terrible news for need for speed fans

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i was looking for info on a new need for speed game just now... and i found out that ea games has just announced that they will no longer be making need for speed games... making need for speed underground 2 the final game in the series...
Ea said that they will no longer make the games because they have accomplished everything that they think is possible in a racing series, from exotic to tuner cars.
so this is very bad news for need for speed fans.
:guilty: :guilty:
Hmm, well if only they made a new Hot pursuit game, that'd be sweet. Anyways, aslong as Gran Turismo lives, a cancellation of a certain racing game won't affect me.
This doesn't make any sense IMO. As long as they keep on making NFS games, they'll rake in the cash. It's an money making business, especially to an company like EA. I don't get it. :confused:
...and i found out that ea games has just announced that they will no longer be making need for speed games...

Ea said that they will no longer make the games because they have accomplished everything that they think is possible in a racing series, from exotic to tuner cars.

Ho man was that funny... April fools or not they should keep their word then! :dopey:👍👍

edit: Just to make sure people know... EA can rot in hell and I'm dead serious about my comment.
Ho man was that funny... April fools or not they should keep their word then! :dopey:👍👍
:ouch: Damn it! I fell for it again!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:
Unfornately, this posted was done at 12:37 AM for me on April 2nd, there fore does not really qualify for April Fool's.

But really, Vip, they are making a new one.
McLaren F1GTR
Unfornately, this posted was done at 12:37 AM for me on April 2nd, there fore does not really qualify for April Fool's.

But really, Vip, they are making a new one.
I know what you are saying, but I think this was the April Fools joke, released directly from the EA corporation.

P.S. It was posted at 10:37 PM for me. 👎
If they don't bring this series back to it's roots (ie. exotics) I will....uh...I'll write them an angry letter. That's what I'll do!!!
Ea said that they will no longer make the games because they have accomplished everything that they think is possible in a racing series, from exotic to tuner cars.
so this is very bad news for need for speed fans.
:guilty: :guilty:
Well, they have accomplished everything, However, i bet EA Games will start something new, Dont worry.
I think after the most wanted they got everything in that game so it will stop I guess. Don't forget that the Need For Speed is already 10years old and Most Wanted is number 9
You know, I loved NFS2:SE, especially when I had a chance to get that in a bundle pack. You can race on a track with cars around, and you can use arcade handling. When I had a much weaker computer, I always wanted to play NFS2:SE. It wasn't until maybe last year when I bought that NFS collection of games with NFS2:SE, NFS3, NFS: High Stakes, NFS: Porsche Unleashed, and NFS: Hot Pursuit. I think this newer direction since NFS3 has kind of been a moneymaker and what EA has done with the franchise.

I still respect EA Games, especially with EA Sports. But when it comes to the Need for Speed series and where it is now, I'm more like, why bother? I actually feel like NFS2:SE was probably the last real NFS game, because the series was all about racing the exotics and great sports cars. It wasn't about testing the waters of the law or whatever as it is now. Basically, I didn't really care because EA wants to take over the world owning rights to everything in known space. I think the original Need for Speed games kind of made a lot of us get into racing exotics. Where else can you race a priceless exotic in a dangerous setting? NFS broke ground in gaming. Nowadays, it's all about damage and online play... just like what GT gamers want for the next GT.

You want to enjoy the old-style NFS? Play an NFS game before NFS3. So that means the first and second ones. Other than that, NFS just has different business to attend to, different cars to attend to, and different styles to attend to. It's like when radio stations change their formats of music.
aww man, my fav series of all time, (excluding the Underground series) is going down.
that sux. i'm sure we all will miss it. :(
People, it was an april fools joke. Check the date of the post. Relax.
Can a moderator please lock this thread so that it is not bumped to the top? The thread was started as an April fools joke, we all know more NFS games are coming out. There is no need to keep this thread alive and cause more confusion.
ah yes an april fools joke which was actually posted the day after april fools day. hmmmmmmmmmm :dunce:
Can a moderator please lock this thread so that it is not bumped to the top? The thread was started as an April fools joke, we all know more NFS games are coming out. There is no need to keep this thread alive and cause more confusion.

I think it's funny that it's still getting people... :lol:
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