In a high-torque car that is anything other than AWD, rev the engine to about 2,500 RPM-the lowest possible RPM without stalling. Next, feather the throttle until you're sure you're not going to hit the rev limiter when on the gas. In any AWD car, rev the engine to about three-fourths of redline. This will get the car into its powerband, not at redline where the powerband ends. In a low-torque but high-power car (ex. S2000), rev the engine to 2/3 the redline and mash the gas at the start. In a non-AWD car with short gearing, rev to 2500 and feather the throttle. The only time it is beneficial to rev all the way to the redline is in an extremely low-powered car like a Daihatsu Mira.