********TC Dyno Shop, 1/4 mile FF Only!********

  • Thread starter aznlee123


Have you ever gotten tired of losing to all these fast FF tuners on gt5? Heres how it works, lets just say you want us to help you tune your HOnda integra rsx (DC5). First you will have to send our tuner(tc916) a car and then he will take you to a private room and tell what to do to your car and tell you what to use for your tune. The car you will be sending him is a fully built,premium, and broken in. Tell us what car your gonna send him and see if we agree. if we do then send it to him and he will help you xD You will find the room in open lobby. Hours are most likely to be at about around 12pm-10pm (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). Sometime we will go out and spread the word and race people. Once in a while, we will host tourneys for 1/4mile ff races so that 1st place wins a car with a good tune. Contact TC916 for questions on PSN. Comment below to asked question also. xD We are Legit and You will go out that room happy! KLLLA_NsTiNcT Will also be able to help you if you need Tunes. Add him for help also :P WE WILL TRY TO OPEN THE SHOP AS LONG AS WE CAN. Thanks and please support us by helping us spread words about our shop around. Thanks and Good Luck! TC916 is the FASTEST FF Tuner in GT5 1/4 Mile!
Any credentials as to verify your drag tuning skills?
I feel like anyone requesting payment, is responsible for proof of quality first.
Okay, regarding FF tune, the only thing im intrested in is suspesnsion settings for FF. Any good tip. Is it the opposite of rwd settings?
Okay, regarding FF tune, the only thing im intrested in is suspesnsion settings for FF. Any good tip. Is it the opposite of rwd settings?

Ill give you a hint, It's kinda the same but not really. Add tc916 or kLLLa_nstinct for help. Thanks for asking!
Been dragging RWD and AWD cars for a looooooooong time now. Was bored and went to a "FF only" room. 30 min later my Spoon civic is Eating everyone.

BTW, RM Civics?!? lol
I'll challenge him over both distances, the 1/4 mile and the full SSR7 tunnel and we'll see how good he really is. :)👍 Don't sit there limiting the room either, as I run several cars with hp ranges between 436-607hp so if you set it up with power limits at 404/414hp, I know you aren't serious about racing the fastest tuners in GT5 and are only interested in Civic's & Integra's. :sly:

Look for us, Grease Monkey Engineering. We aren't hard to find and we'll be on the lookout for you guys too. :cool:

Boss Monkey of GME.
Been dragging RWD and AWD cars for a looooooooong time now. Was bored and went to a "FF only" room. 30 min later my Spoon civic is Eating everyone.

BTW, RM Civics?!? lol
You learn quickly, im thinking about FF cars as well.
You learn quickly, im thinking about FF cars as well.

Yea FF cars are pretty much the same as RWD just now you have front toe instead of rear and other small tweaks. Not my thing really :)
Yea FF cars are pretty much the same as RWD just now you have front toe instead of rear and other small tweaks. Not my thing really :)
Hmm, must be different, since you dont want weight transferment to the rear wheels. Some one should make a sticky on drag suspension for rwd, 4wd and ff cars....:).
One of the laziest shops. That guy killa_nstinct you can kiss your tune goodbye I gave him my dc5rm and he still hasnt even givin me a dc2 private tune. So if you want to wait like over a month for a simple tune go ahead. this place is bull ****
Never heard of "TC916". And claiming to be the fastest 1/4 honda tuner is a worthy crown. At least show us some videos...
Ripped off? Plz a dc5 full hp y'all just straight up lazy fk you guys

Ouch. I feel your pain. Scammers FTL. But hey, think of it this way, it's charity to the less fortunate who have to scam people as opposed to forking out for their own car :lol:
I love how people make second accounts just to make stupid ignorant posts. Must be lonely.