Somethings learned...

  • Thread starter jrbabbitt


United States
Charleston, SC
Just recently i have re-acquainted with GT4 and started a new card, new career and such and i realized with the experience i have had before with racing it is all so much easier but the most noticeable thing that i have learned is that the brakes are as in real life, you "mash" on the brakes and you will lock up the wheels and slide no matter what you have with the brake settings. I find if you are gentle with the brakes the car will slow down with more control and quickness and it will help in the long run with the races. I have not "golded" in the Nurb but am practicing a lot. just wanted to voice my thoughts, thanks.
Same here, got bored today and decided to start a new career, gonna go for a unconventional approach this time (used car only when possible, should be fun).
I'm still in the process of learning the Ring, it's so long and hard to get it memorized, but I'll get it one day. Good luck. 👍
I think the best thing about racing is that there is always more to learn, there is a new eureka moment in every corner. I love that feeling when you figure out how to get THAT car around THAT corner. It keeps me coming back.