Sony PSX (DESR-7000/DESR-5000)

  • Thread starter cujoJPN
Hey guy's. I seen the new Sony console released in Japan on December 13th I beleive. or the 19th. Sometime around then. Does anyone have an Idea on which it will come to the US? I plan on buying one ASAP. I just need to know when it will be released. I hear early 2004. But Jan-May is too much of a range. I cant wait! haha it looks like an awsome console! :banghead:
You talking about the one with the DVD writer, hard drive, and DVR software? I don't know that we are actually getting it. Though it would be cool.
no, I heard if released in N.america it would run for 719. But it is much worth it. I guess I have to get it imported. :banghead: a 250gb hd with dvd+rw, ps2 also it is worth it. If it is not released here it will be a huge mistake by Sony. :rolleyes:
It would be really nice for appartment dwellers and college students. Basically people in small living areas. It compacts three devices into one.
The only thing that I would get that for is the DVD writer, and I can get that for my computer for much cheaper than what they are charging for the PSX, and I have all of the other stand alone devices that are on it, so it is kinda point less for me to get it especially after I get the PS2 harddrive when it comes out.
It's supposed to have all the functionality of a tivo box with dvdr included- those things alone cost several hundered apiece. I know for sure that a tivo reciever costs about $500 canadian & the dvd burning tivos here are about $6-800 :S
Hey everyone. I'm in the military stationed in Japan now. Went to a japanese mall. They have the PSX out with all the other stuff now. Pretty cool looking too. They are expensive though. Not sure if they are coming to the states, but I guess it would be good for someone who wants a PS2 and doesn't have one yet. But, also wants more. It was kind of a shock because I forgot about them and then I saw one.
I haven't read up on this yet, but last I heard, there's still going to be a PS3 (where the PSX isn't really the next PlayStation). I would rather just get the PS3 if that's coming out later too, instead of buying a PSX with stuff I don't need.
From what Ive read about the PSX, it's a really big flop and they're not selling nearly as many as Sony marketing people though that they would. And I think that the PS3 is probably still quite a ways off considering we dont know A THING about it yet. Not even any leaks...
I heard that the psx was bombed in japan. The stocks are still full because it is too expensive and nobody is interested in that technology. I doubt id buy it even if it came over here.
Some pics of PSX Japanese version...









Originally posted by importfan1
Why the hell does it have cable hookups? Is sony planning to go into the cable tv biz. Or is it so you cna hook your dvd and your tv into it.

No, like was already said, the thing is like a Tivo. The hard drive is for recording TV.

I personally might get one. I don't have a TiVo or a DVD burner, and my PS2 is on the verge of dying, anyway, so I need a new one soon.

Oh, by the way, it's "Pray to God of Bomex. I hope your speed over the rival"