Had a good day ending with an argument with an Anti-Brony at school. He says that it's wrong to watch it. His reason, because it disobeys the laws of physics, it's for little girls, and it makes people dumber. Yes, it does disobey the laws of physics, but any normal person can differentiate between Cartoon and real life. How on earth does that mean that it's wrong to watch it? And no, it's not just for little girls. It's also focused at the parents, so they can at least appreciate watching too. And there is no way a cartoon can make someone stupider. It doesn't wrench a hammer out and bash your brains out, and we can understand the very fine line between reality and a cartoon. My questions were. Why is it wrong to watch it? He answered about the laws of physics thing. My next question: If a 16 year old girl was to watch Dragonball Z, which is aimed at young boys, you wouldn't complain. So what's wrong with MLP? He ignored the question and tried changing the topic to why Dragonball Z is "gay." It carried on like that generally. I ended up settling on the fact that I was talking to a nerd of nerds. This is the guy every one hates because he is up himself, and thinks he is the man because he's in Level 3 Science while doing NCEA Level 2. This guy is fat, loud, and always brags about how he's in classes that are a year level up. Though when it comes to creativity, this guy is really narrow minded. He is a COD player. That explains everything. He simply cannot see music, television, or anything that could possibly involve creativity to create from an open minded perspective. This just pisses me off that minds get that narrow. It's not like I shove MLP down his neck, I just use it to get rid of people occasionally. The argument ended with both arguers walking different directions and me saying, "I believe I won that." Now that is just a rant about the annoying part of my day. This would have been in another thread had slow chat not gotten it thrown into some sort of never ending Solitary Confinement.
So other than that. My day was great! In metal work I just stood there with a hammer belting a bit of metal into shape while shouting at the person next to me who was holding the metal in place. And people found it entertaining our entire situation. We are a bit like Top Gear, ambitious but rubbish, and arguing along the way. It's entertaining for the class. There was no maths. English I drew a sheep with a human head with dog written on it saying, Baa, hello! A gangsta spinning on his own head. And an Illustration of Freedom which was a picture of a prison on fire with people running out of it. I'm hoping the teacher gives it back next week. Graphics I just sat there doing nothing, in the middle of music I had to go for the School class photo's so I did nothing that spell. (though I did some strange faces for the photo's) And ate fish and chips for lunch.
EDIT: Oh wow the case of TL;DR will be very severe with that first paragraph.