Start now or wait for first patch?

  • Thread starter mclemens
Knowing what you know now would you suggest starting now or waiting until the first patch comes out? I already have a copy of the game but haven't started playing yet.
Might as well start now, get a head start so you can do online races once the next patch comes out, which'll (hopfully) fix the steering delay problem among other things.
Same problem here, Ive ordered the game and it arrives on friday... but I already figured out what Im going to do (since the patch will be out in one week more or less)
Im going to start a career and play a bit without worrieing too much with the results, then when the patch is out Im going to erase my save game file and start a new career from scratch...
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wait for both I have both copies or rather my brother has the xbox copy and he is having the exact same issues I am having on ps3
I've had mine (PS3 copy) since launch day and I'm waiting for the patch. I want to enjoy the game, not get frustrated by it. Hopefully the patch will be out by the end of the month so not too long to wait.....
They haven't submitted it to EA yet. I'm guessing its going to happen this week, based on the posts from Griff. So from there it's 1 week at EA + 1 week at Sony or M$ (for the console users). For PC, I guess we're looking at 1 week. That is if things go well :)
I suggest waiting. I've owned it since launch but got so frustrated with the handling that I had to shelf it until the patch.

However, if you must play now then I suggest sticking to D and C class cars. For some reason the input lag is much more bearable in the slow cars.
wait for both I have both copies or rather my brother has the xbox copy and he is having the exact same issues I am having on ps3

Hmm odd. I have both versions and I started straight off the bat with Raudi's Fanatec settings for Xbox.

I found it a marked improvement over the G27 PS3 combo.

Until my wheel died that is.

I honestly haven't tried any version with a pad and my Xbox version will be cranked back up when my wheel arrives.

What controls are you and your brother Using?

To the OP, if you are getting the PS3 and playing with a wheel I would suggest waiting for the patch.

You will have more fun 100% the game as it was intended to play.

Another thing, I suspect alot of autolog times to improve post patch and you will have fun knocking off times lol.
I also have a copy this game (PS3), but i can't play with g25 wheel, because handling is so crap.....PC version looks more more better and no problem playing with g25 wheel. Uninstaled game from system and waiting a patch.
I have it on PS3 - I started playing...really tried to get on with it - I'm now waiting for the patch.
The input lag makes any form of quick correction impossible - the game should be much more fun when this is fixed.
I have to say that, for whatever reason, I have not encountered any issues with the game on XBOX.
I had some control issues at first, but with the advice of several different posters here, I adjusted the settings( both controller and car tune), and find everything working as good as can be expected. I'm about 90% through career mode as I write this. I skipped the drifting, and one of the endurance races.
There are no doubt bugs, and things that are just not right, and I hope these issues will get worked out in a patch, but the game itself has for some reason, worked just fine on my console. No freezes, no white screens, no saved settings lose, and I have yet to have a problem receiving race winnings, etc.

That being said, my friend, who also uses XBOX, is having almost every issue thats been listed thus far in this forum. So much so, that we cant even join in a race together. He locks up almost every time he tries to play the game, if not at first, usually within the first 10 minutes or so. In the end, he shelved it. I totally understand the frustration, and even disappointment all of you are having. Hopefully they can get everyone back up and running as, in my opinion, its a really enjoyable game to play.
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If it's for PS3 wait a bit,i've heard there are more problems on the PS3.

It's still good though because i'm very patient(with the problems) and even though i lost my career progress yesterday i'll gladly do it all over again just because this game is great fun.