Strange music videosMusic 

Hi all. This thread will be dedicated to all those weird and wacky music videos on YouTube. Mods: I don't think a thread like this exists, I did search beforehand.
Just a few rules:
  1. Try and choose music which is clean.
  2. If you disagree with the weird-ness of a video, explain to the poster why.
  3. Try not to repost.
So, my contribution:
Technologic by Daft Punk. I love Daft Punk, but a creepy robot that looks like something from Terminator reciting the lyrics to the song is a bit scary.
Monkeys from hell. Any of their videos are sure to give you an episode if you have taken any hallucinogens recently. Don't watch if epileptic. :lol:
Vengeance Rhythm by Two Fingers. If you're wondering why, then imagine Toy Story and ultra-violence rolled into one.
Kill the Noise - Black Magic (Kill the Noise Pt.2)

Uber violent claymation, makes Celebrity Deathmatch look like Gumby.

But does that make too much sense for you? Try this.
Skrillex - Breakn' a Sweat
There was one really dirty one from Korn that had an animated old guy doing some questionable things....can't remember what is was called but man I was like WTF am I watching
Apex twin - Rubber Johnny ! The weirdest stuff on Earth ! Turn your lights Out and Look this Video ! Found it few years ago , gave me nightmares sometimes !