Hi. My wheel after 15/20 minutes lost Force feedback but after some time returns.. Why? I have latest firmware. I like FF 100 and tyre force 125. When I have in position 75 force fedback is imperceptible..
Your tyre force setting is much too high and it is causing your wheel to shut down to protect it from overheating ! Leave the global FFB set to 100% and reduce TF to around 30% initially, then increase it bit by bit until you get a nice balance of strength and steering feedback.
Also, check and adjust the FFB settings on individual cars in case you have them set either too high in which case, it'll cause quicker overheating, or if they are too low, that's why you need the TF so high to counteract the poor FFB ?
Also, with TF set so high, it will mask the more subtle effects as it swamps everything else, and causes clipping which ruins the feel of the FFB.
I personally have FFB set to 100% and TF set to 38%. All other settings for global are at default, as are the individual car FFB settings. I find these give me the best feel overall, if one particular car feels too light, I'll adjust that car's FFB individually to get the best balance for me.
Having your wheel kicking and fighting you may give the impression of good FFB, but believe me, its not. Try lowering your settings, give them a good half hour of play to get used to them and see if the wheel shuts down and you'll probably find, a lower TF will give you a better feel and no fading of FFB.