Tackling the Slaloms ~~~~~~~~

Parnelli Bone

United States
Columbia, MD.
So I'm currently working on my IB tests, got golds in all of them except IB-7. There's something I'm just not quite getting there, but like all license tests, once you figure out what they're trying to teach you, you can almost always achieve golds more consistently.
In my opinion, the slaloms are the toughest..even IB-10 (the Viper down the corkscrew) is manageable in 10 to 15 minutes. One time I flew thru the slalom and got gold on my first try, but that was a fluke. Yesterday when I tried it again (in the Peugeot) I was totally stumped. Then I changed my style and everything fell into place.

I'm one of these drivers who likes racing with the ‘small car’*view, I only switch to the in-cockpit view (with the rearview mirror) for variety's sake. Here's what I found: at the slaloms, it's much much better to always go with the cockpit view all the time, it just helps to see the tire walls with more precision. Also, whoever drove the demo car was most likely using buttons. If you're an analog person, it's easier cuz all you gotta do is keep a consistent speed.

Well, that's my slalom review. Anyone else got any IB tips?
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I'm not trying to throw it in your face, I'm just proud of myself :)

Golded the low-speed slalom by almost 2 seconds :) I probably could've done it quicker ... I've done 10.1?? through section 1 a few times, but only did 10.333 on that run (10.333 + 7.554) ...

High-speed I'm pretty sure I could've done under 17.5 ... Possibly near 17 flat ... I took a couple corners wider than I should have ...

Here's a link to the memory card the replays are saved on for those who have ePSXe ...

That's the thing about the internet, it's hard to tell if someone is mocking you or not. I don't profess to be the world's best driver or anything, so when I have a breakthru I tend to wanna share it with others who haven't figured out something. So that's cool.
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When you said, "Well good for you. I didn't find them easy." I didn't know if you were actually complimenting me or had taken offense ...

The internet is hard :P

Anyways, to do it quickly, it's very important to do it smoothly and take the corners very close to the edges ... I usually start out slowly and then work my way up in speed to find the limits rather than going at it as fast as possible like many people I know do ... If you take a corner too fast in the slalom, you're screwed ... Also, I usually start gunning it at the 8th marker ...
I'm also a "small car view" type of driver, with no analog controller either. In other games i use the cockpit view but since in GT there's no cockpit... :(

The Peugeot test was easy to me but the S2000 wasn't so easy... but still, it wasn't one of the hardest tests.

The hardest tests to me were with the Alfa Touring Car in Rome Night, and one with the GT40... cursed that Ford too many times... :yuck:

I think in the slaloms you just need to get the right rythm (accelerating, desacelerating, accelerating, desacelerating, ...). Once you get into it, it's a fun experience :)
Mac Roadster: I found the S2000 easier than the Peugeot, probably there's more room to maneuver. Hats off to you guys, I could never accomplish these tests without analog!
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Parnelli Bone
JMAC: yes i was getting sensitive, i'm like that. I have a real-life friend and occasionally me & her will have email arguments over the stupidest **** all cuz we can't see each other face to face. And it's funny cuz later on we always realize it's the internet that's to blame. Sometimes it's the way we say something that makes all the difference, and that tends to get lost on the 'net.

Mac Roadster: I found the S2000 easier than the Peugeot, probly cuz there's more room to manuever. Hats off to you guys, i could never accomplish these tests without analog!

It's the de-humanising effect. Cause you can't see someones face, to check the facial expression, or hear the tone of voice it can be very hard to pickup on whether you are being mocked or genuinly complimented.

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