So, what do you think of the proposed New York state budget?

  • Thread starter Tornado
- An "iPod tax" that charges state and local sales tax for "digitally delivered entertainment services" - in other words, that new Beyonce song you download.
- State sales tax at movie theaters, sporting events, taxis, buses, limousines and cable and satellite TV and radio.
- Costlier driving with the repeal of the 8-cents-per-gallon sales tax cap on motor and diesel motor fuel, plus and increase in the auto rental tax.
- Tuition increases as SUNY and CUNY, $620 and $600 a year respectively.
- A 50 cent tax on cigars. The current tax is equal to 37% of the wholesale price, or 34 cents a cigar.
- No more sales tax break on clothes and shoes worth $110 or less, except during two weeks a year.
- Higher taxes on wine, beer and flavored malt beverages. He would also impose an 18% tax on non-nutritional drinks like soda.
- The rich would pay more for luxury items through an additional 5% tax imposed on cars costing more than $60,000, aircraft costing more than $500,000, yachts costing at least $200,000 and jewelry and furs costing in excess of $20,000.
- In addition, a host of a fees, including those related to motor vehicle licensing and registration, parks and auto insurance, would go up, as would various state-imposed fines.


Personally, to me it comes off as he wants people to simply stay at home in a huddle rather than spend any money. I also find the "obesity tax" to be rather funny if he also wants to tax health spas. Hilariously enough, I've read in a local paper that state spending, for all of Patterson's talk of "New Fiscal Reality," would actually increase.
I'd probably rather have an increase in taxes overall than this nickel and dimes BS.
I've always been against the charging of sales tax on digital things since the internet isn't part of any start or nation. I'm also against any form of raise in tuition for any university as the cost of schooling is already high enough. You can't really make it in the US anymore without a college education, but it's so expensive to get on it almost makes it impossible.
I love it when the government tells me what I should and should not buy, consume, etc. Frankly, this scares the **** out of me as I´m sure Pennsylvania won´t be too far behind.
Looks like the usage of p2p and torrent programs in New York state is going to go through the frickin' roof. Cool. That means more seeders and faster downloads!

Maybe they should have done a study on the revenue gain from tax versus the revenue loss from fewer sales. Also, taxing radio? They do mean satellite radio, right? Because the last time I checked radio is supposed to be free, like broadcast television...
Maybe if New York only had half the corruption and graft, they could pay their bills on time, and not charge a state income tax.

Just an idea, Empire State.
What was the state budget deficit looking to be this year? They've gotta get the money somehow...

Some of them are ludicrous, don't get me wrong, but there are times when tax increases are necessary to keep the budgets in the black. Something that we need to figure out in Michigan as well...
Now all they need is a Cannoli tax. The mafia would love that.

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