Tacoma X-Runner Pick-up for Chevy SSR

United States
My husband is looking to trade a tacoma xrunner pick up truck (he thinks he has a red or/and a black. will check miles, ect) for a chevy SSR (colors, miles not important, he plans to use it)

can do a trade tomorrow night. you can pm me or on here. his psn is kristiandjon187

thanks in advance :)
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My husband is looking to trade a tacoma xrunner pick up truck (he thinks he has a red or/and a black. will check miles, ect) for a chevy SSR (colors, miles not important, he plans to use it)

can do a trade tomorrow night. you can pm me or on here. his psn is kristiandjon187

thanks in advance :)

I think that I may have an SSR at my CHROMEDOGG account. Have him send me a Friend Request, and I'll send in the morning before work if I get a chance. I don't need the Tacoma. That account has pretty much everything I would need, and I think it also has 2000 cars so it cannot accept any more.

Regards, SWERV
Thank you both very much!! Will send FR's in a little.

edit: if anyone is interested in the tacoma let me know :)

FR's sent. my husband want me to tell you he said thank you very much in advance!!! he loves chevy and has not come across the SSR yet. let me know if theres anything you need and ill see if him or i have it :)
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