Team SR won.
I won mine, SR won his, & NODSTERR lost his. 1-0[/
you won yours i won mine (against NODSTERR) and sr lost his
Dude 2 of the 3 judges said that Team SR won, ask silvia_13_lover, and deathwish700. therefore we won.
why would i though? there on your team
Listen, SRPanda02 on his lead run completely won his lead run. then on his follow run TMROCKSTAR69_J3W was out of bounds on his entry, & didn't even finish the course, & they saw that and said SRPanda02 won. 2 to 1. We won overall.
No there not, theyre on their own team called Team Suislide. Learn the facts dude, we won.
I know he tried to say deathwish & s13 were on my team.
yeah, ask silvia_s13_lover though, he was a judge. he said we won overall for final.
So basicly what happened is:
Sr won 2 out of 3 battles?
but rockstar thinks they won 2 out of 3 battles?
Ok now I know whats happening
Team SR had the best score overall
Team rockstar though said they had better runs (but not concluded by all 3 judges, just 1)
So complicated
This is a perfect example of why I stay away from doing battles.
In the replay you will see I won the first round/ My opponent spent out & he hit me. SR won his run youll jus tsee im recording.
sr won his lead then jew won his run. at the end the judges said that jew =boy was closer to the clipping point