Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order


Wymondham, Norfolk

Launch trailer:

Kind of surprised there is no thread for this game. Launched yesterday, proper story based, 3rd person Star Wars adventure. Played over 3 hours last night and it is astonishingly good. From the visuals to the dynamics, the story down to the lightsaber customisations.

Plays like a cross between Uncharted/Tomb Raider and Dark Souls with a bit of Mass Effect sprinkled in.

Anyone else playing?
Feared for it after hearing about a review embargo until after release but reviews are very positive.
The general reception among gamers seems to be positive as well. I've been longing for a story driven, single-player Star Wars game with larger maps to explore for ages so this is a really nice surprise. I pretty much wrote it off after the E3 presentation but I can't really remember why though.

However, the performance on the XB1S is pretty pathetic (DF has a analysis videon on YouTube) and I fear for the PS4 as well. I'm waiting for the latter before hitting the purchase button. Anyone playing this on standard consoles?
This is the first full priced game I have bought in ages. Really enjoying it, even though I'm playing on the easiest difficulty because I'm a terrible button masher with games like this. :lol:

I will say I'm not a fan of the save system though. Found myself having to redo whole sections after dying in battle because I hadn't seen a save point for a while. Why can't we just pause and save anymore?
This is the first full priced game I have bought in ages. Really enjoying it, even though I'm playing on the easiest difficulty because I'm a terrible button masher with games like this. :lol:

I will say I'm not a fan of the save system though. Found myself having to redo whole sections after dying in battle because I hadn't seen a save point for a while. Why can't we just pause and save anymore?
Because Dark Souls
This is the first full priced game I have bought in ages. Really enjoying it, even though I'm playing on the easiest difficulty because I'm a terrible button masher with games like this. :lol:

I had the same experience, first played it on "normal" difficulty, but died a lot.
Never played the souls games, so my parry timing isn't honed at all and that does not really help.
Usually I mash the attack button repeatedly, but in this game not really all that helpful.

As the dying a lot started to become a bit frustrating and I only have limited time in the evening to play, I'd like it to be a fun/relaxing experience.
So yesterday, I set the difficulty back a notch and had a nice session making quite a bit more progress than previous play sessions.

And it helps a lot that you do not lose health when you miss a rope or pipe you where supposed to grab or jump on.
Might be that I was a bit tired yesterday, but plummeted into the abyss about 15 times or more during a icy slope decent with a rope and a few jumps in between.

Overall I like the game, nice set pieces and Star Wars atmosphere.

The Storm Trooper AI is pretty faithful to the franchise.

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I just adore this game more and more, the more I play it. I agree with the combat but like others here I have never played a souls game or anything with that style combat so my parrying, particularly against the slightly more advanced troopers, was terrible. So I have also backed it off a touch and now it has a bit of an assassins creed feel to the combat with the slightly wider parry window.

It just delivers so much more than I ever expected it to. The exploration, the new lore and things you can find, creatures etc. It’s just awesome and really puts you in the universe. I also really like how it doesn’t make everything obvious when your doing the puzzles and then exploring. You actually have to think a bit about what you’re doing and how to approach things. I just absolutely adore this game.
I agree with the above, I adore the game, too.

I am not a Star Wars fan (I like it, but I am not as into it as others tend to be) so this game was not on my radar at all. But I watched a review for the hell of it and was immediately interested. Games with a good sense of atmosphere, puzzles, exportation and platforming with a good combat system are my kinda games. Sprinkle in some interesting characters, great voice acting and gorgeous graphics, you got it all. I am really impressed. Figured the game was just a hack and slash, which would not interest me, but it isn’t.

In other words, I more into this game than I would have expected. Combat was tricky at first, but once you get the controls down, block often and don’t go in just swinging you’ll do fine. Shame there isn’t a photomode.
Picked this up the other day.

I'm a big Star Wars fan so I was keen to see what it offered in terms of new canon... It's fine in this respect, though I've got to say, I'm a little bored of the game play already.. it seems quite repetitive. Might just switch it to story mode and get through it as fast as possible. I don't often play games of this style, so perhaps I'm missing something.
Does anyone else have issues with the game levels not loading and it freezing the game as you move along, or is it just me?
Does anyone else have issues with the game levels not loading and it freezing the game as you move along, or is it just me?
It has hapenned to me a couple of times while I was climbing upwards (PS4). It ususally froze at the ledge of a platform for a couple of seconds. The issue is more frequent on the XB1 though.

Shame about some of the technical issues. Excellent game otherwise.
It has hapenned to me a couple of times while I was climbing upwards (PS4). It ususally froze at the ledge of a platform for a couple of seconds. The issue is more frequent on the XB1 though.

Shame about some of the technical issues. Excellent game otherwise.
It mostly happens when I'm running along and go from one big area to another, the game doesn't load the next part of the level fast enough and it freezes for ~10 seconds or so while things pop into existence

Finished the story a couple nights ago, now just going from planet to planet trying to 100% complete them.
^^^this issue basically disappeared when I turned a bunch of the graphic features off. (Motion blur, etc)

Also, went through all the planets and completed them to 100%, which I don't recall getting anything for. Kind of underwhelming after spending all that time doing it. :lol:
If you haven't tried this game out yet, your chance is coming! Hits EA play on November 10th. Same day that EA play gets integrated into Game Pass Ultimate.

I played it through on PS4 and have been looking for a reason to play it again, nearly it bought it yesterday, glad I didn't now.
Just got this on PS5 on sale. Finished the intro mission. Wow, it looks even better on my TV than the screenshots I saw. HDR really stands out in this game, especially with all the lightsabers and laser beams. Gameplay seems robust enough to make it fun to play. Hopefully it will keep getting even better from here. The only slight disappointment is no photo mode in cutscenes.
^^^this issue basically disappeared when I turned a bunch of the graphic features off. (Motion blur, etc)

Also, went through all the planets and completed them to 100%, which I don't recall getting anything for. Kind of underwhelming after spending all that time doing it. :lol:
Is the std ps4 version optimized now enough, i saw playthrus and it looked horrible and ran horribly.

Do the settings you talk about help on std ps4 too?
Edit: admittedly some videos poor showing are due to poor uploads.
Tempted, maybe if installed on internal disk it helps with stutters.
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One word awesome. Like playing a film but not the clone wars one of the better films.

Cant believe its on game pass as well, one pound
for 3 months what a bargain.

Definitely worth picking up if you like star wars and on the new consoles looks gorgeous.
Im really enjoying this as well, love the combat actually, a little similar to a fast dark souls, i set it on the 1 difficulty just below max and it's just a joy, more than enough save points i find.

Love having a mix of human enemies, can be pretty satisfying and cinematic too, just some stutters on std ps4 break the cinematic feel of combat a little.

Im going thru kashykk now, pretty cool levels, looks nice too.
Be fun see the sequel. I wish you could turn off the red glowing of enemies on unblockable attacks, and just spot start of an unblockable by it's animation and maybe sound the enemy makes, etc.

Edit: well im at the section on kashykk where you go back up to the surface with the at-st and droid and flame throwers, it's getting a little much jittery on my old std ps4.
I'm enjoying it so much, but maybe I'll try wait before playing too much more of it until I'm on a ps5, so i can savor the game in all it's fineness.

Edit2: wish they did a star trek and alien game like this, add some more dynamic interactions etc.
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Got this game for Christmas, 2019, from the better half (I love Star Wars, and anything Star Wars - watching the Clone Wars cartoon again for the 3rd time...). Started the game, but also built a PC to do iRacing and ACC on right after Christmas and never got back to it.
Well, fast forward a couple of years, and we had moved from Oklahoma to Florida in summer of 2021, but I decided one afternoon to play it:

Quick side note - Wife got me the Xbox One disc copy, and in this time my Xbox disc drive has quit working, so I couldn't play that one.

I finally decided to download the game on my PS5 (which came with PS5 & PS4 version) and it was also on the PS4 - so I played it through on the PS4 (it's in the living room) and am now playing on the PS5. The game is awesome!! Can NOT wait for the new to come next year. This is hands down one of the, if not the, best SW games ever made (and I have over 700 hours on both PS4 AND Xbox One Battlefront 1 games / yes, that's each!!), and just love every aspect about it. It's not perfect from a critical point of view, but as far as games go, that are 'everything that you could want' it's near perfect for what it is.

Think I'll play some more this weekend, getting me pumped to play it just typing out stuff about it. I put this game right up there with The Last of Us... which is another game I've played through 3 times.

If you like Star Wars, this game is, and should be one you have experienced.
Just did the zeffo tomb with the sphere in the half broken glass bowl suspended by a chain etc.

Goodness im slow🙄, took me a while to figure how to solve it. I was trying to find a way to stop the water leak instead of ... ill avoid spoilers i guess, in case others haven't done it yet.

I had most things figured except one of course.🤦
The hint message was starting to piss me off lol, i was saying noooo! I have to figure it out.🤣

Doesn't seem that you can turn that message off.

Nice game, im using the ps4 version on ps5,,looks and plays great.
Cool levels too, could be more enemy variety i guess, but im not done yet so..

Looking forward to the getting the sequel afterwards, and outlaws.
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