I use the following, if you're still struggling (tyres: Racing Soft)
Camber - 2.8 / 2.4
Toe - -0.20 / -0.05
Nice turn in, but with a hint of understeer. If the circuit's a particularly twisty one I tend to mis-match compounds to bring the rear around better. Racing Soft up front with Intermediates on the rear have a touring car kinda feel, where you can power on and the rear seems to react in a way that can only be described as being like a low powered 4wd, not sliding but massive amounts of grip and crisp cornering.
Show the rear a set of full wets though and you can take it drifting! Fun, but scary! Especially good fun when you get the noob drifters asking how you managed to make it rwd! (no joke, did this trick with an EK type R and 2 people asked me if I'd managed to glitch a civic body onto an s2000!)