Special Chips

Hi, guys I have some duplicated colors from the special paints collection, that I'm willing to trade for the ones that I miss.

The colors that I have duplicated (I can give 1 of each):
- Crohme Silver
- Chameleon Orange
- Matte Brown
- Matte Pink
- Matte Yellow

The colors that I'm searching for:
- Aurora Nuvola Iridescente
- Formula Chameleon Green
- Maziora Andromedall
- Maziora Trapezium
- Midnight Purple II
- Matte Dark Blue
- Matte Dark Gray
- Matte Dark Red
- Matte Dark Silver
- Matte Green
- Matte Light Red
- Matte Orange
- Matte Silver
- Matte White
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I have:

-Aurora Nuvola
-Maziora Trapezium
-Matte Dark Blue
-Matte Dark Grey
-Matte Dark Red
-Matte Light Silver

Pick 5 that you would like?
Hi @Samareye I want these 5

-Aurora Nuvola
-Matte Dark Blue
-Matte Dark Grey
-Matte Dark Red
-Matte Light Silver

Do you want any thing in exchange?

I have:

-Aurora Nuvola
-Maziora Trapezium
-Matte Dark Blue
-Matte Dark Grey
-Matte Dark Red
-Matte Light Silver

Pick 5 that you would like?
Yes please. I'd like:

-Azzurro Nuvola
-Chameleon Blue
-Reflex Spice
-AMG Monza grau magno
-Matte Light Blue

I've exhausted my trades for the day. Would you mind me sending them to you tomorrow? You can wait until after I've sent you these chips to send me yours.
Ok no problem. I'll send a friend request today and send paints tomorrow morning. Your psn id is Samareye?

Edit: instead of matte light silver change it for Maziora Trapezium, its that ok? All the others keep the same.

Yes please. I'd like:

-Azzurro Nuvola
-Chameleon Blue
-Reflex Spice
-AMG Monza grau magno
-Matte Light Blue

I've exhausted my trades for the day. Would you mind me sending them to you tomorrow? You can wait until after I've sent you these chips to send me yours.
sent andromeda, trapezium, midnight purple III, matte red, matte light gray

im not sure what samereye has sent but if you dont need them sure just give them to someone else in need
I still need the ones in the first post. What do you want?

I'm feeling in a good mood so I'll send you all of them and you send me what ever you want to send, car/paint/suits/helmets I'll leave it as a surprise! Add me on psn Ryan_n_86