*COMPLETED* MPGT4CC Season 2 Champion: MrDonovan

  • Thread starter llNovall

Who's in for finishing out the current Michelin series season on GTSport?

  • For finishing out Season on GTSport

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Close current season as it stands and ready up for next season on GT7

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Roster update:
Primary Driver Confirmation deadline has passed as of Thursday 5pm est.
@socalnatv was reported absent and was among the 3 Primary drivers reported absent.

All three of you are guaranteed your entries for tomorrow night's event.

@socalnatv has pm'd that he will be available to race tomorrow night. Since the deadline has passed for Primary driver confirmations, his entry for this event has been reinstated and will be allowed to race under his team entry.

In the event @stelephant confirms available to race between now and race time, he will be on Reserve to bump in if anyone cannot show.

Here is the teams breakdown:

1.) @JDMKING13 will be racing for @Rotary_Pilot of Puma Motorsports to be teamed up with @MrDonovan .

2.) @Deal24 will be racing for @Harry Rowley Caveman Motorsports and will be teamed up with @socalnatv (Sand_68)

3.) @Yugofan will be racing for @stelephant of Wheelspin Racing and will be teamed up with @Fudman420 .

In the event there is a last minute report off and @stelephant confirms attendance, he will cover for that team/driver entry.

Pre Race Briefing to be out tomorrow.
Small change.
With Moby changing his status to absent, he is now the 3rd confirmed absent driver and will now be covered by Yugofan for the OuttaSight Racing team effort. This in turn leaves a grid spot open allowing @stelephant to be given back his spot, for his team (Wheelspin Racing), assuming no other Reserves confirm available before he does.
MPCC Spotter guide S2 Event 4.png

Snail Gr4-Michelin Pilot
GT4 Cup Challenge
Event #4
Pre-Race Driver Briefing
Friday, October 22nd, 2021

at 9pm est

We are finally back to Friday night racing after a longer than expected break due to my Grand Prix weekend at VIR.
Tonight is at Sardegna Track B-II, the Reversed layout that challenges drivers with blind and mulit apex corners. There are a number of corners that tenths can be gained or lost too easily. The long straightaway will cater to the higher powered cars, but the nimble cars will dominate in every other part of the track. Find your car's strengths and pick your spots for overtaking accordingly. And most of all be patient and prioritize consistency....these are the keys to success within this series.

A few quick reminders to all drivers attending:
*Please be patient in high traffic, especially in the opening laps.
**Respect the space of the drivers around you, and make every effort to race as clean as possible.
***Race hard, Race consistent, and race fair.

Let's continue to showcase the clean and competitive racing that Snail has always been known for.

Drivers are also asked to please review or refresh themselves with the series Caution Process noted below:
Tab 4.2 Caution Process. (In 1st Post of thread)
Any questions, please ask.

For Reference:
Confirmation Reminder Post, Event #4

Roster Report for Event#4
3 Drivers have reported absent with 3 Available Reserves confirmed to race. @Sand_68 was reported absent but has rescinded his absence while a spot was still available and will be on the grid tonight. A 15 car grid is set for Event #4, with 1 primary driver and 1 Reserve still possible for entry.

Our grid for tonight is shown below:
GS Class-hosted by II-NOVA-II
@llNovall / II-NOVA-II
@Bologna_Duc / Bologna_Duc
(?) @stelephant / stelephant
@Rob Brown / no1needs2perish
@IceWarden / Ice_Warden
@Fudman420 / Fudman420
@GTP_Guido / TPC_Guido
@Phlano099 / Phlano_099
@Moby45 / Moby45 (3rd Absent)
@MrDonovan / MrDonovan
@Noob01_lmdead / rauljimenez76
@Harry Rowley / Harry_Rowley_10 (2nd Absent)
@Stryker13 / DrSpyderPig
@Rotary_Pilot /Rotary_pilot13 (1st Absent)
@socalnatv / Sand_68
@JDMKING13 / jdmking13 (1st Reserve)
@Deal24 / fullerbunch (2nd Reserve)
@Yugofan / Yugofan (3rd Reserve)

Reserve Drivers (no specific priority order)
(?) @aedenmaddok / aedonmaddok
@Roman_GT23 / Roman_GT23
@fruitloop31 / fruitloop31

@JDMKING13 will be racing for @Rotary_Pilot of Puma Motorsports to be teamed up with @MrDonovan, and points scored will count toward the team score for the event.

@Deal24 will be racing for @Harry Rowley of Caveman Motorsports to be teamed up with @socalnatv (Sand_68), and points scored will count toward the team score for the event.

@Yugofan will be racing for Moby45 of OuttaSight Racing to be teamed up with @GTP_Guido , and points scored will count toward the team score for the event.

Final entry is a first come first serve among @stelephant and @aedenmaddok . First to confirm here or make it in the room at race time.

All Drivers that have confirmed to race and are tagged are considered primary drivers for this event and are expected on the grid. If anyone thinks they may be tentative or must cancel, please let me know by 8pm est Friday (Race Day). Any cancelled entries after this time will result in possible forfeiture of primary status or forfeiture of Reserve priority for future events.

Please verify your driver specific BOP Regulations before entering the room:
Driver List and BoP Regulations Chart

It is the responsibility of ALL Drivers to verify your BoP regulations prior to entering the race room or at the latest, 5 minutes prior to the Start of Qualifying. The BoP Tracking Sheet will be displayed here and in other reminder posts leading up to each event. I will not be verifying BoP regulations prior to the start of Qualifying. Rather, the Race Director will screenshot the in game Driver Performance Regulations screen just prior to the start of Qualifying to be referenced during scoring.
Any Driver whose BoP is not correct for the event will recieve a 10 point penalty against points scored for that event.
Please verify your BoP regulations before every race night.

The Race Rooms and Party Chats will be open for entries and warm up around 8:50pm est. Please be in the room no later than 9:10pm est to have your entry verified.
15 minute Open Qualifying to start at 9:15pm est.

Good luck to everyone, and see you all on the grid for the green flag.
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I hate to say it but my PS5 seems to be having issues and wants to reinstall the entirety of GT, so that will not be up by race time, gonna have to pass on tonight then. Best of luck to all the drivers.
So what is the process to put a race on YouTube like that?
I share all replays under the search tag:
mpcc (Michelin series)
snailgt3cup (Porsche Series)

Before the start of a race, hit share, then broadcast and it will give you the options of broadcasting to youtube or twitch and will broadcast live. Be sure to hit share at the end to stop broadcasting.
The way I do the replay broadcasts, is open the replay and then go to the "options", and select the 1st display option to display the names, times, lap count etc, but not the car hud. This saves the display option to have it ready at the start. Exit the replay, then reopen the replay. I usually begin the Broadcast at the black loading screen (Hit share, select Broadcast, and then it returns to screen. I have my keyboard set up. As the cars sit on the grid, I remove the names (F1), and select a car in the top 5 to catch the race start and turn 1 action. From there, I just try to catch as many overtakes as they happen, zeroing in on and scrolling between the different battles happening through the field. After the last car rolls thru, I stop the broadcast by hitting share and following the prompts. It is now shared and ready for viewing on youtube or twitch and be shared by link. If you what to go further and condense the video to highlites, you can go into the youtube creator on your computer and cut sections out if need to have it jump from highlight to highlight. Replay broadcasting and editing is a little time consuming, but fun to go back and watch, and it certainly gives further appreciation of the intense racing that we've been showcasing.

For a full list of keyboard control functions:

Hope to see more broadcasts from other driver perspectives. :cheers:
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Wow fellas,
Currently working on scoring and data...and the pace across the field is tightening up 4 events in. For qualifying, 1st -14th was separated by 0.73 seconds, and top 10 under a half a second.....doesn't get more competitive than this. 3 battles in Race 2 ended in photo finishes decided by a nose and the top spot decided by a few car lengths:
@IceWarden and myself decided by 0.007 of a second, @Noob01_lmdead (Raul) and @GTR4MROD decided by 0.004 of a second, and the Race 2 win decided by 0.333 of a second. Season and Pace is clamping down and getting closer. Consistency and minimal mistakes will likely take the Championship.
Post Race Report, photos, and Race Broadcasts will be out later this week. Great racing Gents. :cheers:
You had to throw that pic of me mowing the lawn in there eh ???
Had to, it was such a critical point in the race.....and was a cool shot.
That was all Nova :)

I would never disrespect you like that :)

In fact we should prohibit all dusk/dawn racing times…pictures aren’t nearly as good.
They were pretty dark. I managed to use the light enhancer on my phone that opened them up a bit. Still think they made for some nice ,yet different shots.

Here's your pictures, enhanced:
I lightened them up in game sometimes from +.5-1.0 EV but then the light areas get washed out. And it really limits where on the track you can even get a decent pic due to available light and the direction of the light. And then the headlights cause issues as well.

So night pics…definitely not as pretty as day pics.
I lightened them up in game sometimes from +.5-1.0 EV but then the light areas get washed out. And it really limits where on the track you can even get a decent pic due to available light and the direction of the light. And then the headlights cause issues as well.

So night pics…definitely not as pretty as day pics.
Definitely not ideal, but changed up the scene by having headlamps and their reflections, and glowing brake rotors being highlighted. Something different.
Yeah if the game were able to simulate changing light conditions ie: an endurance race situation, and half the race was in the light and the other half in the dark…and if I were a pro photographer submitting 100 pics to a media outlet…95 of them would be day photos. The other 5 would be a couple of glowing brake shots, a headlight reflecting shot, an exhaust flame shot and something else random :)

Post Race Report
Event #4
at Sardegna Track B-II

on 10/22/21

Well, here is the Race Report for Event #4, albeit a little late. Event #4 at Sardegna saw some great racing battles, claiming some victims and rewarding others for their patience and concentration.
Race 1 got off to a cruddy start with and opening lap incident that forced our 1st Caution of the night. After the Caution, however, the real racing began. I had some great exchanges with @Fudman420 , @MrDonovan , and @stelephant over the course of Race 1. On that note, a shout out to @stelephant for some gritty defense, good pace, and a strong attack thru Race 1.... had to actively try to outrun you to the finish. Despite what the points reflected, great drive in this event sir. :cheers:
Team Shake N Bake (Rob and Raul) worked their way into 3rd and 4th, running away and protecting the spots to the end of Race 1.
And then there was the epic battle between @Sand_68 and @IceWarden for 1st place in Race 1 that finally ended with an off by Sand in T1 of Lap 19. From there, Ice was on a one way ticket to a Race 1 win. Nice work.👍

Race 2 continued with battles on all fronts. I had a few tense multi lap battles with MrDonovan, @Stryker13 , @Fudman420 , and @IceWarden for a photo finish with him capturing the final podium spot in Race 2 by a nose. @Noob01_lmdead (Raul) was in a drag race to the finish line as well with @GTR4MROD, also being decided by a license plate bracket. @Phlano099 had a great drive in Race 2, pulling out all the defensive tricks to keep @JDMKING13 at bay for multiple laps. In the end, it was Phlano099 who was able to seal the win by 3 tenths of a second. Great racing to you fellas as well. Many other battles and exchanges were had, I'm sure.... feel free to elaborate and share any points from your races.
Congratulations to @IceWarden on a dominant overall Event #4 Win :cheers: Great Racing

And, our Podium:
1st: @IceWarden
2nd: @Noob01_lmdead
3rd: @JDMKING13

Ballast adjustments have been made based on the results prior to any issuance of penalties, and the BoP chart updated & edited in the 2nd Post. Be sure to verify or adjust your BoP if necessary before our next event.

One incident was reported for this Event, resulting in a non-penalty decision.
Event #4, Race 1 at Sardegna Track B-II

Event #4, Race 2 at Sardegna Track B-II

Next Event
Event #5
Friday, November 19th, 9pm est
at Autodromo Nazionale Monza
Conditions: 19:30 Clear

Again, great racing everyone, and I'll see most of your for the Porsche Cup Event this Friday, and the rest for Event #5 on the 19th.
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I like the little quick rewind so everyone could see Duc taking you out :)
Actually, he didn't. I got loose and bumped into him, leaving him nowhere to go. He conceded none the less. Great Sportsmanship Duc.
Back in America and planning on making next race.
Great having you back. I'll mark you down for our next Michelin Race night on the 19th. Any chance your available and interested in racing this Friday in the Porsches? Let me know. See you back on track soon.

Race Event Details Post
Snail Gr4-Michelin Pilot
Cup Challenge
Points Event #5
on Friday, November 19th, 9pm est
Autodromo Nazionale Monza
19:30 Clear

Race Event Settings and Details
Track: Autodromo Nazionale Monza
Time of Day: 19:30
Conditions: Clear
Race1 Laps: (22 laps/40+min), Fastest First
Race 2 Laps: (22 laps/40+min), Reverse Grid
Lobby Settings can be found below:

Standard Lobby Settings
Basic Settings

Room Mode: Practice/Race
Room Privacy: Public *
Room Settings
Room Name: Snail Gr4-Michelin Pilot Cup Challenge. Event #1-12 (Date)- Members only
Race Type: Race for Real
Fixed Room Ownership: No **
Max no of participants: 16
Required Sportsmanship Rating --
Required Sportsmanship Rating --
Track Settings
Track: As per Race Date
Select Condition: See Event Details
Laps: laps to = 40 min (or choice for practice)
Race Settings
Start Type: Grid Start
Grid Order: R1, Fastest First (Set by host off qualifying)/R2, Reverse Grid from previous results.
Boost: None
Slip Stream Strength: Real
Visible Damage: On
Mechanical Damage: Light
Tire Wear: 1x
Fuel Consumption: 1x
Initial Fuel: Default
Grip Red. On Wet Track / Track Edge: Real
Race Finish Delay: 180 sec
Overtaking System Usage Time Multiplier: Default Qualifier Settings Time Limit: none
Qualifying Continuation Time: none
Tire Wear during Qualifying: N/A
Fuel Consumption Qualifying: N/A
Regulation Settings
Filter by Category: Gr4
Balance of Performance: Off
Power Limit: No Limit
Weight: No Limit
Maximum Tire Rating: Racing Medium (RM) Minimum Tire Rating: Racing Medium (RM)
Livery Restrictions: No Limit
Type of Racing Number: No Limit
Assign Car Number Automatically: None
Tuning: No Limit
Kart Usage: Off
Ghosting During Race: None
Shortcut Penalty: None
Wall Collision Penalty: None
Wall Collision Detection: Default
Side Contact Penalty: Off
Correct Vehicle Course After Wall Collission: Off Replace Car at Course Out: Off
Flag Rules: Off
Limit Driving Options
Countersteering Assist: Prohibited
Active Stability Management (ASM): Prohibited Driving Line Assist: Prohibited
Traction Control: Prohibited
ABS: No Limit
Auto-Drive: Prohibited
Notes: * There seems to be a glitch that not all friends can find a Friends Only room ** Friends Only room only allows for Fixed Host. Special permission is required to set up a Fixed Host lobby *** In case manual lineup is required, there is and option to set grid manually.

Please see the link below to verify your Driver BOP requirements:
BoP Chart and Drivers List

Target lap times:
Mid to hi 1:53's w' fastest laps in the hi 1:52's
Need some lap Intel to narrow down target times.

-Above are all the Event #5 details for anyone who would like to get an early jump on some practice/lapping sessions.
-Confirmation to Attend Post/Reminder will be posted to the thread by Friday, November 12th. Please look in on this thread and reply here or via psn when you know you status.
(Any Drivers who wish to confirm attendance early may do so at any time).
Reminder: Reserve driver priority is based first on level of past participation, and then on date and time availability was confirmed.
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MPCC Spotter guide Season 2 png entie roster.png

Confirmation Post
for Event #5

at Autodromo Nazionale Monza
on Friday, November 19th, 2021
19:30 Clear

To all Drivers tagged in this post, please confirm your status by posting here in the thread or via PSN message that you "will" or "will not" be racing by 5pm Thursday (day before race night) to secure your grid spot and/or to adhere to the absentee policy.
The final Driver BOP regulations have been updated and shown in the 2nd post of the thread. Please verify and apply these latest numbers to your car before entering the race room. Check and double check your BoP number prior to each race. Race Director will not be verifying before the race other than to take a screen shot of the driver specs screen to review post race. Any drivers with incorrect BoP values will be issued a 10 point penalty against their score for the event raced. Please verify your BoP.

Also, I would ask that all drivers re-review section 4 of the first post, (Caution process) for the series. Any questions at all, please reach out and clarify before race night.

The race Event schedule is shown below:
9pm est- open room and verify bops/warm up
9:15pm est -15 minute Open qualifying
9:30pm est - 22 laps to = 40 minute Race 1
10:15pm est- 22 laps to = 40 minute Race 2, (Reverse grid)
Race will be using all updated series rules and format. (Caution rules will be used if needed)

Race Event Details
-22 laps for each race.
-19:30 Clear
-1x fuel consumption/1x tire wear.
Race Event Details Post

BoP Chart and Drivers List
All drivers are required to be in the party chat whether they have a mic or not. Caution calling and directives will be issued through the party chat, and for those without a mic, it would come through your monitor/tv audio.

(In the event a Caution is called during the race, I ask everyone to be patient and cooperative.)

Please review tab 4.1 in the first post and clarify or ask any questions before we get to race night.

All drivers who make it on the grid, please stay in the race event for the night if at all possible, as we could potentially have had to turn some drivers away, leaving it a wasted opportunity for them to race. In the Event of a solo off track or spin, run to gather up as many points as possible (and there is always the possibility of a Caution to get you back up to field). Also, ballast adjustments will only be made if the event is completed. Stay with it and you could earn some help for the next event.

Primary Drivers will be given priority for each class, then go to the Reserves for each class as needed. Reserve Driver priority will be based on event participation, then based on order of confirming availability. Please reply with your intentions either way.

Anyone with a 👍 has already confirmed and are noted to be present for Friday, November 19th. Everyone else, please confirm, here in the thread or via PSN message, that you "will" or "will not" make it no later than 5pm est Thursday (Day before Race Night). Please reply either way

👍= will be present
(X)= notified of absence
(?)= Questionable

Drivers Roster
👍 @llNovall / II-NOVA-II
👍 @Bologna_Duc / Bologna_Duc
👍 @stelephant / stelephant
👍 @Rob Brown / no1needs2perish
(X) @IceWarden / Ice_Warden (1st Absent)
👍 @Fudman420 / Fudman420
(X/NR) @GTP_Guido / TPC_Guido (4th absent)
👍 @Phlano099 / Phlano_099
(X) @Moby45 / Moby45 (3rd Absent)
(X) @MrDonovan / MrDonovan (2nd Absent)
👍 @Noob01_lmdead / rauljimenez76
👍 @Harry Rowley / Harry_Rowley_10
👍 @Stryker13 / DrSpyderPig
👍 @Rotary_Pilot /Rotary_pilot13
👍 @socalnatv / Sand_68
Reserve Drivers (In event participation order)
👍 @fruitloop31 / fruitloop31 (2) (2nd R)
👍 @JDMKING13 / jdmking13 (2) (1st R)
👍 @Yugofan / Yugofan (2) (3rd)
@Roman_GT23 / Roman_GT23 (1)
@aedenmaddok / aedonmaddok (1)
(X) @Deal24 / fullerbunch
👍 @MikeGrove / GroveStreetRacin

Looking forward to our next event on Friday, November 19th. :cheers:

Note: I'm planning to host a formal practice session this Friday evening around 8-9pm est for anyone interested. Hope to see some of you on track then, and the rest on race night.
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