I'm a student and I know about this sort of thing.
I think it's important to expose the bias that DOES exist at the college/university level.
I've personally seen it and I've been quietly dealing with it for years (I should have just graduated by now

Plus, I don't remember the exact number, but in the last two elections there were statistics printed about the way "profs" voted and there certainly is a bias.
No one can legitimately deny that college and university professors have biases and usually the bias is a "leftist" bias.
So for that matter, I think it is a good thing for professors to have to face up to their "private rantings."
They always think they can say whatever they want to these kids and indoctrinate them however they wish.
Once the truth of their lectures is revealed they are often admonished and reprimanded.
At larger universities this sort of behavior is often ignored and the truth never gets out to those parents footing the bill.
So I'm glad to see the exposure these teachers are getting.
It's about time someone exposed the "secret" world of bias found at colleges and universities across the country.
Left or Right, teachers should not be able to push a bias on students.
Btw, I went to a university last semester where a teacher of "poli-sci" was fired for doing exactly what this article was about (and that teacher leaned to the left too).