T500RS -- Shift 2 (PC)

  • Thread starter sandboxgod
United States
Figured I'd toss up a Shift 2 thread for T500rs users. Just interested in how far along people have gotten and have you run into any issues, etc

My settings -->

I'm using the g27 profile with controls remapped to my wheel

All my deadzones (Brake, Steering, etc) are currently set to 0
Steering Sensitivity 50%, Brake & Throttle Sensitivity set to 100%

FFB is set to 100%

Now to think of it I still have some assists on currently so maybe you don't want to use my settings :nervous:

Just don't use the Fanatec profile which we've discovered to result in some instability after playing the game for a few minutes

So far I haven't had any issues but will update this thread if I run into any
Someone else here with a problem with the circuit Silverstone GP in Shift 2??
The game wont load the circuit and so I cannot finish my GT1 championship .. This problem is also in quick race but only when I select Silverstone GP..
I just started trying to get qualified for Modern B (Corvette race). Also tried the qualification for Modern A (nurbur~ with the mcLaren) and got creamed. I really wish I was better at this game heh. I guess you should make sure to file a bug report with the devs. It's odd it would wait to crash only on that one map
Btw simracer, any luck on Drifting? I had an impossible time driving to drift. I cant get pass the 1st drift event
Yeah I don't think we'll see a patch for the t500rs on the ps3. They're just barely getting the xbox 360 version fully working with fanatec wheels in this coming patch
Someone else here with a problem with the circuit Silverstone GP in Shift 2??
The game wont load the circuit and so I cannot finish my GT1 championship .. This problem is also in quick race but only when I select Silverstone GP..

Just completed the gt3/gt1 championships and didnt have any issues. Took me awhile though. Figured I'd reply in case some t500rs owner wonders if this game will work properly with their wheel.