Steering wheel advice

  • Thread starter Frawgg
Racing with a controller, I’ve got 41 gold, 7 silver, 2 bronze on my license tests. Years ago, I bought a racing wheel. It performed horribly for me, & promptly returned it. #1.) Are the racing wheels made today significantly better? (I’m a bit “gun shy” about purchasing another one and having the same result.) If they are better than the ones of yesteryear- #2.) Will a wheel really help me shave off some seconds? If so- #3.) Which one to get? There are so many! Not looking to drop $1K + on a wheel. Maybe 1/2 that amount I might consider.
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Don't buy a wheel and expect to be suddenly faster it takes work if you are not prepared to be slower for a few weeks while you "learn" the new skills don't bother but if you are then given time you "may" be faster most people are and its far more enjoyable to play even if you aren't any faster in the end its more fun :)

We went through the steps with a chap a few weeks back read through this thread to see what he thinks after using it a bit
Don't buy a wheel and expect to be suddenly faster it takes work if you are not prepared to be slower for a few weeks while you "learn" the new skills don't bother but if you are then given time you "may" be faster most people are and its far more enjoyable to play even if you aren't any faster in the end its more fun :)

We went through the steps with a chap a few weeks back read through this thread to see what he thinks after using it a bit
Solid advice. Thanks. Really tempted to get a nice wheel (suggestions?). Those hour long races are not kind on your thumb! Another issue I have with the PS5 controller is throttle response- very difficult to control acceleration/ throttle around curves. It seems like either the “X” button is 100% or zero. (I cannot use L2/R2 setup due to an old injury).
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Solid advice. Thanks. Really tempted to get a nice wheel (suggestions?). Those hour long races are not kind on your thumb! Another issue I have with the PS5 controller is throttle response- very difficult to control acceleration/ throttle around curves. It seems like either the “X” button is 100% or zero. (I cannot use L2/R2 setup due to an old injury).
Hmm depends on the budget m8 i would recommend something from thrustmaster unless you have DD money. Throttle control is one of the hardest things to learn but once you get the hang of it peds will be better than X ;)
Racing with a controller, I’ve got 41 gold, 7 silver, 2 bronze on my license tests. Years ago, I bought a racing wheel. It performed horribly for me, & promptly returned it. #1.) Are the racing wheels made today significantly better? (I’m a bit “gun shy” about purchasing another one and having the same result.) If they are better than the ones of yesteryear- #2.) Will a wheel really help me shave off some seconds? If so- #3.) Which one to get? There are so many! Not looking to drop $1K + on a wheel. Maybe 1/2 that amount I might consider.
Yes a wheel really help you than a controller user, but there are good controller users out there as well. A wheel is very good once you get you driving inputs right, and it will not take long with practise. On a wheel is more enjoyable and you can learn left foot braking as well.
Playing GT5 with a controller I was getting nowhere just getting bronze and a couple of silver in all of the events, and then I brought a G27 that change me with practise and under a couple of week all gold in that game, and I have never gone back to a controller for racing game and I never will.

The racing wheels made today are significantly better and are worth lot of money, do some research about a Thrustmaster or a Fanatec wheels. I would go for a Fanatec products like a Direct Drive wheel, ok it cost me more money but I am going to get years & years use of it
A wheel really help you shave off some seconds and it have help me big time with practise, and you here these people saying they are slow with a wheel than using a controller because of lack of practise.
A wheel and pedals setup allows you to be smoother easier, which should reduce times.
If you want recommendations for a wheel I would suggest a Thrustmaster T300 wheel; clamps to a desk/table or bolts to a wheelstand. If you have 'loads of money' to spend then get a Direct Drive wheel, much better but much more expensive and don't always work on consoles....

Why not a Logitech?
My cousin has a G29 and has had nothing but trouble getting it to work with GT7, works fine on PC though...:odd:
Whereas my 2nd hand T300 just works...

Also, get a loadcell brake pedal, whether it is built in to the pedals or a 'mod'; the difference in braking is incredible.....
Logitech I guess, if not happy to pay for fanatec drive wheel. Thrustmaster I hear do decent products in between logitech and fanatec.

For couple of hundred extra, may be worth exorimg fanatic, as over life span of wheel, doesn't work out that much extra a month... relative to finances of course.

Can be bit of learning curve, switching from controller, but as well as immersion, much more intuitive imo, particularly if you already drive irl.

You're using 4 limbs instead of two, so just feels more natural, so potentially react quicker, intuitive,more so the quicker the cars get. Not having to juggle everything with hands etc.

Also remember to factor in stand cost.
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Racing with a controller, I’ve got 41 gold, 7 silver, 2 bronze on my license tests. Years ago, I bought a racing wheel. It performed horribly for me, & promptly returned it. #1.) Are the racing wheels made today significantly better? (I’m a bit “gun shy” about purchasing another one and having the same result.) If they are better than the ones of yesteryear- #2.) Will a wheel really help me shave off some seconds? If so- #3.) Which one to get? There are so many! Not looking to drop $1K + on a wheel. Maybe 1/2 that amount I might consider.
How do you explain that the best 24 drivers who makes the GT Championship 2020 and 2021 played with steering wheel and made fastest times of the world?
I'd agree with the statements above concerning the learning curve. I bought a wheel about a year ago in anticipation of GT7. I've been using a controller since the original GT. The first few weeks on Sport were rough, with my lap times significantly diminished. I wondered if I'd made a mistake, but I gradually spent more time using it, and eventually got within a second or two of most of my times. Slower... yes, but having more fun interacting with the car.

When 7 came out I was really looking forward to going all wheel all the time... that did not happen. In terms of licenses, it was going to take me 10x as long with the wheel - but I think most of that was the poor initial physics. I went maybe 50/50 in races.

Since 1.13, I'm 90%+ wheel. I'm probably still not as fast as with the controller, but it is WAY more fun. The only time I use a controller now is grinding the Tomahawk in Tokyo.

I have a Thrustmaster T300RS on a GT Omega Apex wheel stand. I did a fair amount of research before purchasing and decided it was the best bang for my buck - I have no interest in a stick shifter - so the lack of clutch pedal wasn't an issue for me. I made a few upgrades myself including a cup holder, phone holder w/charging cable, and a PS controller holder with cubby for tv remote. Think I'm going to add some carpeting to the base. Overall, I'm very happy with the setup, and my wife likes that it can easily be moved and stored if needed.

My Gallery:
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How do you explain that the best 24 drivers who makes the GT Championship 2020 and 2021 played with steering wheel and made fastest times of the world?
How do you explain that Daniel Solis qualified for the world tour finals using a controller?
Once you get to a certain point you can be comfortable with both. A wheel is smooth in it's actions and for me, the heavier feel is better for holding a line. It really depends on what type of game you're playing too. I've been racing rally online for many many years. With a controller? I'm about 110 globally. With a wheel? Top 10 to 50th globally depending on the day. That's huge. A wheel allows me to easily recover from, or avoid those "oh ****" situations that a controller would have me rolling the car in. I can be in and out of an acute corner before I know it. That's where the time savings are to be found. Smoother cornering and throttle control. I do find the differences in non rally games to be smaller, but I feel that most people would enjoy using a wheel if they tried it. I dunno. It's fun.
Just another two penneth / cent / euro...

Buying a wheel will enrich your enjoyment beyond measure. After the initial "What the hell have I done?" feelings and constantly hitting the barriers moments, I became quicker and quicker. My Q times went from around the 5,000 mark to a highest ever of 311 in GTS. It takes time and practice and the gaining of muscle memory. Its worth it though (IMHO)

Whichever set up you decide on - It really must be "rock solid" - Imagine being inside a real car! The steering wheel will not wander around like its cable tied to a dinner table! The pedals won't move further away from you under braking like they are fastened down with bluetak and elastic bands.

Your brain will have enough to do, trying to negotiate Spa Eau Rouge at full throttle, without asking it to factor in a loose steering wheel and pedals mounted on rice pudding!

