**COMPLETED** SNAIL-Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge: Season 1 Champion: Rob Brown

  • Thread starter llNovall
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Qualifying Procedure NOTICE:
est: RACE ROOM IS OPEN for ENTRIES (Verify your placement and tires before making your entry.) Warm up laps are permitted during this time until the room resets for qualifying
est: All previously confirmed driver entries must be in by this time. (Standby Reserve drivers will be notified and called to the Race Room at this time if grid spot are still open)
*Race entries and Driver placement/tires are verified.
*The Host or Series Director will instruct all Drivers to begin Open Qualifying. Run as many laps as you choose to set a time.
*Do not return to lobby for tuning or cancel your entry at any time during this Open Qualifying session. Park your car in a safe area on track or return to pits (do not cancel entry) if finished lapping early. **(Drivers entering the race room late, after 9:15pm est, may still make their entry and set laps using the remaining time available up to the start of Race 1 if a vacant spot is still available)**
*At approximately 9:30pm est, the Series Director or Host will instruct all drivers to line up past the 1st sector line. Qualifying times will be Recorded, and all late entries and driver's tire compounds will be verified before Race 1 is started.
*Race 1 will be Started at 9:30pm est.
*Late entries after 9:30pm est will have to wait to race for Race 2 and must be sure to have their tires verified before race 2 start.*
-9:30pm est:
Race will be started at this time.

Remainder of the night will continue in the normal series format. See the "Race night Schedule" tab in the first post for a complete breakdown of the race night.
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Grid seems to be filling nicely Nova. Well done
Picked up a few more over this past weekend to round out the16 primary grid spots. Still need to get 6 reserve drivers on the list for nights when we have drivers absent. I really want to have as close to a full grid as possible on every night we race. Hopefully I can get a few before the season starts.
Just a heads up to everyone. I will be leaving for vacation on this Friday and will be gone until the Saturday after July 4th. If anyone can or would like to get a lapping session going this weekend to help attract prospective drivers for recruitment, feel free to coordinate here. I'll be in and out of the forum throughout the week to keep things moving.

In the shop. To Tune or Not to Tune?

Good morning fellas,
I need opinions from everyone who has signed up for this series. Please revisit the first post and the poll above the thread title.
I'm considering tuning to be allowed with power and weight restrictions. Since everyone signed up with this being a "No tuning" series, I did not want to unilaterally make this call, but if we get a 80% or better majority who likes the idea, I would like to start testing while we still have time. This would allow all of us to tweak and tune our cars suspension, transmission , and differential settings to max potential, and since we are racing team against team for points, tunes could be shared among our teammates to get the edge. Could add an extra dynamic to the whole series, and since it is a month to month series, there would be plenty of time between races to modify a tune specific to the upcoming track. Please cast your vote as soon as possible. Thanks.
SNAIL- Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge (Monthly, Friday Night Race Series at 9:30pm EST)

/II-NOVA-II (Platinum) Snail
@Fudman420/Fudman420 (Gold) Snail
@Rob Brown/no1needs2perish (Platinum) Snail
@TEX36/TEX36( Gold) Snail
@GTP_Guido/GTP_Guido (Gold) Snail
@DesertPenguin/DesertPenguin09 (Gold)
@Bubdub804/JuceyJ804 (Platinum) Snail
@N38824r/N38824jr (Gold) Snail
@Raw10_2u/ Raw10_2u (Gold) Snail
@basswerks1/ basswerks1 (Gold) Snail
@DaveyHd/ Burgernip_2020 (Platinum)
@vsfit/ vsfit (Gold)Snail

Hi Fellas,
I wanted to revisit the discussion and reopen voting in regards to tuning for this series. I know many of you are Spec-biased with the experience in Snail, but I'd ask that everyone keep an open mind and try a simple base tune to see how you like the feel and tweak from there as necessary to find a stable/neutral feel before striking it down. The settings are below. Everything, from the car simply "feeling and sounding" more like a Cup Car over a roadcar, to simply the aesthetics and stance of it looking more like a racecar imo brings the series more in line with the real deal I'm trying to emulate. Also, tuning the car won't quite yield 3 sec per lap over stock, but rather a few tenths maybe. (If someone is 3 seconds faster with tuning, they're likely just 3 seconds faster period as we know is capable in Snail) What it will achieve is more stability and confidence in the cars handling which helps lap consistency and minimizes mistakes. I think tuning would just make for better, cleaner racing. Try it out.

Pick your favorite track, then set a fast lap using the stock setup, then tune with settings below and try to beat your previous lap time and see by how much. I think many of you may be pleasantly surprised, and my hope is your vote could change "for" tuning.

-Stock weight and power
-Customizable trans: fast set to around 185-190mph
*height: lower all the way front and rear.
*freq: set to middle mark f&r
*comprassion: middle mark f& r
*rebound: 1 click below middle f&r
*stabilizers: stock.
*Camber: f-2.4, r 3.5
Diff: start with stock. If you want the car to stay tight on exit, lower the initial to 7 and acceleration to around 25. If you want the car to rotate more under braking lower decel, if you want it more stable, raise it until comfortable.

I feel this car is much more "racecar" like with these settings, the trans whine, the tighter steering feel from the higher camber values, less pitch and roll, etc. I hope you all will consider or reconsider tuning. Voting will be ended before our next Exhibition night some time in July, and the simply majority will decide whether it will be tried out and tested on that Exhibition night.

Also note, that if tuning is to be tested and tried, the vehicle minimum weight will be lowered to a 991 911 Gt3 Cup car weight of 2646lbs or as close as possible for the Exhibition night. The idea is the GT Sport did not offer a 911 GT3 CUP car, so we would be making our own.

/II-NOVA-II (Platinum) Snail
@Fudman420/Fudman420 (Gold) Snail
@Rob Brown/no1needs2perish (Platinum) Snail
@TEX36/TEX36( Gold) Snail
@GTP_Guido/GTP_Guido (Gold) Snail
@DesertPenguin/DesertPenguin09 (Gold)
@Bubdub804/JuceyJ804 (Platinum) Snail
@N38824r/N38824jr (Gold) Snail
@Raw10_2u/ Raw10_2u (Gold) Snail
@basswerks1/ basswerks1 (Gold) Snail
@DaveyHd/ Burgernip_2020 (Platinum)
@vsfit/ vsfit (Gold)Snail
@Jw_wk1010 /Jw_wk1010(Platinum) Snail
@Clean Racer/ GentlemanRacer(Gold)Snail
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I already voted. I don't need to try your tune to know it will feel better. I regularly drive this car with a tune I have which is similar to yours. I like tuning. I don't get the aversion to it.

Thanks for revisiting the issue.
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The car setup for the IRS 2.4 Hr at Le Mans was amazing to drive. Cornering was predictably steady.

I certainly hope others will vote to give Tuning an opportunity. There are several sources for setups.

My vote is to give Tuning a trial.
My big issue with tuning is everything Nova just listed is like trying to read Spanish...i have no idea what any of that is or does to the car and I don't have the time to try and figure it out. I understand the diff stuff but only because he explained it.
My big issue with tuning is everything Nova just listed is like trying to read Spanish...i have no idea what any of that is or does to the car and I don't have the time to try and figure it out. I understand the diff stuff but only because he explained it.
GTSport does a great job of giving a simplified tuning structure compared to other hardcore sims. Basically, suspension tuning is nothing more than controlling weight transfer to stabilize and make the car as neutral as possible between understeer and oversteer. There are a ton of tunes already out there to optimize handling and speed. It's really as simple as inputting their tuning values and finding one that fits your driving style and comfort zone. Once you find on that fits, most will stick with it and focus on the racing. I'll see if I can find a list on tunes for this car to help you out, and if need be I'll jump in a lobby room and help you dial one in by feel.
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I'll give it a chance but I've messed around in previous turismo titles and the only difference I could feel was when I would adjust gear ratios to min max speed.
It's hard to notice changes with the controller,but you know you have a good tune when its smoother and your making less corrections. You gonna be around during the day tomorrow noonish est?
I won't I have to work. I could do it this weekend.
The other thing I'd like to bring up is even a couple of tenths per lap adds up over a 10-15 lap race. Different tracks also use different tunes. The ones that are really good at it will find a tenth here and there, add that to an already faster driver and next thing you know the gap is significant. I feel like I'm going to have to spend a good amount of time over the month just adapting to an increased lap count.
As just an outsider looking in, heres my thoughts and suggestions:

Alternate each Week/Month from tuning to spec. That way you can cater to everyone's interests.

I can understand where @Fudman420 is coming from. I am also not a tuner. I know the feeling you get when you're chasing someone and you're left wondering if they are driving that much better than you - or if they just have a superior tune to yours.
Here's the thing. A faster driver is going to be a faster driver whether tuning or not. Everyone will pickup some pace over stock, but consistency will perk up across the field. The series is set up for the fastest drivers to carry the burden of overcoming the field from the back in race 2 and 3. D1/faster drivers have pace obviously going for them, but its the consistency that takes it to the next level and they capitalize on others inconsistency and mistakes. With a softer compound Race medium tire for the gold drivers, tunes will help stabilized and make their cars even more confident than what a race hard tire driver will be capable of achieving.. again the burden on the fastest drivers on the grid. This will promote, almost force, as much door to door racing possible. Lack of lap consistency loses more time than the few tenths one may gain from tuning. Example is TheRaceReviewer on Sunday. He posted low 1:50's as a few other drivers did as well. However, he hit those lap times nearly every single lap, dominating the night overall. If one of us can hone in on, let's say low 1:51's consistently through a decent tune and hit them lap after lap, yes we will still be slower, but capable of putting up a better fight versus, say we hit that 1:50.8, then go back to a 1:52, then down to 1:51, then get a tail wiggle and back to a 1:53. The losses in times are exponential at that point with inconsistency. All real world series have some level of tuning integrated into the series. There are already plenty of spec series going on to measure driver to driver, the greatest example, our very own Snail Sunday races. Everyone on this drivers list knows who's faster than who already through Snail. I want this to be about battles, racing no matter where your at on the grid. Race 2 or 3, if your consistency can hold off a D1 caliber driver for 2-3 laps, it becomes about the battles. It's more about driver strategy, team strategy and the ability to score as many points as you can in that night. In an attempt to emulate and capture the nature of the real world Porsche Cup Challenge I'd really like to see tuning make it's way into use.
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I say let's give it a shot. I don't know how to do it either but I'm interested. I think I'll maybe really take my time and just tweak little things over the championship to see if I can feel the difference. And @Fudman420 you can totally just copy something from someone else.
And that's exactly it. We have a month between races to hone the car in before each race. I'm certain and hope that there will be plenty of practice/tuning sessions throughout the month, that will give benchmark times to shoot for and an open willingness to share tunes to help drivers achieve their ceiling wherever that may be.
Keep an open mind Raw. I've started testing with tuning, and dropping weight almost 300lbs to a near cup car weight and doing adjustments to suspension, trans and diff, I was only able to match the 1:50 flat times TheRaceReviewer, you and nmcp were capable of, but I was able to hit the lap times much more consistently. Some may find the stock setup works best for their style and pace, then others may find tuning helps them. I would like to see that option afforded them to get the most out of the car and their skillset to promote the best door to door action possible all over the grid. Many have this perception that tuning is going to yield seconds as in the old days Gran Turismo, but that's not the case. Its more about dialing the car in to a better confidence level to find consistency. As I stated, I barely was able to find the low 1:50's on Racing Hard tires that you guys had going last Saturday, and that is with 300lbs less. The racing will imo will be better. Drivers will have more laps trying to find that little extra, which is more prep and practice which we all know makes better racing. And as stated, this series us not about a drivers measure such as Snail Sunday racing and many other spec series. This is more about the "racing"....holding positions, fighting for that 1 extra point to scavenge as many points as possible as a driver and for your team. This series is a different focus. Also, with the cars in Stock trim, to me they feel like road cars with fancy dresses. Being able to tune, firming the suspension, the gear whine, the more predictable handling; all bring what I would picture a real Cup Challenge car to feel like and more in line with what I'm trying to emulate. Give it a chance to work.
Not a fan of tuning in the least. As a matter of fact I've never even gone to that screen in GTS. But... @llNovall is a pretty good salesman so, let's give this a solid try...

I have reviewed the Series Details and would like to compete in the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge-presented by Snail. I would prefer to be assigned to a race team and issued a car livery and number by the Series Director.

Vote placed above to allow tuning. 👍
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