someone challenge me.

United States
in a box
I'm looking for a challenge

The car is going to be deano's S15 silvia

when someone decides to accept my challenge, I'll post a deadline.
well darin, I hope you put a little effort into this one.
Base: Deano
Deep Dish Portion of wheels: Deano
RB26DETT: Deano
The rest by me.


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well just finish and whenever you finish well get the poll up. School comes before manga Cars. :)

Well, I might not get a chance to do it though.

I got this homework. Which I need to do my sceince ****.
And then I gotta complete my LFS skin.

I don't think i'll be getting around to the Manga car man.

well darin, I hope you put a little effort into this one.
Base: Deano
Deep Dish Portion of wheels: Deano
RB26DETT: Deano
The rest by me.

the rear bumper is off our +23 supra and the intercooler is mine.
Sorry Deano I forgot about that stuff.

Man when I saw you posted, I was about to freak out, I thought you were gonna challenge me. :scared:
yeah DEANO > (me) does mangacars 👍 lol.............just a little hobby of mine :lol:

i made the nissan s15 stock base at the top of this thread, and many more base's over at MCF.
haha tbgtr34 :lol:

well ill see you in the next (friendly)monthly contest over on mcf and then we will see who is the real god of mangacars.....let your cars do the talking if ya dare:scared: 👍

haha all worship :bowdown: DEANO
haha tbgtr34 :lol:

well ill see you in the next (friendly)monthly contest over on mcf and then we will see who is the real god of mangacars.....let your cars do the talking if ya dare:scared: 👍

haha all worship :bowdown: DEANO

well im off of jdm so yes it will be friendly.. its on deano me gainst you...? shall we hold it here?
sure.. choose a base to.. um choose something that hasnt been over tuned.. like a scaled car u know.. maybe a KK subaru wagon..

first i want deano to accept
i say have it over on the mangacars forum.

better still i say both of us enter into the next monthly contest over on mcf, that way we test our skills against everyone! and we can pick whatever car we want! 👍 dare ya risk maybe coming 3rd or 4th :scared: haha
plus it gives us a bit of time. i'm a busy man with work and things.
yeah but it will be back up soon wont it?

the next monthly contest will be at the end of september.

anyway if we are having a contest it should be pick what ever base we want, then i do what i do best and you do what you do best. that way no one as got the advantage, thats fair?
wait a minute here... so your saying you do your base... and i do mine, instead of someone like fusions2k choosing.. hmmm 💡

heres an idea: you do your base... and i do mine, instead of someone like fusions2k choosing