So would the S1000fd from Fujifilm be a good purchase for all it offers?

  • Thread starter Delirious



After deciding from this or the S700 the S1000 just seems like a better purchase so now I ask you guys...

I love the zoom since I want a good camera with good optical zoom, I love the video capture, I love the detail in picture this sports...but I am also a happy medium kind of guy. I don't want to spend anything over 250 for a camera but I want the most bang for my buck. It doesn't have to be able to fit in my pocket so a reasonable size is all I ask. I am no means an expert at photography but I want enough options for an "advanced novice" to keep me happy.

So I this a good purchase?
Review conclusion on the S1000 from

The S1000fd is obviously aimed at serious shooters, but it lacks some of the basic features that a photography enthusiast would expect – manual color, saturation, and contrast adjustments, for instance – plus it doesn't provide image stabilization. This puts the camera in something of a bind: the S1000fd doesn't really measure up for the serious/creative photography demographic, but it is too complex and difficult to use for the casual shutterbug and point-and-shoot crowd.

And on the S700:

Fujifilm's FinePix S700 is a very capable and appealing "entry-level" prosumer digicam. With 7-megapixels, a versatile 38-380mm 10x zoom lens, loads of useful exposure modes, great performance, and comfortable SLR style body, the S700 will be hard to beat, especially with an MSRP of only US$249 or less! The only downfalls I found were the above average amounts of purple fringing, and the fact the LCD blacks out in between shots (when shooting in a sequence not burst mode.)
Personally, for the $50 difference, if it was between these 2 cameras, I'd go with the S1000. The extra zoom and resolution give you a bit more freedom in shooting and cropping, although 10x and 7MP will do the job just fine.
does it need to be a Fuji? because for the same kinda money you could buy a Canon S5, wich offers 12X zoom, 8 megapixels, excelent stabilization function, full-on manual and adjustable options, a macro option that lets you touch your objective with the lens and still put it in focus, and the screen deploys and turns around, wich is, belive me, very practical.

I tell you becuse I have lived with a Canon S2 (previos generation) and it's a GREAT camera, its obviously the fuji's Canon counterpart but it has a bit more features than the fuji and costs practically the same... I'd go for the Canon S5 for the extra tidbits, but the Fuji seems a good buy indeed.

Go for it, these hi-zoom cameras are awesome, I love my S2 and it's only 5 mps, I sooo want an S5!