Sound problems...

  • Thread starter Jpec07
Forgotten Wing
Hey people, I'm having difficulty with my computer's sound system, and I figured you could probably help me. Now, a couple days ago my dad wanted me to run the line out from my ps2 into the line in on my computer (wanted to record a song off a DVD). well, this was all going well, except I had to unplug the speakers from the back of my computer. When I went to plug the speakers back in, I accidentally pluged the microphone into their jack instead. I fixed that problem, but now am faced by another; the sound from my computer is all in a mono signal (only coming out of the right speaker...). Does anyone have any clue how I might be able to fix this. I think it may be a hardware problem, but when I plug the jack for the speakers into the headphone jack, I get full sound. Please help me, as I have run every diagnostic I can think of to fix the problem, and nothing's worked...
Trace back all your connections to/from your speakers. Chances are that the plug isn't completely pushed into the sound cars input jack. Secondly, check to see if the second speakeer's wire is still attached where it's supposed to be. You didn't say which speakers you have so it's hard to help with that end of it. Just check all your connections and make sure that their all tight and ready to go.
It's not a problem with the connections, and I've tried plugging it into all the different jacks on the back of my machine. I've also plugged all the wires in again and again. It's a wierd problem, because all of the sound is coming out of the right speaker. The base, the left sound, and the right sound. And what else is wierd is that when I adjust the pan (balance for anyone who doesn't work with sound) and turn it anywhere but the middle, it gets really really quiet. This problem has me confused and helpless. Any ideas on what I can do? a friend suggested a new driver, but I'm not sure that would help...
Um, if its not in the right jack make sure its in a green colored jack on the back of your computer(at least, thats the way it is for me). That should be your line out.

Also, on some boards I have seen it as the jack with a little headphones icon is your main line out jack. That's probably the one you want.
Like I said, I tried all of the jacks, only one gives me any sound (the green one). I'm almost positive it's a configuration problem, but I have no clue as to how it's fixed...
Have you tried this? What kind of sound card do you have?

Start > Control Panel > Sound and Audio Devices > Advanced > choose the best setup for your speakers.
Sometimes this happens to me. But I have a subwoofer so it might be different (Don't know if you have one or not) but sometimes they need to be twisted if the wires are tight.
yeh, I tried the whole control settings etc.

@Kosmik, I do have a sub, and I've tried multiple times to fiddle with the wires (if it's not plugged in the right way, then it won't produce any sound at all...)
Just uninstall and reinstall your sound card. That will almost always fix the problem. The latest drivers are always a good thing to have, so you can't really make anything worse. Hopefully.