Technical Questions

  • Thread starter vette_7t9
I was wondering, does the version of playstation hardware affect game performance?

Also, when I'm racing, the road kinda ends short when I wana see further. And I have to move closer to see more ahead. If you get what I mean. Does this happen to all versions of GT2 and PSX hardware?

Help, Im confused! Again........:confused:
You are using chase view arent you? Sometimes when you go up a hill all you see iis the top of your car and road. If you use first person view you eliminate this. Its harder to race with 1st person but when you get used to it it is better:D
I have heard people claim that the older gray-brick PS is a tad slower than the PSOne, but I've never noticed a difference.

Even loading times between the old PSX the PS2 is negligible, from what I hear.