Taking my friends graduation photos...have some questions

  • Thread starter CDailey
United States
I'm going to be doing my friends girlfriends graduation photos and I would like some imput on various places to get the photos printed. I know I can get them done locally at Wal Mart, CVS, and Ritz Camera, but I'm not sure if i want to. All those places are cheap and use small kiosks with small printers (except for Wal Mart which has a giant professional Fuji printer), so the quality may not be up to par. She wants at least 16 wallet size photos and a few 8x10's just to be safe. I'll be using my Canon Digital Rebel (300D) with the 18-55 kit lens, 55-200, and a fixed 50mm I plan on getting this weekend. I know my camera is good for at least 8x10 photos so I'm not worried about the quality on my end. Do you guys recommend any other places to get these photos printed? Also, what do you think I should charge? Normally, for that many photos it would be upwards of $200-300 around here at a professional studio, so I was thinking around $75-100 if I did them. What do you guys think?
I've had pictures printed at Wal*Mart and they came out pretty decent. My boss goes to Ritz and those are also good. As far as who is the best for a good price, I don't know. You could always take your card to several places (or upload them on their sites) and compare them.

As for your price, does that include the printing costs or is she paying for that herself? One hundred to $150 including printing sounds like a better deal. It's half of what she would spend if she didn't know you and you know very well that you'll spend some time editing the shots after the shoot is over, so don't forget to include it up front. Sixteen wallets and 2 8X10's is only 4 sheets of prints, so even if they are all different shots, your going to take more than 4 pictures, I would think. Don't forget to charge for mileage if you'll be traveling a fair distance with your own car. I would definitely suggest some form of a contract. I agree to pay you, I agree to provide you with X number of pictures, etc.

Edit: I just found local Senior pictures prices:

Thanks for the info TB. 👍 I called around to 6-7 local photography business and the cheapest so far was $100 and the most expensive being over $500 :crazy: I think it's safe to assume that $100-150 is a very reasonable charge.
Thanks for the info TB. 👍 I called around to 6-7 local photography business and the cheapest so far was $100 and the most expensive being over $500 :crazy: I think it's safe to assume that $100-150 is a very reasonable charge.
Sounds fair to me.
I know my Ritz is awesome and has never lead me in the wrong direction, so maybe you could go ask them if there is anywhere in town that dose good prints. Maybe get a few samples from them as well.
Integra i have tons of info for you. This is the first time i even knew there was a photography forum on here! I have been a photographer (getting paid) for 2 years now, not my day job but it makes me more money than it does. Basically most of the Ritz have the exact same printing equipment as the wal-marts do, fuji machines. The Huge difference is for one the people that work at Ritz are far better than any wal-mart (my wife was a lab tech at Ritz for 4 years, and a lab tech at wal-mart before that for 4 years...i know the ins and outs) and the other is the paper quality is far better at Ritz also. Ritz is a little more expensive but you do get better over all quality. I know this was an older post and you have prob already printed and shot the photos but figured you could use the info for a later date maybe.
Integra i have tons of info for you. This is the first time i even knew there was a photography forum on here! I have been a photographer (getting paid) for 2 years now, not my day job but it makes me more money than it does. Basically most of the Ritz have the exact same printing equipment as the wal-marts do, fuji machines. The Huge difference is for one the people that work at Ritz are far better than any wal-mart (my wife was a lab tech at Ritz for 4 years, and a lab tech at wal-mart before that for 4 years...i know the ins and outs) and the other is the paper quality is far better at Ritz also. Ritz is a little more expensive but you do get better over all quality. I know this was an older post and you have prob already printed and shot the photos but figured you could use the info for a later date maybe.

Looking forward to seeing some shots from you 👍
Integra i have tons of info for you. This is the first time i even knew there was a photography forum on here! I have been a photographer (getting paid) for 2 years now, not my day job but it makes me more money than it does. Basically most of the Ritz have the exact same printing equipment as the wal-marts do, fuji machines. The Huge difference is for one the people that work at Ritz are far better than any wal-mart (my wife was a lab tech at Ritz for 4 years, and a lab tech at wal-mart before that for 4 years...i know the ins and outs) and the other is the paper quality is far better at Ritz also. Ritz is a little more expensive but you do get better over all quality. I know this was an older post and you have prob already printed and shot the photos but figured you could use the info for a later date maybe.

Nope, actually we're doing the shoot this Saturday. Thanks for the info! I really appreciate it :)
Nope, actually we're doing the shoot this Saturday. Thanks for the info! I really appreciate it :)

Ah great i caught it in time, no problem. Also when you get the prints you might want to get them on matte. Reason being is that way any finger prints and smudges wont show up on the prints, glossy prints are tainted with finger oils and such very easy...makes them look ugly. Also get them to print you a picture with a white border, or show you one...Looks very nice IMO. 👍
They can print the photo with a border? That's sweet...less work for me :D Doesn't a matte photo cost more though?
They can print with either a black border or a white border. I only use the black borders for something like lets say if the pic is of typical family with totally white background all wearing white shirts and tan pants. I use the white on everything really though, makes the pic look nice. Im in Alabama and here Wolf\Ritz camera does not charge extra for matte prints. Actually if they charged more it should be for the glossy because it costs them more money, but check first just incase for some odd reason they do there. Hate to tell you no and that store is a special case or something.