Suggestion: GTPlanet Driving School

  • Thread starter sinan26
Hey guys!

I was thinking the other day, wouldn't it be nice if more seasoned GT drivers on the site posted "driving lessons". Kinda like the license tests in GT4 but more in a walkthrough kinda way!

You could for example post a "countersteering lesson", which is something I'm currrently struggling with in both GT5P and GTD.

This is far from a demand but rather encouragement, it could even get a dedicated spot on the site :)

When GT5 arrives you could post track and section walkthroughs.

What do you guys think? Would someone be up for it? :sly:
It´s a nice idea and i can see some people do some stuff like that, altho on a personal note i prefer jumping in with some of the faster guys from here and follow them around the track to learn, for me i learn by doing theory isn´t my strong side heh
It sounds like something fun. While many members have endeavored to create detailed guides on the art of tuning, a comprehensive driving lesson online isn't really available for GT.

But simply, driving well in GT5P is much the same as driving well in real life... slow in, fast out, proper throttle and brake modulation, conservation of steering effort... etcetera... it's more than close enough that I use the same style of driving in GT as in real life (except for wall-banging... :lol: )

Any GT-specific guide would have to cover tips on how to visually ascertain braking points... "feeling" for brake lock-up and tire slip on acceleration, steering with the stick... steering with the Logitech... cadence braking and throttle pulsing when using buttons...
Great Idea!!!!
I have just converted to the G25 and i have found all of the tips on this site very useful already, so a more detailed guide would be very handy!