Tell Me What Do You Think!!!!!!

  • Thread starter RallyF1
i received this e-mail from a friend, tell me what do you think:

Why a nun can be covered from head to toe and she's respected for devoting
herself to God, but then a Muslimah does that, she's considered "oppressed"?

Why a Jew can grow a beard and he's just practicing his faith, and When a Muslim
does that, he's an extremist?

When a western woman stays at home to look after the house and kids she's
sacrificing herself and doing good for the household, But when a Muslim woman
does so, she "needs to be liberated"?

Why is it that when a child dedicates himself to a subject, he has potential,
And when a child dedicates himself to Islam, he is hopeless?

When a Christian kills someone, religion is not mentioned, (i.e. Ireland and the
IRA) But when a Muslim is charged with a crime, it's Islam that goes to trial?

But then again, why is it after all that, Islam is still the fastest growing
religion in the world?

Take 60 seconds and give this a shot!

Just for the sake of argument, what do you guys think?
Why a nun can be covered from head to toe and she's respected for devoting herself to God, but then a Muslimah does that, she's considered "oppressed"?
Because with nuns it's voluntary, but that's not always the case with Muslim women. Note that I said not always the case, which means that there are plenty, plenty of Muslim women who decide to do it, and that's perfectly fine.

Why a Jew can grow a beard and he's just practicing his faith, and When a Muslim does that, he's an extremist?
I've never heard that one.

When a western woman stays at home to look after the house and kids she's
sacrificing herself and doing good for the household, But when a Muslim woman
does so, she "needs to be liberated"?
Never heard that one either. I would think it's in reference to the fact that women in Iraq weren't allowed to go to school.

Why is it that when a child dedicates himself to a subject, he has potential,
And when a child dedicates himself to Islam, he is hopeless?
I've never heard that one either. I personally know at least four Muslim kids at my school, and none of them have been described as "hopeless" (though two of them annoy me beyond belief because they're clueless numbskulls, but that has nothing to do with them being Muslim). Omar (aka duo17) is a Muslim, but I don't think anybody's ever called him "hopeless" for being so.

When a Christian kills someone, religion is not mentioned, (i.e. Ireland and the IRA) But when a Muslim is charged with a crime, it's Islam that goes to trial?
No, it's the murderer who goes to trial. Duh?

But then again, why is it after all that, Islam is still the fastest growing
religion in the world?
Why does that matter? Our eucalyptus grows 10 times faster than our joshua tree, but that doesn't mean anything.
Why is it that Muslims can have whole housing estates made for themselves in the UK, yet if Christians had the same thing they would be considered racist.
Never heard that one either. I would think it's in reference to the fact that women in Iraq weren't allowed to go to school.

Just a small thing, but I think you mean women in Afghanistan under Taliban rule?
that is really interesting, i never thought what the other side have to say. very well articulated and reasonable thoughts, and i would like to add that women in iraq where considered the most leberated in the arab world.
and beleive it or not wearing the veil is an option the muslim woman can choose either to or not to wear, at least that's what i heard!!
and beleive it or not wearing the veil is an option the muslim woman can choose either to or not to wear, at least that's what i heard!!
there might not be a law that tells them to wear it but nevertheless they are very often forced to do so in some societys or by their parents...
Why a nun can be covered from head to toe and she's respected for devoting
herself to God, but then a Muslimah does that, she's considered "oppressed"?

Voluntary vs. involuntary.

Why a Jew can grow a beard and he's just practicing his faith, and When a Muslim
does that, he's an extremist?

I haven't heard of someone calling someone else an extremist because of facial hair. I don't think this is true.

When a western woman stays at home to look after the house and kids she's
sacrificing herself and doing good for the household, But when a Muslim woman
does so, she "needs to be liberated"?

Voluntary vs. involuntary.

Why is it that when a child dedicates himself to a subject, he has potential,
And when a child dedicates himself to Islam, he is hopeless?

I wouldn't call a child devoted to Islam hopeless. I'd call him religious. Lots of people devote themselves to religion. That doesn't mean they have to blow themselves up.

When a Christian kills someone, religion is not mentioned, (i.e. Ireland and the
IRA) But when a Muslim is charged with a crime, it's Islam that goes to trial?

Only when the murder was committed in the name of religion does the religion go on trial along with the murderer.

But then again, why is it after all that, Islam is still the fastest growing
religion in the world?

Lack of population control - contraceptives.
On a side note I’d like to point out that this list of questions is rather cleverly designed. I can’t figure out if the author knew that it was bogus, but it appears as if it is intentionally misleading.

The first question is legitimate, nuns and arab women both do generally cover up. The intended response is for people to see it as the same thing and I imagine that many people would see it as the same thing (even though it isn’t). So going in to the second question many people are probably thinking “wow, I’ve been such an ass.”

That’s when they hit you with a similar question but this time the premises are false. Arabs with lots of facial hair are not labeled extremists because of their facial hair. However, if you’re still thinking about the first question, you’ve been loosened up to allow this little slight of hand to go unnoticed.

The third question plays out like propaganda should. It plays another set of true premises against a false conclusion to prepare you for the next set of false premises.

Mixing lies in the facts makes it much easier to get people to buy your questionable conclusions.
Lack of population control - contraceptives.

Dude i hate to tell ya, it's not because they are breeding. LOL
It is just gaining popularity, people are converting. It is a well known fact and commonly cited. I mean in Iran, a Muslim theocracy the government actualy own the largest contraceptives production plant on earth! Don't worry they have PLENTY of condoms.
Dude i hate to tell ya, it's not because they are breeding. LOL
It is just gaining popularity, people are converting. It is a well known fact and commonly cited. I mean in Iran, a Muslim theocracy the government actualy own the largest contraceptives production plant on earth! Don't worry they have PLENTY of condoms

It wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I honsetly don't care about Muslim membership, or Catholic or Jewish for that matter.
I've never heard that one either. I personally know at least four Muslim kids at my school, and none of them have been described as "hopeless" (though two of them annoy me beyond belief because they're clueless numbskulls, but that has nothing to do with them being Muslim). Omar (aka duo17) is a Muslim, but I don't think anybody's ever called him "hopeless" for being so.

You trying to say something?!

Seriously, these questions were obviously set up to make you feel sympathetic to Muslims. Why? I have no idea, but I'm going to agree with Sage on all of the answers.
