Tags (and/or Folders) and Filters for organizing the Garage

  • Thread starter danbojte
Dear Mr. Yamauchi,

It would be very, very useful, considering that we can have many pieces of the same car model with different settings or purposes, in our garage, if we could tag them. :crazy: :)

Respect. 👍

We were asking for this in GT5.

What we want is to be able to have file organisation like on any computer system. Folders (garages?) named E.g GT500 cars, GT300s, LMPs, GT2/3, standard ones, modded ones, red ones, green ones, etc, etc. Where you choose how to organise it just like on you own PC.

Doesn't it just amaze everyone that we can't do a garage search by class type? Or copy settings from car to car? Or do a search on what the original PP is rather than what you have modified it to? Or even be able to rename/tag cars how you want e.g TTs Green Civic Nordschleife, or Civic with wing and aero. Do other people get peed off when they enter a no tuning room to suddenly discover their car of choice has aero fitted and the count down timer has just started? ;-( Or what is so hard about giving us more than 3 tuning slots and allow things like aero to be taken of in the tuning garage? Or even do an oil change but that is another topic ;-)

I hope this gets some traction here. It was ignored in GT5 :-(

Cheers TT
We were asking for this in GT5.

What we want is to be able to have file organisation like on any computer system. Folders (garages?) named E.g GT500 cars, GT300s, LMPs, GT2/3, standard ones, modded ones, red ones, green ones, etc, etc. Where you choose how to organise it just like on you own PC.

Doesn't it just amaze everyone that we can't do a garage search by class type? Or copy settings from car to car? Or do a search on what the original PP is rather than what you have modified it to? Or even be able to rename/tag cars how you want e.g TTs Green Civic Nordschleife, or Civic with wing and aero. Do other people get peed off when they enter a no tuning room to suddenly discover their car of choice has aero fitted and the count down timer has just started? ;-( Or what is so hard about giving us more than 3 tuning slots and allow things like aero to be taken of in the tuning garage? Or even do an oil change but that is another topic ;-)

I hope this gets some traction here. It was ignored in GT5 :-(

Cheers TT
Very well detailed and agree entirely. Initially I wished to include "Folders" too, in the title but finally I thought to keep it simpler, hoping that at least the seed will survive. 👍
Or find a car that is JUST over the limit for a race. All it needs is one part less or one level harder tires.....
That's an old pain of mine. A car is not listed as eligible just because it hasn't at this moment the required tyres fitted. :nervous: :grumpy:
GT6 has a "car search" feature next to dealerships, all PD needs to do is implement that feature in garage, that probably could be added with an update.
GT6 currently has a limit of 500 cars in the garage, someone suggested in another thread the option of having multiple garages of 500 cars each, that would enable players to have a large number of cars as well as have certain cars grouped together in the same garage.
I'm in my garage right now. One thing that always bugs me is how the PP column lists that cars PP value the way it is currently set up, but it very well may have a much higher potential PP because maybe I lowered it to 90% to qualify for a particular Seasonal Event and left it that way?

I wish the garage had two columns. One for Current PP and another for Max PP. The Max PP would be based on whatever upgrades you've purchased for your car. I'm sure we all own plenty of cars that come with 554PP, for example, and we lower them to 550PP to qualify for certain events. Well, once you've adjusted like 50-100 cars, all of a sudden you don't really remember what the maximum PP value is for all of those 50-100 cars!
I'm in my garage right now. One thing that always bugs me is how the PP column lists that cars PP value the way it is currently set up, but it very well may have a much higher potential PP because maybe I lowered it to 90% to qualify for a particular Seasonal Event and left it that way?

I wish the garage had two columns. One for Current PP and another for Max PP. The Max PP would be based on whatever upgrades you've purchased for your car. I'm sure we all own plenty of cars that come with 554PP, for example, and we lower them to 550PP to qualify for certain events. Well, once you've adjusted like 50-100 cars, all of a sudden you don't really remember what the maximum PP value is for all of those 50-100 cars!

Exactly! A better idea would be 3 columns. Current PP, Max potential PP and New from Dealership PP and maybe an exclamation mark *IF* some mods e.g. wings are fitted that make it ineligible for No Tuning races.

Also to complicate things some no tuning lobbies are run with a 5% or 10% maximum power downgrade. Just wait for the shrieks of hated when you put a McLaren MP4 in a 500PP untuned room ;-)

The PlayStations are computers so why can we not have folder organisation like a PC? simple enough question that at sometime plagues us all. Like I said, wouldn't it be nice to rename your cars.
I just re-read my original post and I can't believe that I forgot to mention stock PP value. You're right @TT92, it would be so nice to be able to see what my car's PP Value is straight from the dealership, or maybe it should be the "un-tuned" PP value with all tuning options disabled. I only say that because we know that an oil change increases PP significantly. I know that's another issue altogether, but I freakin' hate how oil changes increase your HP and torque. Nothing worse than buying a car, applying a tune that requires an oil change, then finding another tune that might suit your needs better, but it calls for NO oil change. Now your PP is all screwed up. I really hope they take this out of GT7. Has Gran Turismo always been this way? Oil changes providing big boosts of power? Disgusting...
I would like to have folders and tags for my cars, especially custom tags and folders. For example, all of my top speed cars for Route X would be in a folder named "Top Speed" and all of my semi-premium cars would be in a folder named "semi-premium".
I would like to have folders and tags for my cars, especially custom tags and folders. For example, all of my top speed cars for Route X would be in a folder named "Top Speed" and all of my semi-premium cars would be in a folder named "semi-premium".

Custom filters! Great idea!
Of course, we are talking about custom tags and folders. 👍

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