Standard Cockpit Cam (Patch Anyone?)

  • Thread starter squeakD
Would anyone like to see a patch to bring back the original cockpit cam from Shift-1? SMS changed the standard cockpit cam in S2U to the "Granny Cam". It's like you're on a phone-book with the seat pushed all the way up in some vehicles. You either completely lose your rear view mirror.., or are given just small piece of it. Doing a quick Left/Right look in the cockpit cam in S2U unleashed is a pain because the head movement is delayed.

If we want the fuller cockpit view we're forced to use the helmet cam. Personally the helmet cam makes me go cross-eyed at times. Surely since the helmet cam is already using that "further back" position from Shift-1.., SMS should be able to patch that back in for us.
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I've been complaining about this too. They put your head way too damn close. They should have kept the same FOV as the helmet cam. I am guessing that they are trying to copy GT5 and Forza (in which both are doing it wrong).

So since the regular cockpit cam sucks I had to use the helmet cam. Weird at first, then got used to it, and now loving it. A blessing in disguise I would say.
New cockpit cam is the best cockpit in any racing game! When you are out driving your not looking down seeing more than half the steering whell you are looking right out on the road and 90% of your vision is the road.
Picked up Dirt 3 earlier today and the cockpit view in that game is horrible, you are so far back it's very hard to see where you are going infact you see more of the inside of the car than the road... The driver must be about 7ft 2!
This game doesn't need yet another fixed view. What it needs is adjustability for seating position, apex/G movements and FOV - just like what the guys working at SMS introduced as a sim feature back in 2006. That would solve all cockpit view issues for all users.
