Page 4 - Dennis and Rebecca
Location: Ascari Race Resort, Spain
Time: 10 pm
I woke up now with a realization. Rob is not the 100% tough guy that everyone thinks. He harbors a soft side too. He misses his father so much, and truly loves him. I wish I could say that to my father often...
One of the saddest facts we have to accept, is that we cannot turn back time. We all wish that, but we just can't. We want to correct the mistakes we did, and spend happier moments.
All we can do now, is simply move on.
But for Rob, that would be difficult, especially witnessing his father's tragic death. And I would safely assume that he harbors feelings of revenge. For sure, he'll be very hard to stop...
Anyhow, when we returned back to the inn, we had breakfast, along with Dennis. We immediately headed to Ascari, which isn't far off the place we're staying in.
Rob then instructs Dennis to tag along with him, to familiarize the track.
Rob: "Ascari is a technical course that tests your car control abilities, especially lightweight cars such as the KTM."
Rob: "The challenge here, is how to control a twitchy car like that on these track's twists and turns."
Dennis: "Got it."
Rob: "Take this turn carefully, and..."
Meanwhile, while I'm waiting for them to return, I see a woman - probably the same age as Dennis - looking at the KTM.
Oh, there they are. Probably another tutorial lap...
Rob: "2 minutes and 5.5 seconds. For the KTM, you can do it 2 seconds faster if you follow the lines I showed you.
Let's do another lap."
After 2 more laps, the brothers returned to the pit lane. The woman, for some reason, goes closer to me.
Then her face is filled with shock when she sees them.
Rebecca: "Dennis?"
Dennis: "Rebecca?"
Rob: "Who is she?"
Dennis: "Just... a friend of mine."
Dennis then just gets in the KTM, making no effort in actually talking to her.
Dennis: "I have to practice now. I can't talk to you, Rebecca..."
Dennis just rockets off back to the course with the KTM. What an awkward situation.
Rebecca: "Sorry, I must have disturbed you."
Rob: "We are in a middle of the practice. The World Time Attack Championship will start 2 days from now."
Rebecca: "Really? You too, are joining?"
Rob: "Dennis will drive for the team."
Rebecca: "I see. Well, time for me to go, then."
She leaves us. Who is she? A participant? That situation was awkward, to think Dennis doesn't want to talk to her.
Something happened between them?
Meanwhile, in the track...
Dennis: "Why? Why did you show up? And I thought... I could have forgotten you forever..."
A flashback occurs in his mind, remembering their last conversation together...
Dennis: "Tell me, why didn't you show up in our date last night? That was supposed to celebrate our 2nd month together!"
Rebecca: "Dennis, I..."
And with that, his racing line had messed up...
Rebecca: "I think we should just stay as friends..."
Dennis: "Why?!?"
Rebecca: "Because..."
Rebecca: "I am someone else's girlfriend. He and I are already together before we met..."
Dennis: "I can't believe... YOU... You were fooling me for two months?!? So you're treating this like a game?"
Rebecca: "I suspected him of seeing another woman, I decided to spite him. Then I realized, he's truly committed after all."
Rebecca: "I hadn't found the courage to speak the truth to you. I must have said it at a much earlier time. I'm sorry..."
Dennis: "You.... USED ME!"
Rebecca: "Look, I..."
Dennis: "Don't talk to me ever again. It's all over. Your apology is simply cannot be accepted. I must go before we could humiliate ourselves further.
That was two months of nothing. You shall be vanquished from my heart forever."
The painful memory distracted him too much, that it was too late for him to slow down for the next corner.
Dennis: "Oh bloody hell!"
Dennis turns on the communication system.
Dennis: "I spun out. My mind just wandered."
Rob: "Where? Maybe Takuma and I can find it somewhere within the premises. Do another lap."
Dennis: "Sorry. I'll concentrate this time."
End of Page 4
- Rob's McLaren will be repainted to orange in its next appearance. Orange is something easier to match colors with, even in different exposures. Plus, I also overwrote the bumpers, instead of blue, they're orange.