
United States
Los Angeles area, CA
Coming home from work last night, pickup truck with a GT sticker on one side of the back-window, and a Nürburgring sticker on the other side of the window.

Whomever that person is, they're OK in my book. ^_^
Nürburgring sticker?

Ew. As equally tacky as the Nürburgring motif things you find on people's back bumpers here in the UK.
There's nothing wrong with Nurburgring stickers as long as you've actually been there! I like the 'Neverbeen' track shape decals you can get.
I wish somebody did a sticker for the Birmingham Superprix track.
When I was in Germany last summer almost immediately after getting off the plane I saw two guys with banged up old Skylines and nearly 6 Nurburging stickers on their bumpers. The level of tackiness was unbearable. I wish I took a picture.