Storm Watch: Jonas - January 2016

Blizzard conditions are expanding across the Northeast, reaching from Washington D.C. toward Boston and are expected to last through Saturday night.

This storm has become of the of biggest snowstorms on record for the mid-Atlantic, dumping over three feet of snow in parts of Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia.

Not only has the massive storm shut down major highways across the region, but it has also lead to coastal flooding that has inundated communities near the coast.

At least 18 storm-related deaths have been reported, according to The Associated Press.

More than 50 million people are likely to be affected through the weekend. The full forecast, including predicted snow totals, can be found here. For archived reports of the storm, click here.

I know a lot of you GTPlanet members are out there in its path. Take precautions.
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I am stuck in suburban Philadelphia. I figured rather than getting trapped at an airport (or two?), I'd stay cozy in the hotel, since I would have to return the following week, anyhow.

Looks like 6-8" of accumulation at the moment, although it just keeps coming down down down. Hopefully the power won't go out. Muggy and wet at 80-90 degrees is one thing, but being powerless during freezing temps are quite another.

(Also, cue the "south can't handle snow, the north makes it look easy" pics. You know, because Tropical Storm Sandy was a piece of cake, right?)
For the life of me,I don't understand why DC or other cities don't ask Canadian cities for advice. DC missed the boat on putting salt down for the roads. We deal with snow all the time.
If you don't have snow tires,stay off the roads. If you need to drive,have a full tank of gas,carry extra blankets,hats,gloves, granola bars,shovel and candles. Candles will warm up your car by 5 degrees if your stuck and you can melt snow for water in a can.If stuck make sure your tailpipe is cleared and leave your window open a crack so you don't get carbon monoxide in the car.
We only got about 5 inches of snow from the storm, I heard some of you guys are getting 2-3 feet of snow. Stay safe!

*********Edited for the people who automatically think sexual whenever they read a sentence.************
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Think we've just passed 2 feet here in my neighborhood. Not bad, but stuck until Tuesday or Wednesday at the earliest. At least all utilities are still going strong!
We only got about 5 inches from Jonas, I heard some of you guys are getting 2-3 feet. Stay safe!
Oh the potential memes!!!

For the life of me,I don't understand why DC or other cities don't ask Canadian cities for advice. DC missed the boat on putting salt down for the roads. We deal with snow all the time.
If you don't have snow tires,stay off the roads. If you need to drive,have a full tank of gas,carry extra blankets,hats,gloves, granola bars,shovel and candles. Candles will warm up your car by 5 degrees if your stuck and you can melt snow for water in a can.If stuck make sure your tailpipe is cleared and leave your window open a crack so you don't get carbon monoxide in the car.
Sage advice, always be prepared. I carry around extra clothes at all times in the winter, always make sure the phone is charged when heading out anywhere where traffic will be sparse, make sure your wipers are in good condition and that you are topped up with good quality all weather wiper fluid at all times, along with other fluids. Best advice is to stay inside if you can. It's not worth an extra shift's worth of pay to risk your life if you don't have a minimum of really good and fresh all season radials or snow tires. Wait until the roads are plowed and salted.

Good luck to everyone affected:tup:
Nine dead, 200,000 without power, according to CNN. Perhaps many are out there, stranded in their cars?
Most of the deaths were automotive related. So basically an arterial transport problem from the weather. Out here in Canada we are well-prepared and unless it's a major disaster like the last ice storm we had that knocked us out of power for several days we are nationally well-prepared for the weather.
Are we feeling any different? Well, the storms are not as bad as the past and the weather seems more than average warm - for instance we are expecting 'plus' weather in the next few days, but otherwise big snowfalls are taken with a few bags of salt over here. And lots of winter sports.

Think we've just passed 2 feet here in my neighborhood. Not bad, but stuck until Tuesday or Wednesday at the earliest. At least all utilities are still going strong!

Pics or no go. :D
There are hordes of pics now on the internet of Stateside Americans frolicking about in the snow like they were in Disneyland. Even Capitol Hill was opened to sledding after 100 years.
How nice to be free of guns and bombs for a change and only plunge deeply into the mystery of Nature.

Oh the potential memes!!!

There are Jonas memes galore! :lol: Most to do with the Jonas Bros but a few other offbeat ones too. Apparently it's not only the Oscars that has gone all white.

As usual this storm is being overblown by the media

I think that depended on whether one died or just went sledding. The anchors must have been confused:


There's no doubt, though, that most of the southeastern seaboard States are ill-equipped to handle a few feet of snow.
Not to make small of it, but here in Ontario, we are more like:

Pretty sure that a storm that produced the 2nd largest snowfall for NYC is not being overblown. Especially when most of the models predicted it to be about 1 foot at most. One model had the snowfall near 30 inches, and that was the outlier. The outlier was the closest.
Judging from the pics on the 'net it was a historical snowfall. I don't think the media overplayed it - in fact the storm over the Oscars (that took no lives at all) created a bigger media mess.
Many of the major retailers were caught unawares and were unprepared for the sudden demand for stocks and supplies - even though meteorologists had been talking about this days ahead.
As usual this storm is being overblown by the media

Did you ever think maybe you watch too much TV? They blow everything they report out of proportion; that's how they roll.

Also, if you live in Orlando, Florida...there was a 100% chance it had nothing to do with your area of the country.
Did you ever think maybe you watch too much TV? They blow everything they report out of proportion; that's how they roll.

Also, if you live in Orlando, Florida...there was a 100% chance it had nothing to do with your area of the country.
Maybe some clouds, what a downer.
Figured I'd contribute some photos, because why not. The storm hit us relatively hard, just around 2 feet in Central NJ. And as for the snow drifts, they were a lot higher. :lol:

Did you ever think maybe you watch too much TV? They blow everything they report out of proportion; that's how they roll.

Also, if you live in Orlando, Florida...there was a 100% chance it had nothing to do with your area of the country.

While true, my big problem with the reporting is the fact that this storm was expected when you consider the El Nino conditions we're under.
While true, my big problem with the reporting is the fact that this storm was expected when you consider the El Nino conditions we're under.
Which so far have been pretty much non-existent. At least the Arizona being wet part.