Okay don't come in here expecting much as I'm so spacey (for certain reasons) I'm surprised I can even form a sentence.
Anywho, we all know GT2's glitch with the sound cutting out during races. It usually comes after periods of extended play, but what causes it? That's what I want to find out as it happened to me playing through the Gran Turismo World Championship once more. The sound was funky for not just one race in the series, but each and every race. Hmmm, what could cause this?
So I got two quick (read: incomplete) theories with absolutely no thought put into them whatsoever. Here we go:
1>>> The sound engine of the game could be allocating more channels than possible with the Playstation's hardware... okay I got lost halfway through thinking through this one. Sorry
2>>> It may have something to do with some sort of malfunction of the sound engines effort to properly mix the sounds. I mean as in the volume and pan of each sound.
Heres some random sound related stuff that I am sure of and may have a bearing on finding out how the sound gets glitched out:
>The music during racing is played directly from the disk just like a cd player. It is XA, so it is a bit of a different animal than normal CD playback, but in programming it is EXTREMELY easy to implement (anyone look at the Net Yaroze manuals?) and the system itself takes care of most of that. The background music is not completely tied to the game's engine.
>Gran Turismo 2 was developed solely on and for the PS1, and uses the PS1's hardware specific FX processor and such. (Could this mean that there is a problem with the sound hardware rather than the game engine?)
So anyway, to try in some way shape or form to get to the bottom of this, I could really use first hand accounts of GT2's sound glitching, along with what hardware it was running on (PS1, PS2, Emu) and approximately how long you've been playing the game before it started happening.
Sorry if this seems too random, and If you have trouble figuring out what I'm trying to say. I am so like 'woah' it's not even funny.
Anywho, we all know GT2's glitch with the sound cutting out during races. It usually comes after periods of extended play, but what causes it? That's what I want to find out as it happened to me playing through the Gran Turismo World Championship once more. The sound was funky for not just one race in the series, but each and every race. Hmmm, what could cause this?
So I got two quick (read: incomplete) theories with absolutely no thought put into them whatsoever. Here we go:
1>>> The sound engine of the game could be allocating more channels than possible with the Playstation's hardware... okay I got lost halfway through thinking through this one. Sorry
2>>> It may have something to do with some sort of malfunction of the sound engines effort to properly mix the sounds. I mean as in the volume and pan of each sound.
Heres some random sound related stuff that I am sure of and may have a bearing on finding out how the sound gets glitched out:
>The music during racing is played directly from the disk just like a cd player. It is XA, so it is a bit of a different animal than normal CD playback, but in programming it is EXTREMELY easy to implement (anyone look at the Net Yaroze manuals?) and the system itself takes care of most of that. The background music is not completely tied to the game's engine.
>Gran Turismo 2 was developed solely on and for the PS1, and uses the PS1's hardware specific FX processor and such. (Could this mean that there is a problem with the sound hardware rather than the game engine?)
So anyway, to try in some way shape or form to get to the bottom of this, I could really use first hand accounts of GT2's sound glitching, along with what hardware it was running on (PS1, PS2, Emu) and approximately how long you've been playing the game before it started happening.
Sorry if this seems too random, and If you have trouble figuring out what I'm trying to say. I am so like 'woah' it's not even funny.