time and effort you've been investing in these series. Nobody does it better.

That's how I interpreted Race #2. Apologies if you saw it differently.

Thanks for your patience & see you at the Glen.

Edit: Added Final Results Screen Prints
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Lap #18:
@CodeRedR51 , coming out of T7 just touches the grass which slows him up slightly. That's all @Worst_Driver needed. He would get his man and move into 1st place with 3 laps to go. A valiant effort @CodeRedR51 !
Yeah nothing I could do on that straightaway being down on speed. I was surprised he didn't fly past me much earlier than that.
You me and worst driver were at 640 for that race so none of us really had the straight line speed! I cried every time I hit the straight.😭
Lost so much time down that straight, then spent the rest of the lap catching back up, only to lose the time again. Rinse and repeat. 😆
Hey everyone hope your friday is going well, I have a practice lobby up for the next couple hours <3

Lobby is closed.
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Hey everyone hope your friday is going well, I have a practice lobby up for the next couple hours <3
Thanks for a little practice. Looks like I'm about 1 second off the pace which I expected. With my current setup and driving skills, 52's are not possible.
Thanks for a little practice. Looks like I'm about 1 second off the pace which I expected. With my current setup and driving skills, 52's are not possible.
I think anything is possible! But don't worry, us faster cars will assuredly be taken down to size over the course of the season. Which means the last few races will be very intense and meaningful! I think the balance will 100% work out over time
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I think anything is possible! But don't worry, us faster cars will assuredly be taken down to size over the course of the season. Which means the last few races will be very intense and meaningful! I think the balance will 100% work out over time
Also, lap consistency is a major factor.
I sent you a pm, please have a look. Thanks
Yeah nothing I could do on that straightaway being down on speed. I was surprised he didn't fly past me much earlier than that.
You had me in the first sector, only thing that made me close the gap was the straight line speed of the Aston. Same thing with you @JDMKING13 you guys were on fire in the corners.

@Buffalo_DRD Amazing race recap ! I guarantee you that you won't be talking about me taking the lead with 637pp at Watkins Glen but we'll see. This will be a great challenge for me, consistency and not making mistakes will be the name of the game.
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Hold up you in Alaska?!?
HAH! No, he is not, and most of Alaska is warmer anyway, with the pacific ocean pushing air into half the state. Only gets that cold up there in the northern half of the state. The southern half is balmy by comparison. I do have a picture somewhere of me in Anchorage with a bank temp display showing -21F though I think. That was back in '82 or so though.
When I was a young man, I did heli-portable seismic drilling in Northern BC, the summers were intensely hot and the winters were brutal with some very extreme windchills on the top of some those mountains.
looking back on it now, I had a lot of fun and met a lot of good people, but don’t think I would do it over again!