*COMPLETED* MPGT4CC Season 2 Champion: MrDonovan

  • Thread starter llNovall

Who's in for finishing out the current Michelin series season on GTSport?

  • For finishing out Season on GTSport

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Close current season as it stands and ready up for next season on GT7

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Potayto potahto you say :)

Drivers will always take as much as they are given. It happens in this series and every series everywhere :)

I was just glad to have finally witnessed a decent championship battle.

Devils advocates would say….let’s say we give back those few places that Max illegally stole from poor Hamilton, and then give back the DNF that Ham stole from Max and I think Max still wins the championship :) Especially if we penalize Ham for all his other transgressions he gets away with like crossing the pit entry line after passing it, going off track to gain advantage etc etc.

I have no stake in either driver but Ham fanboys sure do gloss over a lot of things in search of some way to explain away how he got beat by a faster driver in a slower 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Replay Broadcasts for Event #7 at Barcelona
Race 1

Race 2

Err….. how about posting in gt3 thread Chris? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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Nova, post here what the list of cars we may need in GT7 for this series! When you get far enough in the new sim to know, of course.
Nova, post here what the list of cars we may need in GT7 for this series! When you get far enough in the new sim to know, of course.
Here is the Gr4 List of cars for the Michelin series. We have a few weeks before we need to worry on these, but better to get focused on securing each of our series cars and any upgrades needed before our first shakedown/testing night of this series on March 25th. (For everyone who runs this and the Porsche series, please be sure to get the Porsche first as we will be running a test shakedown night on Friday 3/11/22, and then our first points event on GT7 will be in the Porsche on Friday, 4/8/22).
See everyone on GT7 starting tomorrow. 👍
Now that the Porsche testing is underway with a test session tomorrow night, and we seem to have a handle on specs/details/livery transfer/ballasting/etc, I took a peek at the Gr4 series. I purchased my Corvette, and to my disappointment, there are no power adds other than superchargers....and that's not an option I want for the series. Therefore, our whole Leveling system is going to need to be overhauled to work within the confines of GT7s parameters. I have a few ideas that we can probably get really close, but it will need to be tested thoroughly before I greenlight it.
The part I'm most frustrated about, is our BoP Specs were a higher output and closer to the real world number than what GTSport and Gt7 have them set at. To make our system work, we would have to remove 20hp from every car, and try to offset the loss with a weight for each car that allows adjustment, but gets us very close to the p/w ratio we were at. I'm going to start working on numbers and try to back them in.
If you guys can purchase your car, and send screen shots of the tuning screen at the purchase weight and hp, it would be a huge help. Good thing we have alot of tome before we start this one back up.

See most if you tomorrow night, and thanks to all for any help afforded.
Requesting help from all drivers:
I'd ask all drivers tagged below, to begin acquiring their Gr4 Car for the Michelin series. Be sure to outfit the racing transmission, racing diff (if not already equipped, any other racing drive train components available, and Race Medium tires.
Next, take screen shots of any available power adders...exhaust, turbo kits, supercharger kits, engine builds, etc.
Then, please post them here in the thread and list your car's specs as it was purchased.

I do not have anywhere near enough credits to buy all these cars right now, and it will be awhile before I can, so I will need as much data and info on our car list as possible and certainly will need everyone's help to get it.

As badly as I do not want to add superchargers or Turbo kits to our cars (would much rather them being NA tuned as they were), I don't have much of a choice but to give in, as it's our only option to get to the numbers we need for our series application. Once the power numbers are established, I may need to make some overall adjustments to the base numbers to accommodate adjustability for some cars since weight cannot be removed from the purchase weight. (Aston Martin GR4 is an example...no room to drop the weight). All cars will be adjusted to achieve the same base spec'd p/w ratio using additional Horsepower to offset any weight changes.
Going to be some differences in performance, but hopefully nets out the same.
I plan to discuss this further with you fellas tonight during and after our Porsche testing. In meantime, strap sending info as you can.
@llNovall / II-NOVA-II
@Bologna_Duc / Bologna_Duc
@stelephant / stelephant
@Rob Brown / no1needs2perish
@IceWarden / Ice_Warden
@Fudman420 / Fudman420
@Megabytesize / Moby45
@MrDonovan / MrDonovan
@Noob01_lmdead / rauljimenez76
@Harry Rowley / Harry_Rowley_10
@Stryker13 / DrSpyderPig
@Rotary_Pilot /Rotary_pilot13
@socalnatv / Sand_68
@JDMKING13 / jdmking13
@fruitloop31 / fruitloop31
Reserve Drivers (no specific priority order)
@Yugofan / Yugofan
@Beeg Brady / Brady_Imawesome
@Roman_GT23 / Roman_GT23
@aedenmaddok / aedonmaddok
@Deal24 / fullerbunch
I'm going to take a break away from the game for a bit. I'm just not happy with the state of gt7. I feel like this game is sport with a single player. Add the lack of credits and online being locked and online lobbies having issues I'm just not feeling like spending 100 bucks on the ps4/5 anniversary edition. That's another issue I have, I haven't been able to find next generation and the only version I'm seeing that caries both ps4/5 is the anniversary. The change to daily races being tune races..the list just goes on and on for me.
I'm going to take a break away from the game for a bit. I'm just not happy with the state of gt7. I feel like this game is sport with a single player. Add the lack of credits and online being locked and online lobbies having issues I'm just not feeling like spending 100 bucks on the ps4/5 anniversary edition. That's another issue I have, I haven't been able to find next generation and the only version I'm seeing that caries both ps4/5 is the anniversary. The change to daily races being tune races..the list just goes on and on for me.
Hey Fudman,
I believe if you purchase the ps4 edition, you can buy a ps5 upgrade for $10 later. I purchased the digital normal edition, and that'll be my plan if/when ps5 becomes an option.
I think it’s all time to be honest. This is not a finished and polished version, and may take months to get to that point, where it works for all of our Snail groups racing. I paid $100 for the PS5 anniversary edition, and wished I hadn’t. I doubt I’ll race with my PS4 with GT7, but also feel that the GTS setup even dated, still leant to providing us with a very competitive level of racing. As of late, I believe the racing has become even closer. I completely believe as with my initial note to continue with GTS, as I didn’t believe it would be the pick up and play game that some were expecting! With a week gone, it turns out that GT7 is definitely not where we need it to be, nor is the general consensus amongst others online feeling supportive either. I truly believe we continue both leagues for at-least the next month, while these errors and updates become applied.
Excited for tonight’s practice in GT3, but it’s not going to shine with love from the majority! 🙏🏻❤️🇺🇦
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I think it’s all time to be honest. This is not a finished and polished version, and may take months to get to that point, where it works for all of our Snail groups racing. I paid $100 for the PS5 anniversary edition, and wished I hadn’t. I doubt I’ll race with my PS4 with GT7, but also feel that the GTS setup even dated, still leant to providing us with a very competitive level of racing. As of late, I believe the racing has become even closer. I completely believe as with my initial note to continue with GTS, as I didn’t believe it would be the pick up and play game that some were expecting! With a week gone, it turns out that GT7 is definitely not where we need it to be, nor is the general consensus amongst others online feeling supportive either. I truly believe we continue both leagues for at-least the next month, while these errors and updates become applied.
Excited for tonight’s practice in GT3, but it’s not going to shine with love from the majority! 🙏🏻❤️🇺🇦
Harry, I am heavily leaning in this same direction. We will shakedown the Porsche tonight for some fun, but unless PD miraculously fixes the online lobbies and gets the physics cleaned up in the next week, I am of the opinion it might be worth moving back to GTSport for the foreseeable future until GT7 is sorted. Let's have fun tonight, and we'll see where things go.
Apologies for the lack of enthusiasm and frustration dumped onto the night from my end. I had such high expectations for GT7 that they would deliver a complete, finished, and polished offering, and instead we have what we have.
Many factors are fighting against our move to GT7:
1. Online Lobbies are in shambles with little to no options, and very little stability.
2. No ability to change room settings or check specs.
3. Physics that atm are very unpredictable and non conducive to close racing.
4. While the Porsche series is more easily adapted to GT7, the Michelin series would almost require an overhaul of the BoP Specs to make it work on GT7 since there is very little power and Weight adjustability options.
5. All the effort and time we have invested in the Porsche series and in the Michelin series and the BoP adjustments along the way that has narrowed the parity would be no where near as it is under the new physics and tuni g features.

With all that said, I will be continuing both of our series on GTSport to their completion to allow GT7 time to update and grow into the title we were expecting it to be. From there, we could start fresh once PD has everything ironed out.
I will have the Event Details Post and Confirmation Post out for Event #9 of the Michelin series at Suzuka over the next few days. We will need to reach at least 12 drivers confirmed to race or to be on the grid on race night to run the event. Have great weekend fellas, and see some of you in some practice lobbies over the next week or so.
Happy to continue Chris. Thank you for all your hard work. As mentioned last night, I can’t make the change date for Suzuka now due to my trip to Cali this week. Will see you for the next event in April.

Update on intentions for GT7 as it becomes more complete.
After our efforts to see what we can work with on GT7, it's obvious we need to remian patient and allow PD the time to get sorted... so, as mentioned, we will finish our current seasons with GTSport.

However, I do want to start preparations for our next chapters of Friday night racing once PD does get GT7 sorted out. The Porsche series will simply need a detailed regulations list, but otherwise should make for an easier transition than the Michelin series. With GT7's tuning structure, the Gr4 class cars won't seem to fit the specs that I want us to race at with the ability to adjust as we need them to.

So, I have a new idea for our next move for the Michelin series and want to get everyone to start thinking about what car they want to use and start testing to fit the initial starting regulations.
Here are my thoughts for our own GT4/Gr4 inspired series for our next season on GT7. As with this season's Michelin series, it will require testing, tuning, and time trialing, but I think we can achieve our target and with 3 months available to the finish out our current seasons, plenty of time to do it.
Here it is:
  • GT4 inspired race series using only rear wheel drive cars (this includes fr, mr, and rr), with a targeted starting power to weight ratio of 6.5 lbs/hp (roughly 3kg/hp).
  • ANY car in GT7 with 2 doors and rear wheel drive is allowed. Old/new, musclecar/supercar...whatever you want to use, but chose wisely.. See edit at bottom.
  • the car must start out as a road car and be made into a race car. NO GR4/GR3/Gr3 road cars etc.
  • cars chosen can have as much and as many upgrades as desired as long as they can be tuned to meet the 6.5 p/w ratio target, and can be adjusted up and down. (Make sure to upgrade your car to a point that you have to bring the power down some, and add some weight. This will allow us to adjust as needed during time trialing to establish a base BoP spec.
-wide body kits will be allowed.
-no soft top convertibles allowed. If it is a convertible with an available hardtop installed its good.
-once a driver has their car set and established the way they plan to race it they will be asked to submit a screen shot of their power and weight ratio being used. A control time trial will then be opened for you to run. The times collected will be measured against my times (no one will know, until after all times are collected) as the benchmark for starting parity. Those who are slower will be bumped up, and those faster will be scaled down. These adjusted numbers will become your starting BoP for that car for the season. From there a ballast/hp Leveling system will take over as it did for our current series.
-PP will have no impact for our series since our base regulations will be based on the car, how it was specd, and the driver's time trial results. The idea is for us all to be very close from the start with a variety of different cars.
- no more than 2 of the same car will be allowed.
-once season is started, a driver will be allowed 1 car change with additional rules/penalties applied in regards to the change.
-all cars will run on race Medium tires, must install a roll cage if available to the chosen car (not required if not available for chosen car), front spoiler, rear spoiler, and lower rear spoiler kit and all racing drivetrain components added (if car has front spoiler kit from factory, that will work)
- a final list of required parts will be made over the next few weeks
-as usual, there will a standardized livery regulation for the series.

The planned name for the series:
Snail Michelin Pilot GT Challenge

Start thinking about what cars you would like to use, adjust them to achieve 6.5 lbs/hp p/w ratio, and start testing to find a car.

More details to be announced as I have time to play with this more. Hopefully, GT7 will at the very least afford us the options of seeing hp/weight/and tire regulations and have a stable online environment before we try to kick this off later in the year. Looking forward to finishing our current season, and looking even more forward to our next runs on GT7.

Edit: A long list of available cars will be selected and approved for this new series. Drivers can test and select any car from this provided, and again, no more than 2 of the same car on the roster.
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Update on intentions for GT7 as it becomes more complete.
After our efforts to see what we can work with on GT7, it's obvious we need to remian patient and allow PD the time to get sorted... so, as mentioned, we will finish our current seasons with GTSport.

However, I do want to start preparations for our next chapters of Friday night racing once PD does get GT7 sorted out. The Porsche series will simply need a detailed regulations list, but otherwise should make for an easier transition than the Michelin series. With GT7's tuning structure, the Gr4 class cars won't seem to fit the specs that I want us to race at with the ability to adjust as we need them to.

So, I have a new idea for our next move for the Michelin series and want to get everyone to start thinking about what car they want to use and start testing to fit the initial starting regulations.
Here are my thoughts for our own GT4/Gr4 inspired series for our next season on GT7. As with this season's Michelin series, it will require testing, tuning, and time trialing, but I think we can achieve our target and with 3 months available to the finish out our current seasons, plenty of time to do it.
Here it is:
  • GT4 inspired race series using only rear wheel drive cars (this includes fr, mr, and rr), with a targeted starting power to weight ratio of 6.5 lbs/hp (roughly 3kg/hp).
  • ANY car in GT7 with 2 doors and rear wheel drive is allowed. Old/new, musclecar/supercar...whatever you want to use, but chose wisely.
  • the car must start out as a road car and be made into a race car. NO GR4/GR3/Gr3 road cars etc.
  • cars chosen can have as much and as many upgrades as desired as long as they can be tuned to meet the 6.5 p/w ratio target, and can be adjusted up and down. (Make sure to upgrade your car to a point that you have to bring the power down some, and add some weight. This will allow us to adjust as needed during time trialing to establish a base BoP spec.
-wide body kits will be allowed.
-once a driver has their car set and established the way they plan to race it they will be asked to submit a screen shot of their power and weight ratio being used. A control time trial will then be opened for you to run. The times collected will be measured against my times (no one will know, until after all times are collected) as the benchmark for starting parity. Those who are slower will be bumped up, and those faster will be scaled down. These adjusted numbers will become your starting BoP for that car for the season. From there a ballast/hp Leveling system will take over as it did for our current series.
-PP will have no impact for our series since our base regulations will be based on the car, how it was specd, and the driver's time trial results. The idea is for us all to be very close from the start with a variety of different cars.
- no more than 2 of the same car will be allowed.
-once season is started, a driver will be allowed 1 car change with additional rules/penalties applied in regards to the change.
-all cars will run on race Medium tires, must have a roll cage, front spoiler, rear spoiler, and lower rear spoiler kit and all racing drivetrain components added
- a final list of required parts will be made over the next few weeks
-as usual, there will a standardized livery regulation for the series.

The planned name for the series:
Snail Michelin Pilot GT Challenge

Start thinking about what cars you would like to use, adjust them to achieve 6.5 lbs/hp p/w ratio, and start testing to find a car.

More details to be announced as I have time to play with this more. Hopefully, GT7 will at the very least afford us the options of seeing hp/weight/and tire regulations and have a stable online environment before we try to kick this off later in the year. Looking forward to finishing our current season, and looking even more forward to our next runs on GT7.
This is awesome idea and we get too take advantage of GT7 expanded tuning and aero kits and have an interesting Grid

Need S2000 to come up in. Used car dealer .
Just would hope not a bunch of lambos and Ferraris tuned up too 1000pp then de tuned down, would be cool to see cars tuned up too HP and weight target
Just my two cents
Just would hope not a bunch of lambos and Ferraris tuned up too 1000pp then de tuned down, would be cool to see cars tuned up too HP and weight target
Just my two cents
The great part, is however they tune it initially, drivers will need to adhere to the adjusted spec that gets them in the avg pace of field. If they super tune it and dial it to spec and are then much faster, their driver BoP will take a hit to bring them into the pace. That's why tuning will be wide open,...the initial driver base BoP will be based across the avg pace. But will be fun to see the different array of cars.
Only request, if you go with an S2000, make sure it has the hard style top. Otherwise that would be eligible.
ok cool also One of the Vipers sounds fun.
Too much coffee for me this morning
Lambo is 4wd and be prohibited right? Rear wheel drive only.
Hey fellas, I was going to leave it wide open, but I do want to keep a GT4 inspiration to the series, so I will be selecting a long list of cars to choose from. I'll have it out in the next few days...not that we're in any hurry.😉
Update on intentions for GT7 as it becomes more complete.
After our efforts to see what we can work with on GT7, it's obvious we need to remian patient and allow PD the time to get sorted... so, as mentioned, we will finish our current seasons with GTSport.

However, I do want to start preparations for our next chapters of Friday night racing once PD does get GT7 sorted out. The Porsche series will simply need a detailed regulations list, but otherwise should make for an easier transition than the Michelin series. With GT7's tuning structure, the Gr4 class cars won't seem to fit the specs that I want us to race at with the ability to adjust as we need them to.

So, I have a new idea for our next move for the Michelin series and want to get everyone to start thinking about what car they want to use and start testing to fit the initial starting regulations.
Here are my thoughts for our own GT4/Gr4 inspired series for our next season on GT7. As with this season's Michelin series, it will require testing, tuning, and time trialing, but I think we can achieve our target and with 3 months available to the finish out our current seasons, plenty of time to do it.
Here it is:
  • GT4 inspired race series using only rear wheel drive cars (this includes fr, mr, and rr), with a targeted starting power to weight ratio of 6.5 lbs/hp (roughly 3kg/hp).
  • ANY car in GT7 with 2 doors and rear wheel drive is allowed. Old/new, musclecar/supercar...whatever you want to use, but chose wisely.. See edit at bottom.
  • the car must start out as a road car and be made into a race car. NO GR4/GR3/Gr3 road cars etc.
  • cars chosen can have as much and as many upgrades as desired as long as they can be tuned to meet the 6.5 p/w ratio target, and can be adjusted up and down. (Make sure to upgrade your car to a point that you have to bring the power down some, and add some weight. This will allow us to adjust as needed during time trialing to establish a base BoP spec.
-wide body kits will be allowed.
-no soft top convertibles allowed. If it is a convertible with an available hardtop installed its good.
-once a driver has their car set and established the way they plan to race it they will be asked to submit a screen shot of their power and weight ratio being used. A control time trial will then be opened for you to run. The times collected will be measured against my times (no one will know, until after all times are collected) as the benchmark for starting parity. Those who are slower will be bumped up, and those faster will be scaled down. These adjusted numbers will become your starting BoP for that car for the season. From there a ballast/hp Leveling system will take over as it did for our current series.
-PP will have no impact for our series since our base regulations will be based on the car, how it was specd, and the driver's time trial results. The idea is for us all to be very close from the start with a variety of different cars.
- no more than 2 of the same car will be allowed.
-once season is started, a driver will be allowed 1 car change with additional rules/penalties applied in regards to the change.
-all cars will run on race Medium tires, must install a roll cage if available to the chosen car (not required if not available for chosen car), front spoiler, rear spoiler, and lower rear spoiler kit and all racing drivetrain components added (if car has front spoiler kit from factory, that will work)
- a final list of required parts will be made over the next few weeks
-as usual, there will a standardized livery regulation for the series.

The planned name for the series:
Snail Michelin Pilot GT Challenge

Start thinking about what cars you would like to use, adjust them to achieve 6.5 lbs/hp p/w ratio, and start testing to find a car.

More details to be announced as I have time to play with this more. Hopefully, GT7 will at the very least afford us the options of seeing hp/weight/and tire regulations and have a stable online environment before we try to kick this off later in the year. Looking forward to finishing our current season, and looking even more forward to our next runs on GT7.

Edit: A long list of available cars will be selected and approved for this new series. Drivers can test and select any car from this provided, and again, no more than 2 of the same car on the roster.
Alright fellas,
For those wanting to mess around and start testing cars for next season, see the post above for details. See the Spoiler tab below for the list of cars eligible for use. Be sure to spec the cars you test into a full race car using the notes and values above for best accuracy in your testing. Actual thread will be opened for our next Season's preparations and sign ups in the next week or so.
08 Alfa 8C Comp.
15 Aston V8 Vantage
07 BMW M3
14 BMW M4
14 Chevrolet Corvette C7
16 Chevrolet Camaro SS
18 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1
02 Dodge Viper
06 Dodge Viper
13 Dodge Viper
06 Ferrari F430
09 Ferrari 458
19 Ferrari F8 Tributo
15 Ford Mustang GT
16 Ford Mustang GT350R
13 Hyundai Genesis Coupe
14 Jaguar F Type R
14 Lexus RCF
17 Lexus LC500
14 McLaren 650S
10 Mercedes AMG SLS
15 Mercedes AMG GTS
17 Mercedes AMG GTR
15 Mercedes AMG C63S
08 Nissan 370Z
23 Nissan Z Performance
09 Porsche 911 GT3
19 Toyota Supra RZ
20 Toyota Supra RZ
18 Subaru BRZ STi Sport
15 Toyota GT86
16 Toyota GT86 Limited
21 Toyota GR86
21 Toyota GR86 RZ
TVR Tuscan Speed 6
So it’s not race cars?
All cars of this series will have started as a road car. After all modifications to drivetrain, Race suspension, weight reduction, front spoilers, rear diffusers, rear deck spoilers, roll cages if available, etc...and then the series racing livery requirements......, the final result is a race car very close to the Gr4 Class, but with a bit more power. To get the 6.6 lbs/hp power to weight ratio, most cars in their Race form should fall close to 700pp...give or take, but pp won't really be much of a factor since driver skill and pace will be factored into the base car specs for the season start. This is just the list for now to let you guys start messing with different cars to see what you like and don't like. This will lend alot of room for tuning in regards to driving styles..less weight and less hp, more weight and more hp, balanced in between for a good all around car....options will be wide open as long as it fits inside the min and max allowed weight and hp ranges. Front the suspension and other tuning will then fall into the mix. Again, though, just because all the race stuff is put on doesn't mean you have to adjust it. If that's how you want to race it, tine trial it that way. Basically this will allow us to build our own racecar from a road car, and then put our creation head to head in hopefully very close racing. Here is an example of one of my possible choices.:

Here is a real word Camaro GT4R from Urban Grid:
Screenshot_20220313-123749_Samsung Internet.jpg
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Sounds expensive ;) Can't afford to build more than 1 or 2 of these to try.
It could get expensive quick, so that's why I say choose cars you like to try, and why we're starting this so early...to give plenty of time to trial different cars before I open signups and car choices. Most cars will be around the price of a Gr4 Car, except the Ferraris and some of the higher end cars.
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I’ll go for the McLaren again.
Though we are currently in the final stretch of our current season finishing on GTSport, Testing sessions have begun for our next Season targeted to start in July 2022. Season 3 of Snail's Gr4 Friday racing will be lightly rebranded to Michelin GT4 Challenge presented by Snail. This will be a full road car to GT4 spec race car parity series. Basically, start with a road car from the list, spec it into a GT4/Gr4 race car spec and then we run em. Managed to get a little seat time in the Stevenson Camaro 😉.

Start testing. May seem like a long time away, but the new season will start before we know it. A new thread will be up in the next few days, and sign ups and car choices soon to follow.
Roll call fellas:
With GT7 in play and many spending time on the new title, despite the online lobby issues, I want to get an idea of whether we have enough interest to continue our current season of the Michelin series back on GTSport to finish the season. See the Poll at the top of this page. It's simple....if we have more than 16 total (across primary and reserve) for going back on Sport to finish, I will have the Event Details Post and Confirmation Post out on Friday. Any less than 16, and we will close out the season, and current standings will finish as they are. From there, we will run Friday test/time trial nights for the new upcoming GT7 season until online lobbies get sorted.
If you're tagged below, please vote by the closing date and time on Thursday evening, and post in thread that you voted.


@llNovall / II-NOVA-II
@Bologna_Duc / Bologna_Duc
@stelephant / stelephant
@Rob Brown / no1needs2perish
@IceWarden / Ice_Warden
@Fudman420 / Fudman420
@Megabytesize / Moby45
@MrDonovan / MrDonovan
@Noob01_lmdead / rauljimenez76
@Harry Rowley / Harry_Rowley_10
@Stryker13 / DrSpyderPig
@Rotary_Pilot /Rotary_pilot13
@socalnatv / Sand_68
@JDMKING13 / jdmking13
@fruitloop31 / fruitloop31
Reserve Drivers (no specific priority order)
@Yugofan / Yugofan
@Beeg Brady / Brady_Imawesome
@Roman_GT23 / Roman_GT23
@aedenmaddok / aedonmaddok
@Deal24 / fullerbunch
While I don't have GT7 yet, I am interested in this purely due to the interesting build-a-car element. I currently eyeing these 5 in particular to give a try when I get to that point:

Mercedes GT R
Jaguar F-Type R
Ford Mustang GT350R
Chevy Camaro ZL1-1LE
Toyota GR Supra RZ
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