Some very commited driving in a Mk2 Escort

Wow. The sound alone had me, but this guy drives like a bat out of hell. I would give him a set of better tires if I had money just to see how fast he could go.

Good find 👍
Holy Craptacular Batmans Pink Underwear...

That MkII is f'n flying... Damn !...
Just been reading the comments and apparently (that most used internet word) it's running a 2.4 engine with 301bhp and weighs 780kg. No wonder it's fast.
But, furthermore, he's driving it at the absolute edge of his ablilities. I mean, I cringed at moments where I thought he was going to turn the Escort into shreds, but he always pulled out of it.

That's what's amazing.
[MickDundee]"That's not a fast Mk2 Escort, this is a fast Mk2 Escort"[/MickDundee]

Ah, Jackie Stewart in the V6 Mk2. Excellent. I've got that on the hard drive somewhere. Not as lairy though. There is no need for a 450bhp Escort now let alone back then. Nutters.

Speaking of Mk2s, it's the Roger Albert Clark rally this weekend......
Maybe 400 is too much, but the idea of a proper lightweight RWD car with 250+ is always tempting. Problem is getting any road car to weigh even near a tonne is hard these days but for a purely track car shouldn't be too much of a problem. We just need a road version now.
[MickDundee]"That's not a fast Mk2 Escort, this is a fast Mk2 Escort"[/MickDundee]

But, Sir Jackie filters all the velocity out of his cars' speed (such is his finesse and skill behind the wheel) , so he always looks like he's travelling at 50mph, when he could be doing 140mph on a curve. A good video nonetheless.