Taming The Beast

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United States
The Gem State
How does one control the X2010?

I reached A-Spec Level 30 and unlocked the S. Vettel Challenge.

I completely underestimated the true power of the X2010 and keep messing up after the 2nd turn on the Nurbrugring GP/F.

Anyone have suggestions or setups to help me? I could also try to grind up on B-Spec until I'm at Level 35, but that will take FOREVER.
S. Vettel Challenge It is a challenge so I went and got a steering wheel to try to tame the beast and it did work.
Yep some people claim to do it with the ds3, I got bronze on Monza but that was it.. After getting the wheel they were all golded within some time!
Well in that case... it looks like I'm getting a wheel...

You could always revert back to update 1.01 and cheat also, I'm just saying in case you don't want to buy a wheel or give up with the DS3..
Honestly unless you have a wheel it is impossible to drive the X1 to it's limits.


More people have Golded the SV Challenge with a DS3 than have with a wheel

(statistic probability)

A wheel does not extend the limits of a vehicle. It just enables more consistent operation of said vehicle, while at the same time sacrificing crash recover ability.

For him to get a wheel now would set him back even further

Well in that case... it looks like I'm getting a wheel...

Nono. Nonsense.

I just need practice that's all.

Exactly. Took me a solid 9 hours to get full bronze on this challenge. Took a friend of mine 2 weeks of daily practice to do it. Its impossible at first but what isn't in this life
I have golded the S.Vettel challenge with the DS3, it's pretty hard, but once you get it, you will ever want to do that again, believe me

I just need practice that's all.

Well said :)👍
That odd moment you overtake vettels ghost on suzuka... memories you'll never forget.

Or at least I won't.

Steering sensitivity to lowest may help btw.
I got gold on all 3 with DS3. It took AN INSANE amount of time and concentration to achieve though. If you just want an X2010 and aren't doing the challenges to complete them why not grind 20 mil on one of the easy seasonals and buy it?

If I'm honest, the X isn't even worth driving, IMO it is not fun or rewarding in the least. Oh and it makes a terrible sound in cockpit cam, which will be forever burned into my brain. Great for Bob (on mute) though! :lol:
I got bronze the first time I tried Monza. I think that the hardest thing about "Taming the Beast" (I like how you put that) is the fact that the X2010 handles smoother and more rapidly in response than any other car in the game. Honestly, it should be the easiest car to drive.
That odd moment you overtake vettels ghost on suzuka... memories you'll never forget.

Or at least I won't.

Steering sensitivity to lowest may help btw.

How do I adjust steering sensitivity?
Lowering the sensitivity helped a lot, but still having a little trouble. Just got to keep trying (or forget about the Vettel Challenge and grind up to Level 35 in B-Spec).
You could always revert back to update 1.01 and cheat also, I'm just saying in case you don't want to buy a wheel or give up with the DS3..

What are the implications of reverting the game data to take advantage of the glitches? I have most DLCs and value the other trophies I've gotten, so I don't want to lose them, but after getting gold at Monza and Nurburgring GP I still can't even get bronze at Suzuka.