Some help with Real One...

I downloaded an Episode of Initial D (havent seen an episode yet) off Kazaa and it took forever. I tried to watch it but there was no picture, just sound (125MB worth :rolleyes: ). I thought it was just the file so I downloaded another one (94MB this time) and the same effect. What's wrong? This happened on another movie I tried to download as well. What could be wrong?
What is the file extension? If it is .avi, you'll most likely need the DivX codec.

I wouldn't run Real One, it's so bloated, just let WMP play it.
I have RealOne but its not used for anything. The only media players I use are WinAmp 3 and Windows Media Player 9. I disabled everything RealOne wanted to be used for. :)
Wow, thanks guys. Initial D looks great :). I downloaded Stage 1: Act 19. We should have a forum just for it maybe (other than the drift forum). Am I starting to sound ricey?
Originally posted by Frustrated Palm
Wow, thanks guys. Initial D looks great :). I downloaded Stage 1: Act 19. We should have a forum just for it maybe (other than the drift forum). Am I starting to sound ricey?

Somebody hit him quick! He's becoming one of them...

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