Steering Wheel Problem

  • Thread starter LTCSZ
Hi: Am having a problem getting my Logitech Pro wheel to register in GT4 on the PS3...I select it in the "Options" and make my settings changes and then exit out to the game...It's not there...The PS3 is recognizing the wheel, as it does it's "thing" with centering and spinning around until it centers...I just can't get it to work in the game...I notice on the Options settings, that the very top "steering" drop-down is not active...Any advice would be welcome...Getting frustrated...(The game works great with the regular PS3 controller)...Thanks a lot...

Check out my profile page for info on wheel/GT4 yes most is about the G25 but I think you will find it helpful. Is your wheel in port #1 if so try turning your controller off to see if the wheel will work then. Which PS3 do you have as mine's a "fatboy" first gen. You should be able to end up having the wheel in port #1 and assigning it to controller #2 then use your hand controller as #1.