*COMPLETED* SNAIL-Porsche GT3 SuperCup Challenge: Congrats to our Season 3 Champ, fruitloop31!!

  • Thread starter llNovall

Who's open to moving this Series to ACC after this season in Sept. '22?

  • I have a PS5 and a copy of ACC and am ready to race for next season.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • I have a PS5, and would purchase ACC to continue racing the Porsche Cup

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • I am getting PS5 soon and would purchase ACC to be ready to race in Sept. '22

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I plan to get the PS5, but won't have it by September.

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • I have no plans to get the PS5 in the short term.

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
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the office what GIF
johnny depp 90s GIF
kyle busch crying GIF by NASCAR
no fucks given idgaf GIF
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Had to work late today. I’m going to try to get home in time but I’m not sure if I will. If you can fill the spot it’s all yours. Maybe I can at least make the second race if no one else gets the spot.
Looks like I will make it due to massive rainout. Should be interesting since I can't get on until 8:30pm for minimal practice...just a grid filler tonight ;)
Had to work late today. I’m going to try to get home in time but I’m not sure if I will. If you can fill the spot it’s all yours. Maybe I can at least make the second race if no one else gets the spot.
What's your status Sand? If Qualifying starts, just jump in and get a few laps. If later than that, join us for Race 2. Starting Qualifying in 5 minutes
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Just wanted to say, great racing to every single driver on the grid. For such a technical and challenging track, the racing was extremely competitive, challenging, and overall very clean.

Glad to have @LSGtheSkyChef on the grid for his 1st event with the series, and thanks to @Fudman420 for standing in for the NGT Motorsport team effort....and Lastly, Congratulations to @MikeGrove on an epic drive with some exceptional pace for this event. A very well deserved overall win for this event. Great drDriving.

The Post Race Report, scoring, and all the included extras will be posted later in the week. Have a great weekend fellas and see you all at our next event.
Just wanted to say, great racing to every single driver on the grid. For such a technical and challenging track, the racing was extremely competitive, challenging, and overall very clean.

Glad to have @LSGtheSkyChef on the grid for his 1st event with the series, and thanks to @Fudman420 for standing in for the NGT Motorsport team effort....and Lastly, Congratulations to @MikeGrove on an epic drive with some exceptional pace for this event. A very well deserved overall win for this event. Great drDriving.

The Post Race Report, scoring, and all the included extras will be posted later in the week. Have a great weekend fellas and see you all at our next event.
Im glad i was able to make the event. Racing was great and glad to get a victory in my first ever league racing night. Awesome group of racers!
Such a tough series. First race I make a mistake in back to back corners and 4 or 5 guys passed me. From 5th to 10 in the blink of an eye. Don't love losing so many spots but having such close racing is just great. Thank you @llNovall for all the hard work organizing these great events!
Great racing Fudman420. I was feeling that same defeat in Race 2....Racing for everything I could at my personal limits and still sliding down positions in the field..and that was without any major mistakes. Just simply was getting beat. But, that's racing and I feel this series has achieved what it was designed for....a challenge to every skill level of driver. The following and commitment from everyone for these series and the great efforts to maintain clean respectful racing in this group make it worth the effort. Thanks for the appreciation, and to all the drivers of this and the Michelin series that have made them what they are.

Again, great racing and looking forward to our next event on the 19th in the Michelin series. :cheers:

Post Race Report
Event #3
at Kyoto DP Y+M
November 5th, 2021
Sorry fellas for falling behind on these post race reports and scoring...but anyway, here it is.
Kyoto, in it's largest form, delivered on the racing we were expecting. Long and enduring battles, across the entire field, across both races, and between drivers of all different skillsets. I think I raced as hard as I ever have, just to get a 10th place result. Simply put, I was just outpaced and out raced....but, the racing for my 10th place finish was still as satisfying as if it were for a podium. Epic battles and pressure at all times. Too many instances to point out...watch the replays. 😉 Great racing.

Have a look at the replays or broadcasts when they become available to see just how intense these races were, and feel free to share your perspective if you'd like.

Congratulations to our Event #3 Winner
and our top 3 overall:
1ST: @MikeGrove
2ND: @LSGtheSkyChef

Ballast adjustments have been posted. A 3% weight ballast was added for our winner, 2% weight ballast add for 2nd place, and 1% add for 3rd place.

Event #3 Replay Broadcasts
Race 1
Broadcast in processing

Race 2
Broadcast in processing
For Actual Replays, use in game search tag:

Roster Changes:

As always, Great Racing to all Drivers who attended Event #3 and looking forward to Our next race event at Autopolis International. :cheers:
Next Event:
Event #4 at
Autopolis International
Condition: TBA
on Friday, December 3rd, 9pm est.

Drivers are welcomed and encouraged to confirm attendance/availability anytime.
Race event details and confirmation reminder posts to come over the next week.

See some of you in practice sessions, and the rest of you tonight for the Michelin Cup Races.
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Race Event Details Post
Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge
Event #4,
Friday,, December 3rd, 2021
9pm est

at Autopolis International
17:00 Clear

Race Event Settings and Details
Track: Autopolis International
Time of Day: 17:00
Conditions: Clear
Race1 Laps: (22 laps/40+min), Fastest First
Race 2 Laps: (22 laps/40+min), Reverse Grid

'16 Porsche 911 GT3 RS
Tuning Permitted

Approx Avg lap time spread: mid to hi 1:49's
Fastest lap Potential: hi 1:48's to low 1:49's

Be sure to check your specs:
Next Event Ballast and Weight Chart

-Above are all the Event #4 details for anyone who would like to get an early jump on some practice/lapping sessions.
Standard Lobby Settings
Basic Settings

Room Mode: Practice/Race
Room Privacy: Public *
Room Settings
Room Name: Snail Porsche GT3 Cup. Event #1-12 (Date)- Members only
Race Type: Race for Real
Fixed Room Ownership: No **
Max no of participants: 16
Required Sportsmanship Rating --
Required Sportsmanship Rating --
Track Settings
Track: As per Race Date
Select Condition: As per Race Date
Laps: # of laps to = 40 minutes
Race Settings
Start Type: Grid Start
Grid Order: R1: Fastest First / R2: Reverse Grid Based on Previous Results***
Boost: None
Slip Stream Strength: Real
Visible Damage: On
Mechanical Damage: Light
Tire Wear: 1x
Fuel Consumption: 1x
Initial Fuel: Default
Grip Red. On Wet Track / Track Edge: Real
Race Finish Delay: 120 sec
Overtaking System Usage Time Multiplier: Default
Qualifier Settings Time Limit: none
Qualifying Continuation Time: none
Tire Wear during Qualifying: N/A
Fuel Consumption Qualifying: N/A
Regulation Settings
Filter by Category: N500
Balance of Performance: Off
Power Limit: 491hp
Weight: 2723 lbs
Maximum Tire Rating: Racing Medium (RM)
Minimum Tire Rating: Racing Hard (RH)
Livery Restrictions: No Limit
Type of Racing Number: No Limit
Assign Car Number Automatically: None
Tuning: No Limit
Kart Usage: Off
Ghosting During Race: None
Shortcut Penalty: None
Wall Collision Penalty: None
Wall Collision Detection: Default
Side Contact Penalty: Off
Correct Vehicle Course After Wall Collission: Off
Replace Car at Course Out: Off
Flag Rules: Off
Limit Driving Options
Countersteering Assist: Prohibited
Active Stability Management (ASM): Prohibited
Driving Line Assist: Prohibited
Traction Control: Prohibited
ABS: No Limit
Auto-Drive: Prohibited

-Confirmation to Attend Post/Reminder will be posted the week before race night. Please look in on this thread and reply here or via psn.
(Any Drivers who wish to confirm attendance early may do so at any time).
Reminder: Reserve driver priority is based on date and time availability was confirmed.

See most of you for some practice sessions, and the rest of you on the grid for the Michelin Pilot Cup Challenge tomorrow night.
I will not be able to participate in the next event. I’m doing some remodeling in the house so my rig is currently out of action for the next 2-3 weeks.
I should be able to be there to fill in if needed
Hey Fudman420,
Thanks for the early confirmation to be available. You are 1st Reserve, and are already guaranteed your entry for this event to cover @socalnatv (Sand_68) absence. Below is the JDX Racing #86 car for this event:

See you at Autopolis International.
When will the broadcast be ready from last race :)
I have race 1 ready:

This is a fun watch especially the last 6-7 laps to the finish line. The races for 1st, 3rd, and 5th were photo finishes at the line.
Shout out to @Harry Rowley for some great car placement and defense against an attacking, patient, and clean @MikeGrove. Great battles for this event. :cheers:

Hoping to get to Race 2 this week and both races from Event #5 of the Michelin series.
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@Clean Racer of the Wright Motorsports team confirmed to race our last event, but failed to appear or report absent. Therefore, his primary roster status has been forfeited, and he has been placed on the Reserve roster.
*If no one is interested or accepts the open primary grid spot by Thursday, Dec 2nd, the open spot will default back to CleanRacer.
S3 Porsche GT3 Cup Spotter SVG file main primary roster-1.png

Snail Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge
Event #4
at Autopolis International
Friday, December 3rd, 2021
at 9:00pm est
Confirmation Reminder Post

Please confirm your status by posting here in the thread or via PSN message that you "will" or "will not" be racing by 5pm Thursday (day before race night) to secure your grid spot and/or to adhere to the absentee policy.
Below are links for easy reference for policies, procedures, and series information for anyone who needs them.

1st Post of Thread (All series information can be found here)

Confirmation and Absentee Policy

Reserve Driver Process and Information

Be sure to check your specs:
Next Event Ballast and Weight Chart

Event #4 Details Post

A reminder to the Reserve Drivers:
-open/available grid spot priority on race night is given to the Reserve drivers who confirm their availability first. Whether you confirmed early, or after the Confirmation Reminder Post is posted, your confirmation of availability date and time will be referenced for priority on race night. Confirm early to give you the best chances to race if abcense(s) occurs.

Anyone with a 👍 has been confirmed and noted to be present for Friday, December 3rd Everyone else, please confirm, here in the thread or via PSN message, that you "will" or "will not" make it no later than 5pm est Thursday (day before race night)
Please reply either way

Looking forward to our next race at:
See Above^^^
<<(Link has all Race Night Information to set up for practice.) See you all on track.:cheers:

👍= will be present
(X)= notified of absence
(?)= Questionable

Drivers List
👍 @llNovall /II-NOVA-II (Platinum)
@Phlano099 /@Phlano_099 (Platinum)
👍 @Roman_GT23 /Roman_GT23 (Platinum)
@MrDonovan /MrDonovan (Gold)
👍 @Deal24 /fullerbunch (Gold)
👍 @Yugofan /Yugofan (Platinum)
👍 @Harry Rowley /Harry_Rowley_10 (Gold)
👍 @Noob01_lmdead /rauljimenez76 (Gold)
@IceWarden /Ice_Warden (Gold)
@LSGtheSkyChef / distant_crowd2 (Gold)
(X) @socalnatv /Sand_68 (Platinum) (1st )
@Clean Racer /GentlemanRacing (Gold)
👍 @fruitloop31 / fruitloop31 (Platinum)
@MikeGrove / (Platinum)
👍 @JDMKING13 / jdmking13 (Gold)
@Rob Brown /no1needs2perish (Platinum)
Reserve Drivers (no specific priority order)
👍 @Fudman420 /Fudman420 (Gold) (1sr R)
@aedenmaddok /aedonmaddok (Gold)
👍 @Kermit_2142 /Kermit_2142 (Platinum)
@Stryker13 /DrSpyderPig (Platinum)
@Moby45 /Moby45 (Platinum)
@Bambi / GTP_Bambi (Platinum)
@Rotary_Pilot /Rotary_pilot13 (Gold)

I plan to have a few late afternoon practices this week and next after work...between 4-5pm est.. Hope to see some of you then.
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