So how do you think it has played out so far?

With the news coming in (even before the current news) there was a lot of speculation as to what was going on with PD... things kept slipping or changing and no one was sure what to make of it. I would say we still can't really be sure, but I recall seeing a lot of opinions and speculations. I am curious to see what everyones thoughts are on how we have arrived where we are. Here is my take:

As PD worked through GT5 (probably starting aroud GT4 launch time) they met with challenges (potentiallylicensinng, partnerships etc) and programing issues (they are squeezing a LOT out of the PS3 which is not known to be easy to program for) which caused estimates of completion to get pushed back farther and farther, that's why we saw slides a while ago alluding to an 08 release.

Comming up into this year at some point Sony made known to PD PS3 slim ideas and price cut plans. Obviously it would be desireable to have GT5 release alongside the PS3 slim and best if it could hit a major shopping period.

PD internally estimated what they could get done to meet that schedule and made cuts where necessary (ie we can't get damage on all cars, ok lets make the deliniation somehwere - whats a natural cutline? Race cars... makes licensing easier and makes some kind of logical sense - done) and timelines were set.

Being as how Kaz and PD really want to release the biggest and best, they aim for the least cuts possible and gun for an 11th hour finish just in time to hit their release date. Everything has to fall into place to make this happen. Q4 2009 is set internally as the release date.

However they all know that they are really aiming for a high target and it's not good to go stating firm details at this point (the 2008 release slide is probably still painfull in their memories). The best thing to do here is to drop hints, try to build marketing and hype without actually putting anything solid out there. If the release date is hit, play off this as a huge culmination to the wait, if needs to push out longer... well nothing was official and solid so the lesser of two evils.

Now remember PD is not just one department but man with many jobs all of which may be of different difficulties to complete. So marketing is off doing their thing, coding is doing theres, R&D and PR etc all doing their own thing all aiming for Q4 09.

Marketing starts putting out heavy hints about 09 release and adverts and promos get leaked or are otherwise seen.

As time draws close PD is hitting it's strides, looks like Q4 09 is doable, hints get stronger, confidence grows... time to test the waters.

GC... not officially announced on the lineup, nothing official, let's dip our toe in the water and see how it feels.

GC demo hits... results are mixed at best. People are seeing the flaws more than the improvements.

Somewhere between GC and TGS, PD and Kaz are back at the conference table with Sony... Sony is saying "GT5 releases with PS slim this xmas, lets go!" Kaz says "no... we saw what the resposne was, we need to go further, we underestimated where we needed to be and the main competition has a lot of features we need to put up at least a cursory answer to or we risk really bad reception and PR. We need to extend 6-12 months out... we need to get great damage across the board, we need to model interiors across the board, we need to deepen/creat our livery editor... on paper GT needs to measure up feature for feature better against F3".

Arguments ensue, Sony needs GT moving consoles and sales and gives in to 3more months... that's it, get that thing out there! PS3 slim is alread out, we already dropped the price we NEED GT5 to hit somewhere near those or else any tie in benefit is lost.

PD goes back to the development table and looks at what they can do. Full exterior damage across the board? Can't do it that fast, but we took so much heat over the "only some cars have damage" ok we give the rest as much damage as we can, scratches and scuffs.

A few other things get the green light to improve or enhance and a new date is set.

Kaz is still unhappy Sony wouldn't give him as much time as he wants and he knows they are again pushing for an 11th hour completion even with scaled back goals... so to give himself as much wiggled room as possible he announces the Japanese release date (which he kind of has to being as he is at a Japanese game show) a little vaguely, keeps playing his vague on anything uncertain game and hopes that if they need to push back again, so far only Japan has a solid release date (so only 1 region has an actualy "delay") and other regions can simply receive a release date later than Japan as their official release dates, saving face rather actually giving a delay (since no official date was said for those regions).

That's how I see it... what do you guys all think?
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So 2 vampires run into each other, and one of them has a stream of blood dripping from his mouth.

The other says "Hey, where'd you find so much blood?"

The vampire with the bloody mouth says "You see that huge wall of text over there?"


"Well, I didn't see it...."
So far, TGS has been....well, somewhat disappointing.

Kaz's 8 minute presentation was mostly a carbon copy of info released at GamesCom.

Roll over is neat but it isn't necessary. Damage=# 1

Lamborghini is a nice addition, awaiting more models

Scrapes, minor damage is cool in the new videos
Its over when game is out.. even after that we will have improvemtns with patches
^^ :rolleyes:

To OP:

Sounds reasonable to me... a lot of people seem to forget about the sort of processes that software development goes through.

Although - having said that... I'd be surprised that the damage model isn't universal over all cars - I guess the bits that make some cars "premium" might be the falloffy bits... which need extra modelling. (i.e. extra models for the bits that fall off - and extra modelling for the stuff underneath them!)

I'm strongly expecting the mechanical damage model to be the exact same thing for every single car... here's hoping that we can get a good summary of what's damaged - so we know how what to try to favour!

I kinda lost you when you made it sound like GT designs their game around the concept of making a better game than Forza. The day things look like that, I'll lose heart and respect for the series. GT leads, they don't follow. They never have and they shouldn't see the need to start now.

So, what've you just basically said is that because all of the GT fans outlandish expectations, the game has been delayed and may be delayed again? I'm happy with GT2 + GT5P graphics... I'm kinda sad that so many want more than that.
I kinda lost you when you made it sound like GT designs their game around the concept of making a better game than Forza. The day things look like that, I'll lose heart and respect for the series. GT leads, they don't follow. They never have and they shouldn't see the need to start now.

I didn't say that... but realistically Kaz and PD have to know that comprisons are being made and often on paper... so they can't go handing out freebies that might damage their appearance like "only some cars have damage" and "not even a livery editor like Forza has had for years". Sometimes you have to put in features that you want and think will be great, but in a competitive market, sometimes you also just have to make sure your bases are covered and pay lip service to areas of contention.

So, what've you just basically said is that because all of the GT fans outlandish expectations, the game has been delayed and may be delayed again? I'm happy with GT2 + GT5P graphics... I'm kinda sad that so many want more than that.

Well you can say it like that, or you can say the same thing but with a different viewpoint:

Because PD underestimated what was expected and desired in the game in the face of the current gaming world, they had to re evaluate how long it would take them to make a product they were comfortable releasing. Fortunately early tests revealed the judgement errors before the game was golded.
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Nice write -up, sounds very reasonable and I'm sure there's a lot of truth between these lines. 👍

PD simply can't afford to release their game with halfarsed damage and no or just a basic livery editor.
It would bring them bad (score) reviews thus hurting sales, and rightly so.

Something in me still hopes for 09 release, but then I know it just won't happen. :(
I think it all looks fantastic. I'm really super happy with the confirmations, and with the overall direction the game seems to be taking. I think it's shaping up to be a brilliant, epic game that I'm going to love. :D
I think it all looks fantastic. I'm really super happy with the confirmations, and with the overall direction the game seems to be taking. I think it's shaping up to be a brilliant, epic game that I'm going to love. :D

That post makes it sound like a unicorn just crapped a rainbow in your brain :D