Steering Wheel Buying Advice

Hi all,

I'm currently using a Fanatec Forza CSR wheel. I'm torn between the Fanatec CSL wheel base or the Thrustmaster TS-PC racer. Has had any issues with these wheel systems? I only use pc so console compatibility isn't an issue. I mainly run iRacing and pCars2.
After 2 days of no one replying, I'll try to slightly help here.

I own a G29 and never owned or even used any of the 2 mentioned wheels.

However, I read and watch lots of reviews about wheels so I have a decent idea.
It seems to me that the CSL elite is superior to the TS-PC one.
It has more strength and smoothness. Yet, I've seen people complaining about the CSL elite wheel more than the TS-PC one. So it's tricky I think. It's all a matter of pure luck of the draw in the end.
Yeah I think so too. I have decided on the ts-pc mainly for the reason it secures properly to my rig. I've seen the isrtv review of the elite and it doesn't secure very well to the next level gt cockpit.
After 2 days of no one replying, I'll try to slightly help here.

I own a G29 and never owned or even used any of the 2 mentioned wheels.

However, I read and watch lots of reviews about wheels so I have a decent idea.
It seems to me that the CSL elite is superior to the TS-PC one.
It has more strength and smoothness. Yet, I've seen people complaining about the CSL elite wheel more than the TS-PC one. So it's tricky I think. It's all a matter of pure luck of the draw in the end.
I think both have their pros and cons. What you really need to think about is which ecosystem you prefer. I would base my choice on that.

Thrustmaster has been expanding its ecosystem with Sparco goodies and recently a BT LED display. I expect TM to present some interesting goodies on E3 this year. At the moment the TS-PC/XW/GT are there flagship wheels.

But if you do go the Fanatec route... Definitely go for their current flagship, the CSW v2.5. I have rarely seen any issues with that wheel online. I don't own one, but people say it is really a very very good wheel. With the pending release of the Fanatec DD wheel, expect to see these being sold on ebay etc. From my own research the V1 and V2 had varying issues, so go for the V2.5. Their ecosystem have more high end options, but also expect more "cheaper"solutions in the future They announced they were going to fill out each line (elite, clubsport and podium) with its own shifter, handbrake etc.

If I had to choose again, without my personal history with Fanatec, I would go for Fanatec. I really like the look of the McLaren GT3 and Formula rim.
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